We are being invaded by a foreign country
20+ million ILLEGAL aliens are in the United States of America.
Right now in the United States of America, ILLEGAL aliens have more rights than you do!


Help save America | Say NO to Amnesty | Say NO to obama

"There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." --Theodore Roosevelt

"This nation is in danger of becoming a Third World nightmare with all the corruption, disease, illiteracy, violence and balkanization known all over the world. We need a 10-year moratorium on all immigration to catch our collective breath and we need deportation of over 10 million illegal aliens in a slow and orderly fashion." --Ed Garrison

“The 1987 amnesty was a failure; rather than reducing illegal immigration, it led to an increase,” FAIR stated. “Any new amnesty measure will further weaken respect for our immigration laws. Therefore, all amnesty measures must be defeated.” --Frosty Wooldridge

This is your nation and this is your time to take action.

President barry shits on the United States.

This is a picture of YOUR American president, (president barry soetoro, a.k.a barack obama) refusing to acknowledge the National Anthem of the United States of America. This picture clearly shows barry with his hands crossed across his vaginal area when the United States Anthem was playing.

barry has NO RESPECT for you, me, or America! Not only did he disrespect America, he just shit on the graves of every American Soldier that has died for this country.

6/15/2010 - PRESIDENT BARRY CAN'T EVEN KEEP A U.S. PARK OPEN!!! He gave the park to mexico & the illegal alien mexican drug cartel!!!

7/6/2010 - American President barry soetoro sues AMERICA!!!

9/11/2010 - YOUR president just gave mexico $1 billion dollars for deepwater oil drilling despite his own moratorium on U.S. deepwater drilling!? More proof that barry hates America!


1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. A violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. 3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.


1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust. 2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

Pslam 109:8

May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

barry say's, "our borders are safe."


Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.


Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.

What's in their backpacks? Are any of them sick with a contagious disease?

United States Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part VIII, §1325 - "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who: 1) Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or 2) Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or 3) Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact; has committed a federal crime.

Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.




Illegal Alien

1. a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization. 2. a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, esp. a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.


Click here to see the list.

Monday, October 27, 2008

99 illegal aliens arrested, 41 with criminal histories, in Pennsylvania and Delaware

PHILADELPHIA - U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced today that its fugitive operations teams based in Philadelphia detention and removal office arrested 37 fugitives, which included 14 with criminal records, during a targeted operation which started on October 14th and ended on October 26th. During the operation an additional 62 immigration violators were arrested, 27 with criminal histories. All of the arrests occurred in Pennsylvania and Delaware.

"This was a concerted effort by our offices and local law enforcement officials to target, arrest and remove the most dangerous illegal aliens who entered our country and act with blatant disregard for our laws," said Thomas Decker, field office director for ICE Office of Detention and Removal in Philadelphia. "We are a law enforcement agency charged with protecting our community from criminal aliens and the integrity of the nation's legal immigration system."

All together, fugitive operations teams based in Philadelphia, New York City, and Newark, NJ arrested a total of 384 illegal aliens during the 13-day-long operation that commenced on October 14. In New Jersey, of the 145 fugitives arrested, 65 with criminal records. During that operation, an additional 44 immigration violators were arrested, 22 of whom had criminal histories. In New York City, ICE officers apprehended 90 fugitives were arrested, including 46 with criminal histories. Six other immigration violators were arrested, all with criminal histories.

An immigration fugitive is an alien who has failed to depart the United States after receiving a final order of removal from an independent immigration judge, or who has failed to report to a Detention and Removal Officer after receiving notice to do so. People who have illegally re-entered the U.S. after deportation are subject to criminal prosecution or immediate removal from the U.S. The non-fugitive immigration violators arrested during this operation have been charged with immigration violations, placed in removal proceedings and will appear before an independent immigration judge from the Department of Justice.

Their crimes include: Homicide, Robbery, Aggravated Assault with a Weapon, Parole Violations, Possession with Intent to Manufacture or Deliver a Controlled Substance, Knowingly Possessing a Controlled Substance, and DUI. Following are examples of fugitive aliens arrested by the Philadelphia Fugitive Operations Teams during this operation:

A Mexican citizen was arrested in Dover, Del. He was convicted of Murder in the First Degree in Maryland in 2006. This case was presented to the US Attorney's Office, District of Delaware, for the alleged offense of 8 USC 1325, illegal entry.

A Dominican fugitive and former Legal Permanent Resident was arrested in Philadelphia. He was previously deported on September 15, 2004 due to his criminal convictions and he illegally re-entered the United States again. He has convictions for Importation of Heroin and False Statements on a US passport application. He was arrested at his place of employment and the case was accepted by the US Attorney, Eastern District of Pennsylvania for violation of Title 8 USC 1326 Re-Entry after Deportation.

A Nigerian fugitive was arrested in Philadelphia. He had convictions for Aggravated Assault, Simple Assault and Retail Theft as well as Driving with a suspended license, Disorderly Conduct.

A Dominican fugitive was arrested in Philadelphia. He has arrests for Driving under the Influence, Possession with Intent to Manufacture or Deliver a Controlled Substance, and Knowingly Possessing a Controlled Substance.

A woman from the Cayman Islands was arrested in Hellertown Pa. She has multiple convictions for Tampering with or Fabricating Physical Evidence, Robbery, Aggravated Assault with a Weapon, Parole Violation, and Criminal Attempt at Fraud. She will be detained pending a hearing before the immigration judge.

A Belarus fugitive was arrested in Philadelphia. He had 3 arrests for Driving Under the Influence as well as an arrest for Retail Theft.

ICE Detention and Removal Operations, received support from ICE Office of Investigations.

During the federal government's fiscal year 2008, which ended Sept. 30, Fugitive Operations Teams arrested 1,157 illegal aliens in the three-state area covered by the Philadelphia ICE office. Of this total, 849 were fugitive aliens and 257 had criminal convictions in addition to their administrative immigration violations.

ICE established its Fugitive Operations Program in 2003 to eliminate the nation's backlog of immigration fugitives and ensure that deportation orders handed down by immigration judges are enforced. Today ICE has more than 100 Fugitive Operations Teams deployed nationwide to pursue these absconders. In fiscal year 2008, those teams accounted for more than 34,000 arrests, which is more than double the total from just two years ago. As a result of these efforts, the nation's fugitive alien population continues to decline. Estimates now place the number of fugitive alien cases at slightly under 560,000, a decrease of nearly 37,000 within the last year. This is a historic reversal of the previous growth trend in fugitive cases.

ICE's Fugitive Operations Program is an integral part of the comprehensive multi-year plan launched by the Department of Homeland Security to secure America's borders and reduce illegal migration. That strategy seeks to gain operational control of both the northern and southern borders, while re-engineering the detention and removal system to ensure that illegal aliens are removed from the country quickly and efficiently.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

obama Wants 12 Million Illegals to Get Citizenship

A Barack Obama administration would be a “nation killer” if Democrats attain a “supermajority” in the Senate, a leading conservative figure on immigration warned Tuesday.

Obama also has said he wants to make the 12 million illegal aliens in the U.S. citizens as soon as he can — an amnesty program that would make them legally entitled to full government benefits, including Social Security and health care.

William Gheen, president of the Raleigh, N.C.-based Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), says Obama’s plan would make it politically impossible to secure America’s borders. He describes Obama and a new Democratic Congress as a “worst-case scenario” for border and immigration security.

“I would paint that scenario as a nation killer,” Gheen, a former campaign consultant and an outspoken advocate for stronger border control policies, tells Newsmax. “I would expect amnesty to pass within a year. That means in the next presidential election, you will have a new voting bloc of 15 million illegal aliens who turn into voters.

“And that voting bloc,” he says, “especially in the Southwest United States, would be enough to take full control of most city, state, and county governments, thus destroying any future hopes for immigration enforcement or border security.”

Although GOP nominee John McCain has rarely confronted Obama during the campaign over immigration — presumably to avoid alienating Hispanic voters — Obama’s record reflects a clear focus on expanding entitlements to undocumented workers.

As a state senator in Illinois, for example, Obama co-sponsored that state’s version of the DREAM Act, which allowed youngsters in the country illegally to receive in-state tuition. He later supported similar legislation in the U.S. Senate.

During a September campaign swing, Obama told the North Carolina Public Radio station WUNC that the children of illegal immigrants should have an opportunity to attend community colleges.

“For us to deny them access to community college, even though they’ve never lived in Mexico, as least as far as they can tell, is to deny that this is how we’ve always built this country up,” Obama said.

According to the NewsObserver.com, the McCain campaign reacted to Obama’s remark by issuing the statement: “John McCain does not support amnesty or benefits for undocumented immigrants. He has consistently opposed giving amnesty or public benefits to undocumented immigrants.”

Obama, who tends to dismiss discussion of his pro-immigration positions as politically motivated “distractions,” has demonstrated no such reticence to expand entitlements for illegals. Specifically:

  • Obama’s plan for universal health care would include coverage for illegal immigrants, according to political strategist and Newsmax columnist Dick Morris. Morris has warned that covering illegals “adds dramatically” to the cost of universal health care.

  • In March, Obama voted to table a Senate amendment that would support the withdrawal of federal assistance “to sanctuary cities that ignore the immigration laws of the United States and create safe havens for illegal aliens and potential terrorists.” McCain did not cast a vote.

  • Obama supported the McCain-Kennedy immigration reform legislation that was defeated in 2006. Since then, McCain has taken the position that securing the borders must precede immigration reform. Obama continues to support a process to “bring people out of the shadows” and eventually obtain legal status (at which point they would be eligible for the federally mandated benefits available to anyone, such as Social Security). Obama also calls for enhanced border security.

  • The Democratic candidate for president supports, in principle, providing state-funded welfare benefits to legal immigrants. While a state senator, Obama supported allocating state funds to provide Medicaid coverage to some legal immigrants, according to OnTheIssues.org.

  • Obama has supported increasing the number of work visas issued each year, such as the H1-B visa, especially for applicants with specialized skills. According to OnTheIssues.org, Obama co-sponsored, along with New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, a bill that would provide federal funding to help states provide health care and education to non-U.S. citizens.

  • Obama strongly supports encouraging American children to become bilingual and, at one point in the campaign, appeared to suggest it should be mandatory. In June, he voted against a Senate provision that would declare English the national language of the United States. McCain voted for it.

    Edward I. Nelson, the chairman of the nonprofit U.S. Border Control organization, warns that “Welfare and in-state tuition are powerful inducements to illegal immigration, as are free medical benefits.”

    Nelson says his organization has awarded both Obama and McCain an “F” on their immigration and border control policies.

    Gheen says Obama and McCain both would ultimately favor amnesty for illegals, albeit differently.

    “Obama would give in-state tuition and driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, then make them legal,” Gheen says. “McCain would make them legal, and then give them in-state tuition and driver’s licenses.”

  • Friday, October 17, 2008

    Police arrest illegal alien in series of home invasions

    WASHINGTON -- Police have arrested a man in connection with five home invasion robberies that included the murder of a Bethesda woman last month.

    The suspect, 33-year-old Jose Juan Garcia-Perlera of Hyattsville, has been charged with first-degree murder and armed robbery. He was brought into custody on Wednesday, and is currently being held without bond.

    Sources tell Channel 7 Garcia-Perlera is an illegal immigrant who has lived in the U.S. for six years.

    DNA helped police link him to the murder of 63-year-old Mary Frances Havenstein and four other home-invasion robberies that have occurred since September of last year.

    "I am greatly relieved to bring the news of this arrest to our community," Montgomery County Police Chief Tom Manger says. "We know that many of our residents and their loved ones have been living in fear since we first announced our belief that home invasions in Bethesda, Potomac, and Chevy Chase were linked."

    Police say the robberies have several things in common: Each victim was older than 63 and tied up during the robberies; each home had a secluded backyard; none of the homes had an alarm system.

    Havenstein's bound body was found at her home in the 8900 block of Seven Locks Road in Bethesda around 8:43 a.m. on Sept. 4. Police were called to the home after the woman's niece couldn't reach her.

    Dating back to September of 2007, there have been several home invasion robberies in Montgomery County and D.C. targeting elderly residents, including:

  • Sept. 17, 2007 on Maryknoll Avenue in Bethesda. The victim was a 92-year-old woman.

  • Nov. 27, 2007 on Montgomery Street in Chevy Chase. The victim was a 77-year-old woman.

  • Jan. 9, 2008 on 49th Street in Northwest, D.C. The victims were an 84-year-old man and 85-year-old woman.

  • Feb. 27, 2008 on Picasso Lane in Potomac. The victim was a 78-year-old woman.

  • May 7, 2008 on Brookside Drive in Bethesda. The victims were a man and woman in their 70s.

  • Thursday, October 16, 2008

    Illegal alien slams SUV into Lee Road church

    COVINGTON)---Covington Police report that an illegal alien ran an SUV into a Lee Road church and told officers he was trying to teach himself how to drive.

    Covington Police Capt. Jack West says that 48-year-old Roman Mateo Zeferino, an illegal alien showing a Covington address, has been cited for careless operation of a motor vehicle, no driver's license, and operating a motor vehicle without lawful presence.

    It happened shortly after 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 15, in the 1200 block of North Lee Road in Covington. Capt. West says that officers responded to a call where an SUV was reportedly wrecked into the front of a church. When they arrived, officers noted that the driver, later identified as Zeferino, crawled into a rear seat of the vehicle and exited the SUV.

    Capt. West said officers had to locate someone who could speak Spanish to eventually learn that Zeferino was an illegal alien who did not know how to drive. The officers were told by Zeferino that he was teaching himself how to drive, lost control, and rammed into the church. No one was inside the church when it was struck.

    Capt. West adds that even though the state legislature approved a law enabling local law enforcement to detain illegal aliens like Zeferino, jail overcrowding is forcing officers to simply write citations and release the suspects.


    Wednesday, October 15, 2008

    CUSTOMS: Illegal alien used dead man's identity

    An undocumented immigrant is behind bars after he allegedly used the identity of a dead man from McAllen for the past 20 years.

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials said the incident happened at the Gateway International Bridge on Satuday afternoon.

    In a statement released Wednesday, customs officials said they charged Jorge Andres Yanez-Garcia is being harced with making a false claim to U.S. citizenship.

    The 54-year-old Mexican national was the passenger in a vehicle crossing the international bridge between Brownsville and Matamoros.

    Court documents show that Yanez-Garcia allegedly presented a Florida driver's license under the name Roberto Zamarano, Jr.

    Yanez-Garcia was sent to secondary inspection where officials learned his true identity through a fringerprint database.

    Customs Officials said in their statement that they discovered the real Roberto Zamarano, Jr. had died.

    Yanez-Garcia told investigators that he had been living in Bradenton, Florida and had been using Zamarano's papers and identity for the past 20 years.


    Tuesday, October 7, 2008

    Illegal Aliens Charged In Forged Documents Scheme

    HAMILTON, Ohio -- Authorities arrested two illegal aliens Monday accused of making fake identification cards.

    Officers said they purchased a forged Social Security card, Illinois identification card and permanent resident card from two men after an undercover investigation.

    Undercover officers met with Victor Gayton Hernandez, 27, of Delhi Township, and provided a photograph and name for the documents.

    Police said Hernandez handed over the forged documents at a Fairfield grocery store and charged officers $400.

    Deputies followed Hernandez to a nearby trailer park and arrested him, and investigators said he possessed cash and other forged documents.

    Authorities said Hernandez’s cell phone rang repeatedly during the arrest, and investigators said the callers wanted to discuss forged documents they planned to purchase.

    Undercover officers called one of those customers back and set up a meeting, and police said 28-year-old Rosalio Ruiz-Terrones met officers at a Hamilton grocery parking lot and paid $50 for some forged documents.

    Both Hernandez and Ruiz-Terrones admitted to being in the U.S. illegally from Mexico, and immigration officials plan to undertake deportation proceedings against both men.


    illegal alien pleads guilty to sex trafficking minor females

    CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) - An illegal Mexican immigrant pleaded guilty Tuesday in federal court to two counts of sex trafficking of minor females and one count of transporting an adult female for the purpose of committing sex acts for money.

    According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, Jorge Flores-Rojas, took a minor female and an adult from Charlotte to Washington, DC, to engage in sex acts in November of 2007.

    He also admitted to taking another minor female from Washington, DC, to Charlotte and other places for her to commit sex acts for money.

    Each of the victims were illegal women from Mexico or Honduras.

    Flores-Rojas could be sentenced between 10 years to life in prison. His sentencing date has not been scheduled.


    Thursday, October 2, 2008

    Illegal alien arrested at marijuana garden on Six Rivers

    Federal agents arrested an undocumented immigrant from Mexico at a pot grow on the Six Rivers National Forest Tuesday.

    According to a Six Rivers National Forest press release, Andres Hernandez, an undocumented immigrant, was found on site and arrested for allegedly growing and processing marijuana.

    Agents from the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management in August located a marijuana garden near Grouse Mountain and put together an operation that was carried out on Tuesday.

    Agents entered the marijuana garden and allegedly found Hernandez processing marijuana. He was arrested without incident.

    A total of 2,169 marijuana plants were found in the garden. In addition, approximately 100 pounds of processed marijuana was also seized in the raid, a Six Rivers press release said.

    Also found in the marijuana cultivation site were large amounts of trash and supplies spread throughout an area near Mosquito Creek. Most of these supplies and trash are left behind by the growers after cultivating the marijuana, the statement said.

    There is no way to collect restitution for the cost to clean up these areas when growers are in the country illegally, the press release said. Public agencies and local resources are then left with the task and cost of the cleanup.

    Hernandez was booked into the Humboldt County jail on suspicion of cultivating marijuana, possessing marijuana for sale and dumping refuse on public lands.

    Meanwhile, officials with the county Drug Enforcement Unit and the Campaign Against Marijuana Planting, or CAMP, were operating in Southern Humboldt on Wednesday.

    Investigations into illegal grow operations were ongoing in the Seely Creek area, the Woods Ranch area and the Sprowell Creek area. The number of marijuana plants taken was not available at deadline.


    2 Illegal Aliens Sentenced In Large Drug Conspiracy

    Two illegal immigrants living in Tyler were sentenced Wednesday for their involvement in a large drug conspiracy.

    Maria Trinidad Lopez-Brawnt, also known as "Coco," 34, was sentenced to seven years and three months after she pleaded guilty to conspiring with Juan Camacho Calderon, 41, to possess and distribute at least 50 grams of methamphetamine and 500 grams of cocaine.

    U.S. District Judge Michael Schneider ordered her to pay $1 million in cash proceeds and surrender to immigration officials for deportation proceedings when she's released.

    Through a Spanish-speaking interpreter, Ms. Lopez apologized to the judge and others involved in the case. She gave a lengthy speech about her good childhood, attending college and being an accountant in Mexico, losing her husband and finding a new man she said she considers her husband.

    Assistant U.S. Attorney Allen Hurst said she made a fatal mistake falling in love with Calderon, the leader of the drug organization, and became involved in the drug trafficking.

    Calderon has pleaded guilty to the conspiracy and awaits sentencing.

    On Oct. 11, 2007, Calderon told Ms. Lopez he thought someone was following him and told her to gather a kilogram of cocaine, a rifle, ammunition and about $27,400 from his ranch, at 10570 Farm-to-Market Road 14, and hide them, court documents state. Also located at his ranch were two shotguns, two rifles, a revolver and more than 240 rounds of ammunitions.

    Ms. Lopez was represented by Natalie Fletcher.

    Andres Sosa Saucedo, a.k.a. "Llantas,"38, was sentenced to 12 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to possess and distribute more than 500 grams of meth, 5 kilograms of cocaine and more than 1,000 marijuana plants, beginning in 2004.

    He admitted he sold 57 grams of cocaine at his business, Andrew's Used Tires, 6164 Reynolds Road in Tyler.

    Saucedo said two shotguns found on his property were never in his business, which was near his house, and where he sold drugs. He said one firearm given to him in payment for a wheel was broken while the other gun was kept at his chicken coop to scare away dogs.

    Saucedo used an interpreter and told the judge lengthy details of his life. He said he came to Tyler from Mexico 10 years ago with nothing but the clothes he had on and eventually built his tire business. He said he regretted what he did mostly because he failed his family and asked the judge to forgive him.

    Hurst said Saucedo made bad decisions when he got to Tyler and became involved in the drug-trafficking organization with Calderon and other people.

    Schneider recommended he undergo drug treatment and turn himself over to immigration officials for deportation proceedings.

    Saucedo had a telephone conversation with Calderon in which Calderon asked him to find customers who would buy larger amounts of cocaine, but he found none. Saucedo said Calderon talked about horses and colts, but he knew colts referred to cocaine, documents show.

    Jorge Martinez Esquivel, 31, was also scheduled to be sentenced Wednesday but the hearing was postponed.

    In a 37-count indictment, 21 people were charged for the years-long conspiracy. They allegedly obtained meth and cocaine from multiple sources and grew marijuana to sell. They also allegedly used firearms to protect the drug business and sold weapons.

    Several law enforcement agencies began investigating the meth ring in 2005. Dubbed "Operation Thin Ice." The government is seeking forfeiture of cash, guns and six properties.
