WASHINGTON, April 4— President Reagan's Administration, expansively interpreting the new immigration law, plans to offer legal status to illegal aliens who have been harvesting fruit, vegetables and ''other perishable commodities'' such as Christmas trees and tobacco.
The new law prohibits employers from hiring illegal aliens but offers legal status, or amnesty, to illegal aliens who have lived in the United States continuously since Jan. 1, 1982.
Congress, recognizing that many farmers were dependent on illegal aliens to harvest their crops, created a separate program permitting such workers to become lawful residents of the United States. This program, for aliens who performed ''seasonal agricultural services'' for at least 90 days in the year ending May 1, 1986, is more generous than the amnesty program for other illegal aliens. A Broader Interpretation
The special program for farm workers, which begins June 1, will be open to aliens who worked in the cultivation of fruits, vegetables and ''other perishable commodities,'' as defined by the Secretary of Agriculture.
Under the program, illegal aliens who have picked perishables may become lawful temporary residents of the United States. After one or two years in that status, they may become permanent residents, with most of the rights of American citizens. After five years as permanent residents, they may apply for citizenship.
New rules drafted by the Agriculture Department define ''perishable commodities'' far more broadly than expected by sponsors of the legislation. As a result, more aliens will qualify, and intense debate over the wisdom of the new rules is likely in Congress. Commodities Are Defined
The official record of Congressional debates shows that lawmakers intended the new program to provide a steady supply of labor for growers of cherries, grapes, apricots, peaches, lettuce and similar produce that can spoil if not picked immediately when ripe.
But a confidential draft of the new rules prepared by the Agriculture Department defines perishable commodities to include ''Christmas trees, cut flowers, herbs, hops, horticultural specialties, spanish reeds, spices, sugar beets and tobacco.''
Al French, a farm labor specialist at the Agriculture Department, said the reeds were used in musical instruments like clarinets and saxophones.
The draft regulations define ''horticultural specialties'' to include shrubs, seedlings, fruit and nut trees, vines, potted plants, flower bulbs and other ''nursery crops,'' whether grown in fields, greenhouses or containers. Key Part of Measure
The special amnesty program for farm workers was indispensable to passage of the immigration bill. Representative Charles E. Schumer of Brooklyn, one of three Democrats who devised the program, said it was not meant for producers of tobacco or hops.
The broad definition of perishable commodities, like the special program for farm workers, reflects the economic and political importance of farmers, who have lobbied the Agriculture Department in the five months since Mr. Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.
During debate on the legislation, Senator Alan K. Simpson, a Wyoming Republican who was chief sponsor of the bill, said the growers' demands for special treatment were motivated mainly by ''greed.'' But other lawmakers said the growers were fighting for economic survival.
While the eligibility criteria for farm workers seeking legal status are relatively liberal, the standards for other illegal aliens are more stringent than many members of Congress had expected. Hispanic groups and some religious organizations say these standards are so strict in requiring aliens to document five years of ''continuous residence'' that they will exclude thousands of illegal aliens whom Congress had intended to include.
No one has determined how many illegal aliens are in the United States, although estimates by those familiar with the situation range from 3.5 million to 6 million. The Labor Department says experts believe there may be 300,000 to 1.25 million illegal aliens working in American agriculture. Earthworm Producers Excluded
Mr. French, the Agriculture Department official, said that farmers wanted the Government to include livestock in the definition of perishable commodities. But the proposed rules, to be issued later this month, explicitly exclude livestock, poultry, dairy products, cotton, earthworms, fish, oysters, rabbits, hay, honey, horses, soybeans, wool and sugar cane.
Representative Howard L. Berman, a California Democrat, said the exclusion of sugar cane would adversely affect Jamaicans, Haitians and others from the Caribbean who performed ''backbreaking work'' in Florida cane fields.
Farm lobbyists have belatedly discovered that substantial numbers of illegal aliens are employed by livestock, dairy and poultry producers.
C. H. Fields, a lobbyist for the American Farm Bureau Federation, said: ''Nobody knew there was any sizable number of illegal aliens in these segments of agriculture. But evidently there were more than any of us dreamed. Milk Is Perishable, Too
''The livestock, dairy and poultry producers are coming out of the woodwork, sounding cries of alarm in an effort to get included in the program for perishable commodities,'' he said.
Conrad Gingg, president of the United Dairymen of Arizona, said, ''Our cows and milk are every bit as perishable as the fruits and vegetables.''
Under the new law, farmers who need seasonal labor may ask the Government for permission to bring in temporary foreign workers for up to 11 months at a time. But they must show that American workers are not available and that the employment of aliens would not adversely affect the wages or working conditions of Americans holding similar jobs.
The Labor Department has drafted rules specifying the minimum wages that must be paid to temporary foreign workers in agriculture. The minimum would be 20 percent higher than the prior year's average hourly wage rate for field and livestock workers in the region.
Source - http://www.nytimes.com/1987/04/06/us/us-is-expanding-amnesty-program-for-illegal-aliens.html
20+ million ILLEGAL aliens are in the United States of America.
Right now in the United States of America, ILLEGAL aliens have more rights than you do!
"There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." --Theodore Roosevelt
"This nation is in danger of becoming a Third World nightmare with all the corruption, disease, illiteracy, violence and balkanization known all over the world. We need a 10-year moratorium on all immigration to catch our collective breath and we need deportation of over 10 million illegal aliens in a slow and orderly fashion." --Ed Garrison
“The 1987 amnesty was a failure; rather than reducing illegal immigration, it led to an increase,” FAIR stated. “Any new amnesty measure will further weaken respect for our immigration laws. Therefore, all amnesty measures must be defeated.” --Frosty Wooldridge

President barry shits on the United States.
This is a picture of YOUR American president, (president barry soetoro, a.k.a barack obama) refusing to acknowledge the National Anthem of the United States of America. This picture clearly shows barry with his hands crossed across his vaginal area when the United States Anthem was playing.
barry has NO RESPECT for you, me, or America! Not only did he disrespect America, he just shit on the graves of every American Soldier that has died for this country.
6/15/2010 - PRESIDENT BARRY CAN'T EVEN KEEP A U.S. PARK OPEN!!! He gave the park to mexico & the illegal alien mexican drug cartel!!!
7/6/2010 - American President barry soetoro sues AMERICA!!!
9/11/2010 - YOUR president just gave mexico $1 billion dollars for deepwater oil drilling despite his own moratorium on U.S. deepwater drilling!? More proof that barry hates America!
1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. A violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. 3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust. 2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

Pslam 109:8
May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

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Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
What's in their backpacks? Are any of them sick with a contagious disease?
United States Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part VIII, §1325 - "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who: 1) Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or 2) Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or 3) Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact; has committed a federal crime.
Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.
Illegal Alien
1. a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization. 2. a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, esp. a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.

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