20+ million ILLEGAL aliens are in the United States of America.
Right now in the United States of America, ILLEGAL aliens have more rights than you do!
"There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." --Theodore Roosevelt
"This nation is in danger of becoming a Third World nightmare with all the corruption, disease, illiteracy, violence and balkanization known all over the world. We need a 10-year moratorium on all immigration to catch our collective breath and we need deportation of over 10 million illegal aliens in a slow and orderly fashion." --Ed Garrison
“The 1987 amnesty was a failure; rather than reducing illegal immigration, it led to an increase,” FAIR stated. “Any new amnesty measure will further weaken respect for our immigration laws. Therefore, all amnesty measures must be defeated.” --Frosty Wooldridge

President barry shits on the United States.
This is a picture of YOUR American president, (president barry soetoro, a.k.a barack obama) refusing to acknowledge the National Anthem of the United States of America. This picture clearly shows barry with his hands crossed across his vaginal area when the United States Anthem was playing.
barry has NO RESPECT for you, me, or America! Not only did he disrespect America, he just shit on the graves of every American Soldier that has died for this country.
6/15/2010 - PRESIDENT BARRY CAN'T EVEN KEEP A U.S. PARK OPEN!!! He gave the park to mexico & the illegal alien mexican drug cartel!!!
7/6/2010 - American President barry soetoro sues AMERICA!!!
9/11/2010 - YOUR president just gave mexico $1 billion dollars for deepwater oil drilling despite his own moratorium on U.S. deepwater drilling!? More proof that barry hates America!
1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. A violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. 3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust. 2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

Pslam 109:8
May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
What's in their backpacks? Are any of them sick with a contagious disease?
United States Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part VIII, §1325 - "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who: 1) Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or 2) Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or 3) Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact; has committed a federal crime.
Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.
Illegal Alien
1. a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization. 2. a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, esp. a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.

Click here to see the list.

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Illegal alien who injured judge flees the U.S.
A blind person could have seen this one coming.
An illegal alien who caused a crash that seriously injured a Pennsylvania judge has fled the U.S. to his native Guatemala to avoid prosecution. Surprise. Surprise.
How did the alien get out? He boarded a commercial flight in Newark, N.J., and landed safely in his home country, thumbing his nose all the way at the U.S. legal system and our homeland security bureaucracy. Incredible!
A judge issued a warrant for Rigobert Garcia-Ortega's arrest for failure to appear after Garcia-Ortega was a no-show at a pretrial hearing in Montgomery County Court Thursday.
This incident explains why so many Americans oppose the amnesty bill that President Bush and Congress have been trying to ram down our throats. The bill would have given more rights to illegal alients, who currently enjoy protection under U.S. law even though they broke the law by entering this country illegally.
Garcia-Ortega's case is typical.
His lawyer managed to get the illegal alien out on bail after the crash and even got an out-of-county judge to hear the case because the crash victim was a member of the Montgomery County Court.
A new judge was specially appointed to handle the case when Montgomery County judges were recused from handling the matter to avoid the appearance of impropriety, according to reporter Carl Hessler, who filed a story about the fugitive for The Mercury in Pottstown.
Imagine that. We wouldn't want the illegal alien to have to appear before a local judge. Montgomery County must pay for the expense to bring a judge from out of the region so the illegal alien can get a fair hearing.
Too bad the illegal fled the country before his fair hearing could be held.
Here's more information from Hessler's story that will leave you shaking your head:
Montgomery County Judge Thomas P. Rogers, 55, of Worcester, was injured during the 10:11 a.m. Dec. 17 crash at North Park Avenue and Amy Drive in Lower Providence. Authorities alleged a vehicle operated by Garcia-Ortega rear-ended Rogers' vehicle.
Garcia-Ortega, 23, was supposed to appear at Thursday's hearing during which Assistant District Attorney Wallis Brooks was seeking to revoke the $25,000 own recognizance bail that had allowed Garcia-Ortega to remain free pending trial on charges of accidents involving personal injury while not properly licensed and several summary traffic violations, according to Hessler's story.
"The commonwealth's concern at the time we filed the motion to revoke bail was that the defendant would flee the country," Brooks said. "Our concern proved valid when he in fact has fled the country."
Defense lawyer Patrick J. McMenamin Jr. told the judge he wrote to Garcia-Ortega on three occasions in preparation for Thursday's scheduled hearing but that he did not get a response.
However, McMenamin said he received a call Wednesday from Garcia-Ortega's interpreter, who advised that someone had driven Garcia-Ortega to Newark International Airport in New Jersey on June 20 to catch a flight to Guatemala.
"I assume that's what happened," McMenamin said.
McMenamin previously argued that Garcia-Ortega was not a risk to flee, claiming the man had resided at the same address since he came to the U.S. and that he lived and worked with relatives.
But McMenamin speculated Garcia-Ortega may have decided to flee because he feared languishing for a long time in county and federal custody before facing eventual deportation.
McMenamin believes Garcia-Ortega also was aware of news accounts about an Indonesian illegal immigrant who was sentenced this month to jail for driving without a license in connection with a fatal crash on the Northeast Extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike and who faces deportation.
"I think that was of great concern to him. I think at that point in time that is when he probably made the decision," said McMenamin, speculating Garcia-Ortega may have believed that if he was going to be deported anyway he may as well go to Guatemala now.
County authorities plan to contact immigration officials to notify them about the turn of events.
"We would like to see him brought to justice. Obviously the matter is complicated now by the fact that he has left the confines of the United States and he's gone to a foreign country," Brooks said. "It is my hope that no matter how long it takes, be it weeks, months or years, somehow this man is brought to justice."
Authorities would also like to know who drove Garcia-Ortega to the airport. "I think that further investigation might be appropriate to determine exactly what transpired here with regard to this trip to Newark airport," Brooks said.
At the time of his arrest, Garcia-Ortega's bail was set at $50,000 cash. However, the bail was reduced to $25,000 unsecured at a January preliminary hearing under an agreement between police and defense lawyers in exchange for Garcia-Ortega's agreeing to waive the preliminary hearing, according to authorities.
Prosecutors then filed a request to revoke Garcia-Ortega's bail in April.
"We feel we did everything we could by filing the motion to revoke bail and being in a posture to aggressively pursue the charges," Brooks explained.
But a hearing on the bail revocation request was delayed pending the appointment of an out-of-county judge to hear the case.
A federal immigration detainer was not placed on Garcia-Ortega. County authorities speculated federal immigration officials don't necessarily detain illegal immigrants until they are convicted of crimes.
Prosecutors claimed Rogers, who is a former Lower Providence police chief, sustained "serious injuries" in the crash and was unconscious for more than two hours. In a criminal complaint, police said Rogers suffered injuries to the head and hospitalized.
This comedy of errors (actually a tragedy of errors) is exactly why the amnesty bill was defeated in the Senate.
An illegal alien who broke the law the day he entered this country violates traffic laws and injures a U.S. citizens (a judge no less). The illegal alien then manipulates the U.S. justice system to get out on bail and manages to flee the U.S. on a commercial flight.
Maybe we can have a legal scholar such as Sen. Ted Kennedy explain this to us.
Our government won't enforce the immigration laws already on the books. What makes you think adding new laws and making it easier for illegals to become citizens would deal with the problem of having 12 million undocumented aliens living in the United States?
We have to secure the border first, then address the problem of the illegals among us.
An illegal alien who caused a crash that seriously injured a Pennsylvania judge has fled the U.S. to his native Guatemala to avoid prosecution. Surprise. Surprise.
How did the alien get out? He boarded a commercial flight in Newark, N.J., and landed safely in his home country, thumbing his nose all the way at the U.S. legal system and our homeland security bureaucracy. Incredible!
A judge issued a warrant for Rigobert Garcia-Ortega's arrest for failure to appear after Garcia-Ortega was a no-show at a pretrial hearing in Montgomery County Court Thursday.
This incident explains why so many Americans oppose the amnesty bill that President Bush and Congress have been trying to ram down our throats. The bill would have given more rights to illegal alients, who currently enjoy protection under U.S. law even though they broke the law by entering this country illegally.
Garcia-Ortega's case is typical.
His lawyer managed to get the illegal alien out on bail after the crash and even got an out-of-county judge to hear the case because the crash victim was a member of the Montgomery County Court.
A new judge was specially appointed to handle the case when Montgomery County judges were recused from handling the matter to avoid the appearance of impropriety, according to reporter Carl Hessler, who filed a story about the fugitive for The Mercury in Pottstown.
Imagine that. We wouldn't want the illegal alien to have to appear before a local judge. Montgomery County must pay for the expense to bring a judge from out of the region so the illegal alien can get a fair hearing.
Too bad the illegal fled the country before his fair hearing could be held.
Here's more information from Hessler's story that will leave you shaking your head:
Montgomery County Judge Thomas P. Rogers, 55, of Worcester, was injured during the 10:11 a.m. Dec. 17 crash at North Park Avenue and Amy Drive in Lower Providence. Authorities alleged a vehicle operated by Garcia-Ortega rear-ended Rogers' vehicle.
Garcia-Ortega, 23, was supposed to appear at Thursday's hearing during which Assistant District Attorney Wallis Brooks was seeking to revoke the $25,000 own recognizance bail that had allowed Garcia-Ortega to remain free pending trial on charges of accidents involving personal injury while not properly licensed and several summary traffic violations, according to Hessler's story.
"The commonwealth's concern at the time we filed the motion to revoke bail was that the defendant would flee the country," Brooks said. "Our concern proved valid when he in fact has fled the country."
Defense lawyer Patrick J. McMenamin Jr. told the judge he wrote to Garcia-Ortega on three occasions in preparation for Thursday's scheduled hearing but that he did not get a response.
However, McMenamin said he received a call Wednesday from Garcia-Ortega's interpreter, who advised that someone had driven Garcia-Ortega to Newark International Airport in New Jersey on June 20 to catch a flight to Guatemala.
"I assume that's what happened," McMenamin said.
McMenamin previously argued that Garcia-Ortega was not a risk to flee, claiming the man had resided at the same address since he came to the U.S. and that he lived and worked with relatives.
But McMenamin speculated Garcia-Ortega may have decided to flee because he feared languishing for a long time in county and federal custody before facing eventual deportation.
McMenamin believes Garcia-Ortega also was aware of news accounts about an Indonesian illegal immigrant who was sentenced this month to jail for driving without a license in connection with a fatal crash on the Northeast Extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike and who faces deportation.
"I think that was of great concern to him. I think at that point in time that is when he probably made the decision," said McMenamin, speculating Garcia-Ortega may have believed that if he was going to be deported anyway he may as well go to Guatemala now.
County authorities plan to contact immigration officials to notify them about the turn of events.
"We would like to see him brought to justice. Obviously the matter is complicated now by the fact that he has left the confines of the United States and he's gone to a foreign country," Brooks said. "It is my hope that no matter how long it takes, be it weeks, months or years, somehow this man is brought to justice."
Authorities would also like to know who drove Garcia-Ortega to the airport. "I think that further investigation might be appropriate to determine exactly what transpired here with regard to this trip to Newark airport," Brooks said.
At the time of his arrest, Garcia-Ortega's bail was set at $50,000 cash. However, the bail was reduced to $25,000 unsecured at a January preliminary hearing under an agreement between police and defense lawyers in exchange for Garcia-Ortega's agreeing to waive the preliminary hearing, according to authorities.
Prosecutors then filed a request to revoke Garcia-Ortega's bail in April.
"We feel we did everything we could by filing the motion to revoke bail and being in a posture to aggressively pursue the charges," Brooks explained.
But a hearing on the bail revocation request was delayed pending the appointment of an out-of-county judge to hear the case.
A federal immigration detainer was not placed on Garcia-Ortega. County authorities speculated federal immigration officials don't necessarily detain illegal immigrants until they are convicted of crimes.
Prosecutors claimed Rogers, who is a former Lower Providence police chief, sustained "serious injuries" in the crash and was unconscious for more than two hours. In a criminal complaint, police said Rogers suffered injuries to the head and hospitalized.
This comedy of errors (actually a tragedy of errors) is exactly why the amnesty bill was defeated in the Senate.
An illegal alien who broke the law the day he entered this country violates traffic laws and injures a U.S. citizens (a judge no less). The illegal alien then manipulates the U.S. justice system to get out on bail and manages to flee the U.S. on a commercial flight.
Maybe we can have a legal scholar such as Sen. Ted Kennedy explain this to us.
Our government won't enforce the immigration laws already on the books. What makes you think adding new laws and making it easier for illegals to become citizens would deal with the problem of having 12 million undocumented aliens living in the United States?
We have to secure the border first, then address the problem of the illegals among us.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Drunk Driving Illegal Alien, Younger Than Previously Thought
The Immaculate Conception Church in Tyler is where the family of Martha Mondragon and the baby she was carrying were paid their final respects.
The church sits at the same street light, where a suspected drunk driver slammed into their black Mustang Saturday.
Tyler police are finishing up what's been a painstaking process to identify this Hispanic male suspect, who police say is here illegally.
"We wanted to make sure that because of the seriousness of the offense, all the information we were receiving was correct," Tyler Public Information Officer Don Martin said.
Police told KLTV 7, the suspect is 15 years old and lives in Carthage.
His age was indicated on his Mexican birth certificate. Police got a copy of it from the boy's school.
It's because of his illegal status, police have filed an immigration detainer.
"He will be held. He will go through the criminal justice system here," Martin explained
Immigration attorney Natalie Fletcher added, "So [the suspect] would not be eligible for any sort of state bond. Or they can give him the bond but the federal hold will keep him in the [juvenile] detention center."
How long this suspect has been in the U.S. illegally is uncertain. Fletcher said even if his family attempted to file for citizenship, it doesn't happen overnight.
"[The] immigration process is extremely slow. If a legal permanent resident applies for his family from Mexico it takes eight years for the visa to become current," Fletcher said.
Meanwhile, the victim's family knows the funeral is not the end of this ordeal. As the justice system is beginning to take it's course.
We learned 6-year-old Bianca Mondragon, who was injured in that crash, is no longer a patient at the Dallas hospital where she was treated.
The church sits at the same street light, where a suspected drunk driver slammed into their black Mustang Saturday.
Tyler police are finishing up what's been a painstaking process to identify this Hispanic male suspect, who police say is here illegally.
"We wanted to make sure that because of the seriousness of the offense, all the information we were receiving was correct," Tyler Public Information Officer Don Martin said.
Police told KLTV 7, the suspect is 15 years old and lives in Carthage.
His age was indicated on his Mexican birth certificate. Police got a copy of it from the boy's school.
It's because of his illegal status, police have filed an immigration detainer.
"He will be held. He will go through the criminal justice system here," Martin explained
Immigration attorney Natalie Fletcher added, "So [the suspect] would not be eligible for any sort of state bond. Or they can give him the bond but the federal hold will keep him in the [juvenile] detention center."
How long this suspect has been in the U.S. illegally is uncertain. Fletcher said even if his family attempted to file for citizenship, it doesn't happen overnight.
"[The] immigration process is extremely slow. If a legal permanent resident applies for his family from Mexico it takes eight years for the visa to become current," Fletcher said.
Meanwhile, the victim's family knows the funeral is not the end of this ordeal. As the justice system is beginning to take it's course.
We learned 6-year-old Bianca Mondragon, who was injured in that crash, is no longer a patient at the Dallas hospital where she was treated.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
illegal alien caught peeking in windows
LAKE FOREST - A career criminal who returned to Orange County less than a month after he was deported was arrested Monday after authorities say he peeked through a window to watch a 12-year-old boy get out of the shower and then dropped his pants in front of a woman.
Juan Gutierrez Bahena, 28, was deported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement on May 26 after serving time in state prison for drug possession, Sheriff's Department spokesman Jim Amormino said. Bahena also has several convictions for burglary and resisting arrest.
On Monday, a boy said he saw a man watching him as he got out of the shower at a home in the 23160 block of Saguaro Street, Amormino said. The man - later identified by authorities as Bahena - tapped on the window, trying to get the boy's attention, Amormino said. The boy ran to his mother, who chased the man away and called sheriff's deputies, Amormino said.
About an hour later, a man walked out of a first-floor apartment at the Aliso Creek Villas and dropped his track pants in front of a woman. The woman, who had just dropped her 7-year-old daughter off at a friend's apartment in the same complex, called deputies.
Deputies used their Tasers to subdue Bahena after he threatened to fight them, Amormino said.
Bahena, who was arrested on suspicion of indecent exposure and peeping, was flagged for an immigration hold by sheriff's deputies at the Orange County Jail.
Federal prosecutors could charge Bahena with a felony for returning to the U.S. after being formally deported, said ICE spokeswoman Virginia Kice.
Source - http://www.ocregister.com/articles/bahena-70539-amormino-boy.html
Juan Gutierrez Bahena, 28, was deported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement on May 26 after serving time in state prison for drug possession, Sheriff's Department spokesman Jim Amormino said. Bahena also has several convictions for burglary and resisting arrest.
On Monday, a boy said he saw a man watching him as he got out of the shower at a home in the 23160 block of Saguaro Street, Amormino said. The man - later identified by authorities as Bahena - tapped on the window, trying to get the boy's attention, Amormino said. The boy ran to his mother, who chased the man away and called sheriff's deputies, Amormino said.
About an hour later, a man walked out of a first-floor apartment at the Aliso Creek Villas and dropped his track pants in front of a woman. The woman, who had just dropped her 7-year-old daughter off at a friend's apartment in the same complex, called deputies.
Deputies used their Tasers to subdue Bahena after he threatened to fight them, Amormino said.
Bahena, who was arrested on suspicion of indecent exposure and peeping, was flagged for an immigration hold by sheriff's deputies at the Orange County Jail.
Federal prosecutors could charge Bahena with a felony for returning to the U.S. after being formally deported, said ICE spokeswoman Virginia Kice.
Source - http://www.ocregister.com/articles/bahena-70539-amormino-boy.html
illegal alien,
illegal immigrant,
juan gutierrez bahena,
lake forest,
orange county,
peeping tom,
sex crime
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Illegal Alien Charged in 1997 Rape
Wilson, N.C. — An illegal immigrant was arrested Friday morning and charged with a rape that occurred in Wilson 10 years ago, police said.
Jonas Mondragon-Chavez, also known as Jose Oseas Vazquez Baltazar, was arrested in Monroe by members of the U.S. Marshal’s Service Violent Fugitive Task Force and Hornet’s Nest Task Force and officers of the Monroe Police Department, police said.
Mondragon-Chavez was wanted in connection with a February 1997 rape and assault of a woman in Wilson. During a recent investigation, police learned that Mondragon-Chavez had been deported in 1998 and re-entered the U.S. the following year under a different identity and began a new life with family.
He is charged with first-degree rape and assault with a deadly weapon. He is being held in Wilson County Jail under a $1 million bond.
Source - http://www.wral.com/news/news_briefs/story/1524913/
Jonas Mondragon-Chavez, also known as Jose Oseas Vazquez Baltazar, was arrested in Monroe by members of the U.S. Marshal’s Service Violent Fugitive Task Force and Hornet’s Nest Task Force and officers of the Monroe Police Department, police said.
Mondragon-Chavez was wanted in connection with a February 1997 rape and assault of a woman in Wilson. During a recent investigation, police learned that Mondragon-Chavez had been deported in 1998 and re-entered the U.S. the following year under a different identity and began a new life with family.
He is charged with first-degree rape and assault with a deadly weapon. He is being held in Wilson County Jail under a $1 million bond.
Source - http://www.wral.com/news/news_briefs/story/1524913/
donna wilson,
illegal alien,
illegal immigrant,
jonas mondragon chavez,
north carolina,
sex crime,
sex offender
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Illegal alien charged in fatal crash, police say
Law enforcement officials on Thursday said an Ahwatukee man charged with negligent homicide in the car-crash deaths of a family of four is in this country legally.
Haluk Kandas, 30, of Turkey, was described Wednesday during a press conference by Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas as an undocumented immigrant, and that Kandas admitted so during his arrest and booking earlier that day.
But Vinny Packard, spokesman for the Phoenix office of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said Thursday that Kandas is in the country legally, at least for now.
Kandas' work visa expired June 12, but his employer filed for an extension a day earlier. As a result, he can remain in the country pending the application's approval, Packard said.
Superior Court Commissioner Charles Donofrio set Kandas' bail Wednesday night at $180,000. Deputy county prosecutors had urged the judge to deny bail because of Kandas' uncertain legal status. But Donofrio said he had no probable cause to do so.
Michael Scerbo, spokesman for the Maricopa County Attorney's Office, said federal immigration officials notified prosecutors Thursday of Kandas' legal status.
This is the second time in a recent high-profile case in which prosecutors mistakenly thought a defendant was in the country illegally.
Prosecutors also initially said that Cynthia Tureman of Scottsdale, accused of drowning her newborn baby in a bathtub in April, was an undocumented immigrant.
But her attorney convinced a judge she had always been an American citizen.
Kandas' arrest came a year after his car slammed into the back of a mini-van on June 16, 2006. The van was carrying a Chandler family, stopped at a red light on the northbound exit ramp of Loop 101 at Raintree Drive in Scottsdale.
The van burst into flames, killing Leah Walls, 34, Christopher Walls, 36, and their children, Miller, 6 and Mallory 4.
Kandas was uninjured.
Source - http://www.azcentral.com/12news/news/articles/0621kandas0622-ON-CP.html?&wired
Haluk Kandas, 30, of Turkey, was described Wednesday during a press conference by Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas as an undocumented immigrant, and that Kandas admitted so during his arrest and booking earlier that day.
But Vinny Packard, spokesman for the Phoenix office of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said Thursday that Kandas is in the country legally, at least for now.
Kandas' work visa expired June 12, but his employer filed for an extension a day earlier. As a result, he can remain in the country pending the application's approval, Packard said.
Superior Court Commissioner Charles Donofrio set Kandas' bail Wednesday night at $180,000. Deputy county prosecutors had urged the judge to deny bail because of Kandas' uncertain legal status. But Donofrio said he had no probable cause to do so.
Michael Scerbo, spokesman for the Maricopa County Attorney's Office, said federal immigration officials notified prosecutors Thursday of Kandas' legal status.
This is the second time in a recent high-profile case in which prosecutors mistakenly thought a defendant was in the country illegally.
Prosecutors also initially said that Cynthia Tureman of Scottsdale, accused of drowning her newborn baby in a bathtub in April, was an undocumented immigrant.
But her attorney convinced a judge she had always been an American citizen.
Kandas' arrest came a year after his car slammed into the back of a mini-van on June 16, 2006. The van was carrying a Chandler family, stopped at a red light on the northbound exit ramp of Loop 101 at Raintree Drive in Scottsdale.
The van burst into flames, killing Leah Walls, 34, Christopher Walls, 36, and their children, Miller, 6 and Mallory 4.
Kandas was uninjured.
Source - http://www.azcentral.com/12news/news/articles/0621kandas0622-ON-CP.html?&wired
car accident,
charles donofrio,
haluk kandas,
maricopa county,
michael scerbo,
Illegal Alien In Court For Death Of TSU Student
Nashville, Tenn. - The illegal immigrant accused of hitting and killing a young college student was in court Thursday afternoon to face charges.
Tennessee State University student Joycelyn Gardiner, 22, died early Saturday morning when police said Victor Benitez broadsided her car at the intersection of Old Hickory Bloulevard and Nolensville Road.
Investigators claim Benitez was drunk and never even touched the brakes of his Ford Expedition before hitting Gardiner's car.
Gardiner died a short time later at the hospital.
Police said Benitez was driving without a license and doesn't even have the paper work to be in the United States.
Benitez has been in trouble before. In February 2006, Benitez was convicted of car burglary. Then in November 2006 he spent seven days in jail for public intoxication and resisting arrest. And now, the Mexican native faces a vehicular homicide charge.
Tennessee State University student Joycelyn Gardiner, 22, died early Saturday morning when police said Victor Benitez broadsided her car at the intersection of Old Hickory Bloulevard and Nolensville Road.
Investigators claim Benitez was drunk and never even touched the brakes of his Ford Expedition before hitting Gardiner's car.
Gardiner died a short time later at the hospital.
Police said Benitez was driving without a license and doesn't even have the paper work to be in the United States.
Benitez has been in trouble before. In February 2006, Benitez was convicted of car burglary. Then in November 2006 he spent seven days in jail for public intoxication and resisting arrest. And now, the Mexican native faces a vehicular homicide charge.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Track Star Killed By Illegal Alien
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - A Tennessee State University student died Saturday when another driver broadsided her vehicle on Old Hickory Boulevard.
Metro police said 24-year-old Victor Benitez was drunk as he ran a red light at the intersection of Old Hickory Boulevard and Nolensville Road, killing 22-year-old Joycelyn Gardiner.
"Just a tremendous young lady, from all accounts, who had all types of potential," said Don Aaron, Metro police spokesman.
"According to the witnesses who attempted to render aid to both victims, Benitez smelled strongly of alcohol and was very combative," Aaron said.
Investigators said Benitez was drunk and did not touch the brakes of his Ford Expedition before hitting Gardiner's car.
Gardiner and Benitez were taken to Vanderbilt University Medical Center where Gardiner died. Benitez was treated and released from the hospital and jailed Saturday afternoon.
"Because of this crash that apparently involves alcohol by the other driver, her life is lost," Aaron said.
Police said Benitez was driving without a license and that he didn't have paperwork verifying that he was in the United States legally.
"They learned that he is a suspected illegal immigrant, thus, a federal hold was placed on him so he cannot make bond," Aaron said.
In February 2006, Benitez was arrested on three counts of car burglary and two counts of attempted theft. Nine months later, he was arrested on charges of public intoxication, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Convicted on the three charges, Benitez spent seven days in jail.
The Mexican native now faces a vehicular homicide charge. His preliminary hearing is set for 9 a.m. Thursday.
"This is just a devastating story for Tennessee State University," Aaron said.
Gardiner ran track for the Tigerbelles.
Authorities realized Benitez's possible illegal status thanks to a new program that links into the federal data base.
Benitez did have an identification card from Houston, Texas.
Gardiner, a Texas native, planned to attend law school after graduation.
TSU plans to hold a memorial service for Gardiner.
Source - http://www.newschannel5.com/Global/story.asp?S=6676774
Metro police said 24-year-old Victor Benitez was drunk as he ran a red light at the intersection of Old Hickory Boulevard and Nolensville Road, killing 22-year-old Joycelyn Gardiner.
"Just a tremendous young lady, from all accounts, who had all types of potential," said Don Aaron, Metro police spokesman.
"According to the witnesses who attempted to render aid to both victims, Benitez smelled strongly of alcohol and was very combative," Aaron said.
Investigators said Benitez was drunk and did not touch the brakes of his Ford Expedition before hitting Gardiner's car.
Gardiner and Benitez were taken to Vanderbilt University Medical Center where Gardiner died. Benitez was treated and released from the hospital and jailed Saturday afternoon.
"Because of this crash that apparently involves alcohol by the other driver, her life is lost," Aaron said.
Police said Benitez was driving without a license and that he didn't have paperwork verifying that he was in the United States legally.
"They learned that he is a suspected illegal immigrant, thus, a federal hold was placed on him so he cannot make bond," Aaron said.
In February 2006, Benitez was arrested on three counts of car burglary and two counts of attempted theft. Nine months later, he was arrested on charges of public intoxication, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Convicted on the three charges, Benitez spent seven days in jail.
The Mexican native now faces a vehicular homicide charge. His preliminary hearing is set for 9 a.m. Thursday.
"This is just a devastating story for Tennessee State University," Aaron said.
Gardiner ran track for the Tigerbelles.
Authorities realized Benitez's possible illegal status thanks to a new program that links into the federal data base.
Benitez did have an identification card from Houston, Texas.
Gardiner, a Texas native, planned to attend law school after graduation.
TSU plans to hold a memorial service for Gardiner.
Source - http://www.newschannel5.com/Global/story.asp?S=6676774
illegal alien,
illegal immigrant,
joycelyn gardiner,
victor benitez
Monday, June 18, 2007
Hunter: Jailed illegal aliens cost Collier taxpayers $9M
In an attempt to address the number and cost of illegal immigrants in Collier jails, Hunter said the Collier County Criminal Immigration Task Force is beginning to tackle three new components, which should make it easier to identify and ultimately remove criminal aliens from the country.
Hunter was the first speaker at the council’s quarterly meeting at the Human Resources building in the Collier County Government Center.
The purpose of the council, which is comprised of members of the County Commission, the Sheriff’s Office, the State Attorney’s Office and various nonprofits, is to assess the population status of all detention and correctional facilities in the county.
The council also ensures that the capacities of the lockups aren’t exceeded.
“If these people were not here in our country, they would not be in our jail and costing us millions to house and feed,” said Commissioner Fred Coyle, who chairs the safety council. “We’ve been tracking this for over a year. We’ve been concerned about this issue for a long, long time.”
There are anywhere from 11.5 million to 20 million illegal immigrants living in the United States, and an estimated 800,000 to 950,000 living in Florida, Hunter said. If there were an imaginary line between west coast Citrus County and east coast Volusia County, about 80 percent of the illegal immigrants in Florida would live below that line, he said.
About 22 percent of all crime in Collier County is attributed to illegal immigrants, Hunter said. Also, 40 percent of all felony warrants and 60 percent of murder arrest warrants in the county are for illegal immigrants, he said.
Some of that crime is committed by members of violent gangs, like MS-13, Hunter said.
“MS-13 is hiding out in our agricultural populations,” Hunter told the council. “They are trying to blend into the regular population.”
A snapshot of the Collier County jail population on Jan. 24, 2007, showed that there were 283 self-admitted illegal immigrants incarcerated. On average, the jail houses 1,150 inmates.
It costs $24,774 per day to house and feed illegal immigrants in the county jails, adding up to $9,042,444 per year, Hunter said. That doesn’t include the costs for judges, juries, prosecutors, public defenders and other court-related costs.
Coyle said after the meeting that other expenses involved with illegal immigrants cost county taxpayers tens of millions more per year.
“It comes from educational costs,” Coyle said. “There are thousands of students in our schools that do not speak English. The vast majority of them are illegal. There are people clogging up our emergency rooms.
“People who violated our laws to get here are costing us money.”
To cut down on the costs of illegal immigration, the Sheriff’s Office has partnered with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to begin implementing two federal programs that together promise to help reduce jail overcrowding, provide cost savings and promote community safety.
The first, the Criminal Alien Program — or CAP — focuses on identifying criminal aliens who are incarcerated and ensuring they aren’t released into the community by securing a final order of removal before the end of their sentence.
The second program, the Detention Removal Operation — or DRO — makes certain through the enforcement of immigration laws that all removable aliens depart the country.
Three ICE agents have been assigned to the Collier County jail as part of an agency partnership, and Hunter said a number of Sheriff’s Office employees are being trained to perform the same duties.
To complete the cycle, the Sheriff’s Office also plans to implement a third component, an Executive Office for Immigration Review. The immigration review office is within the U.S. Department of Justice, which presides over immigration cases involving detained and criminal aliens and ensures standards of due process and fair treatment.
“Once they’re out of the country, they can’t commit any more crimes,” Hunter said after the meeting. “End of discussion.”
Coyle, who in the past year repeatedly has expressed unhappiness with the immigration system, said he believes the three programs should be a great benefit to local law enforcement.
“I think local law enforcement (officers) are doing the best they possibly can do,” Coyle said. “I think it is the federal government which is irresponsible in their failure to carry out their duties. The federal government has failed miserably and continues to fail miserably.”
Hunter was the first speaker at the council’s quarterly meeting at the Human Resources building in the Collier County Government Center.
The purpose of the council, which is comprised of members of the County Commission, the Sheriff’s Office, the State Attorney’s Office and various nonprofits, is to assess the population status of all detention and correctional facilities in the county.
The council also ensures that the capacities of the lockups aren’t exceeded.
“If these people were not here in our country, they would not be in our jail and costing us millions to house and feed,” said Commissioner Fred Coyle, who chairs the safety council. “We’ve been tracking this for over a year. We’ve been concerned about this issue for a long, long time.”
There are anywhere from 11.5 million to 20 million illegal immigrants living in the United States, and an estimated 800,000 to 950,000 living in Florida, Hunter said. If there were an imaginary line between west coast Citrus County and east coast Volusia County, about 80 percent of the illegal immigrants in Florida would live below that line, he said.
About 22 percent of all crime in Collier County is attributed to illegal immigrants, Hunter said. Also, 40 percent of all felony warrants and 60 percent of murder arrest warrants in the county are for illegal immigrants, he said.
Some of that crime is committed by members of violent gangs, like MS-13, Hunter said.
“MS-13 is hiding out in our agricultural populations,” Hunter told the council. “They are trying to blend into the regular population.”
A snapshot of the Collier County jail population on Jan. 24, 2007, showed that there were 283 self-admitted illegal immigrants incarcerated. On average, the jail houses 1,150 inmates.
It costs $24,774 per day to house and feed illegal immigrants in the county jails, adding up to $9,042,444 per year, Hunter said. That doesn’t include the costs for judges, juries, prosecutors, public defenders and other court-related costs.
Coyle said after the meeting that other expenses involved with illegal immigrants cost county taxpayers tens of millions more per year.
“It comes from educational costs,” Coyle said. “There are thousands of students in our schools that do not speak English. The vast majority of them are illegal. There are people clogging up our emergency rooms.
“People who violated our laws to get here are costing us money.”
To cut down on the costs of illegal immigration, the Sheriff’s Office has partnered with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to begin implementing two federal programs that together promise to help reduce jail overcrowding, provide cost savings and promote community safety.
The first, the Criminal Alien Program — or CAP — focuses on identifying criminal aliens who are incarcerated and ensuring they aren’t released into the community by securing a final order of removal before the end of their sentence.
The second program, the Detention Removal Operation — or DRO — makes certain through the enforcement of immigration laws that all removable aliens depart the country.
Three ICE agents have been assigned to the Collier County jail as part of an agency partnership, and Hunter said a number of Sheriff’s Office employees are being trained to perform the same duties.
To complete the cycle, the Sheriff’s Office also plans to implement a third component, an Executive Office for Immigration Review. The immigration review office is within the U.S. Department of Justice, which presides over immigration cases involving detained and criminal aliens and ensures standards of due process and fair treatment.
“Once they’re out of the country, they can’t commit any more crimes,” Hunter said after the meeting. “End of discussion.”
Coyle, who in the past year repeatedly has expressed unhappiness with the immigration system, said he believes the three programs should be a great benefit to local law enforcement.
“I think local law enforcement (officers) are doing the best they possibly can do,” Coyle said. “I think it is the federal government which is irresponsible in their failure to carry out their duties. The federal government has failed miserably and continues to fail miserably.”
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Illegal Aliens and the Peril of Amnesty
Whether you call them “illegal immigrants” or “undocumented workers”, these euphemisms don’t soften the fact that illegal immigrants by definition are those who have obtruded their way into America against the established laws of the land. Decades of border neglect to indulge the avarice of certain businesses have resulted in the accumulation of over ten million illegal aliens in America. The gravity of the potential harm to our national security and the financial burden this puts on us have gotten panicked politicians to react. From President Bush’s rhetoric to the proposals before the Senate to redress this problem it is clear that the likelihood of amnesty is imminent, even if no one will admit it and instead choose to call it by another name.
American businesses assert that immigration is good for the American economy; it reduces the cost of goods and services and that results in the easing of pricing pressure and better purchasing power for American consumers. Through their generous political campaign contributions they have attained a consensus among lawmakers, thus allowing legal and illegal personnel to enter America and compete with the American labor force. They cited the same sophism when arguing the issues of outsourcing, in-sourcing, and off-shoring American manufacturing and services jobs, and consumers got poor quality of services and products at higher or the same prices while small businesses and corporate American tycoons grew more prosperous. Here we go again, greedy businesses are inflicting harm on America with the backing of lawmakers, the same disgraceful conduct by our elected officials that has transformed our democratic system into a plutocracy.
Proponents of the immigration of foreign workers insist that these foreigners are willing to do jobs that Americans won’t do. That was true at the beginning when they worked as dishwashers in restaurants and the like. But with time they became plumbers, construction workers, painters, roofers, and cooks. They worked for substantially less wages than American workers did and eventually, Americans gave up seeking these jobs since the wages weren’t enough to accommodate a decent standard of living. Thus, Americans were defeated and lost many of these jobs to foreign workers.
According to universal laws of justice no one should be reduced to the need to forfeit his or her God-given right to decent treatment. However, by virtue of being illegal these aliens have abrogated their rights resulting in their abuse. In many instances they have been reduced to slaves, and only a miniscule portion of their abuse and suffering has been revealed by the media while the majority of it goes unnoticed. However, these profligate abuses have been known to our callous and power mongering politicians, and they have ignored the human misery in return for the propitiation of the deep-pocketed businesses who were their political campaign financiers. It isn’t just that they haven’t thwarted the abusive practices but by turning a blind eye they have even made them flourish.
Protecting our borders against the intrusion of foreigners is considered one of the pivotal issues of our national security. The prolonged relaxation of our border security against migrant workers has introduced exacerbated social entanglements such as drug trafficking and attacks on citizens’ property. This has caused the communities bordering Mexico to trade our civil society for the rule of jungle; the government has failed to protect American citizens and so communities have responded on their own. Again, our political establishment has ignored the plight of its citizens for protection and security in order to feed the insatiable greed of business.
When the borders of a country are relaxed against foreign intruders, the inherent evils affect not only the border communities but in time spread throughout the nation indiscriminately. At first the illegal emigrant workers settled in border towns but as has been seen recently they have found their way everywhere including into the heartland of America and even around Capitol Hill where our lawmakers are nested.
Naïve advocates of amnesty maintain that America has always been a nation of immigrants and should remain as such. In response one can argue that America isn’t the same as it was a century ago and that the new immigrants aren’t the same as the old ones. A century or longer ago America was resourceful and needed man power to utilize unfarmed land, and labor to fuel its industrial revolution. But now America cannot even offer a livelihood with decent wages to its own citizens as a result of the transfer of its industries and services off-shore.
Notably, there is by far a great difference between the old immigrants and the new ones regarding creativity, contribution to society and moral disposition. The old emigrants were mostly Europeans and they had one-way tickets to travel to America. They came and assimilated into American society; they became a part of the communities where they resided. Once settled, they ameliorated their living conditions and this was then translated into positive contributions to their societies, of which they became an integral part. On the other hand, these illegal aliens are a financial burden and a drain on the resources of the towns and communities bordering Mexico, and many have become criminals. They have burdened our educational system, exhausted the good will of charities, discombobulated our law enforcement, and overwhelmed our judiciary system. In every way they have been a drain to our communities and their resources.
The amnesty rewards millions of illegal intruders with lawful residency, and though our politicians may call it a step in the right direction for illegal immigrant issues, this will not stop those jumping over the fence seeking their promised land from forcing their way into America. What America needs is not amnesty but better protection of its borders and a severe penalty for those who hire illegal workers.
American businesses assert that immigration is good for the American economy; it reduces the cost of goods and services and that results in the easing of pricing pressure and better purchasing power for American consumers. Through their generous political campaign contributions they have attained a consensus among lawmakers, thus allowing legal and illegal personnel to enter America and compete with the American labor force. They cited the same sophism when arguing the issues of outsourcing, in-sourcing, and off-shoring American manufacturing and services jobs, and consumers got poor quality of services and products at higher or the same prices while small businesses and corporate American tycoons grew more prosperous. Here we go again, greedy businesses are inflicting harm on America with the backing of lawmakers, the same disgraceful conduct by our elected officials that has transformed our democratic system into a plutocracy.
Proponents of the immigration of foreign workers insist that these foreigners are willing to do jobs that Americans won’t do. That was true at the beginning when they worked as dishwashers in restaurants and the like. But with time they became plumbers, construction workers, painters, roofers, and cooks. They worked for substantially less wages than American workers did and eventually, Americans gave up seeking these jobs since the wages weren’t enough to accommodate a decent standard of living. Thus, Americans were defeated and lost many of these jobs to foreign workers.
According to universal laws of justice no one should be reduced to the need to forfeit his or her God-given right to decent treatment. However, by virtue of being illegal these aliens have abrogated their rights resulting in their abuse. In many instances they have been reduced to slaves, and only a miniscule portion of their abuse and suffering has been revealed by the media while the majority of it goes unnoticed. However, these profligate abuses have been known to our callous and power mongering politicians, and they have ignored the human misery in return for the propitiation of the deep-pocketed businesses who were their political campaign financiers. It isn’t just that they haven’t thwarted the abusive practices but by turning a blind eye they have even made them flourish.
Protecting our borders against the intrusion of foreigners is considered one of the pivotal issues of our national security. The prolonged relaxation of our border security against migrant workers has introduced exacerbated social entanglements such as drug trafficking and attacks on citizens’ property. This has caused the communities bordering Mexico to trade our civil society for the rule of jungle; the government has failed to protect American citizens and so communities have responded on their own. Again, our political establishment has ignored the plight of its citizens for protection and security in order to feed the insatiable greed of business.
When the borders of a country are relaxed against foreign intruders, the inherent evils affect not only the border communities but in time spread throughout the nation indiscriminately. At first the illegal emigrant workers settled in border towns but as has been seen recently they have found their way everywhere including into the heartland of America and even around Capitol Hill where our lawmakers are nested.
Naïve advocates of amnesty maintain that America has always been a nation of immigrants and should remain as such. In response one can argue that America isn’t the same as it was a century ago and that the new immigrants aren’t the same as the old ones. A century or longer ago America was resourceful and needed man power to utilize unfarmed land, and labor to fuel its industrial revolution. But now America cannot even offer a livelihood with decent wages to its own citizens as a result of the transfer of its industries and services off-shore.
Notably, there is by far a great difference between the old immigrants and the new ones regarding creativity, contribution to society and moral disposition. The old emigrants were mostly Europeans and they had one-way tickets to travel to America. They came and assimilated into American society; they became a part of the communities where they resided. Once settled, they ameliorated their living conditions and this was then translated into positive contributions to their societies, of which they became an integral part. On the other hand, these illegal aliens are a financial burden and a drain on the resources of the towns and communities bordering Mexico, and many have become criminals. They have burdened our educational system, exhausted the good will of charities, discombobulated our law enforcement, and overwhelmed our judiciary system. In every way they have been a drain to our communities and their resources.
The amnesty rewards millions of illegal intruders with lawful residency, and though our politicians may call it a step in the right direction for illegal immigrant issues, this will not stop those jumping over the fence seeking their promised land from forcing their way into America. What America needs is not amnesty but better protection of its borders and a severe penalty for those who hire illegal workers.
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