VICTORVILLE — A 3-year-old girl was found abused and bleeding Thursday night, and officials have arrested her uncle, an illegal alien, for child molestation.
Salvador Luna, 29, who was previously deported, was arrested on suspicion of sexual abuse of a child and was taken to the Victorville sheriff’s station where he underwent a physical examination, said Detective Ryan Collins.
The victim was originally admitted to Victor Valley Community Hospital around 7 p.m. after her mother found the girl bleeding inside their home on Rockrose Street, said Detective Sgt. Bob Hughes.
“Her injuries were significant enough that she had to be admitted,” Hughes said.
Around 6:30 p.m. the mother, father, the 3-year-old and her siblings were watching television in the parent’s room, a few doors down from where Luna was staying, Hughes said.
The girl went to Luna’s room for a piece of candy, and when she returned, a sibling took the candy from her, authorities explained. The girl again went into Luna’s room, hoping to replace the stolen sweets.
“She is in the uncle’s room for a while this time, long enough for mom to wonder where she was,” Hughes said. “When mom found the child she could see that she was visibly upset. Mom picks her up and when she put her down, now there’s blood all over mom’s shirt.”
The woman took the child to a neighboring home where the resident was a nurse to have the girl checked out. The nurse immediately dialed 911 and advised the family to stay away from the home until authorities arrived, said Karen Hunt, spokeswoman for the Victorville station.
Officials arrived at the home and had Luna in custody in under five minutes, Hughes said.
Luna had apparently changed clothes by the time officials arrived, so the home was closed off and searched for physical evidence, Hughes said.
In 2000, Luna was arrested in Ventura County on suspicion of annoying or molesting a child and sexual assault, said Detective John Wickum. It is unknown whether Luna was convicted, but the family said he was deported shortly after, officials confirmed.
“His criminal history drops off in 2001,and he re-surfaces again in 2006 with a DUI arrest in Victorville,” Wickum said.
Additional information came in that there could be as many as four other family members who have been past victims, but that remained under investigation on Friday, officials said.
Results of medical examinations on both the victim and Luna are still outstanding, but authorities believe they might shed additional light on the case.
“This is like the smoking gun of molestation cases. There are so many reports and investigations where it can take months to get to the bottom of things. It’s rare to catch something in progress and be able to respond and arrest the suspect immediately,” Wickum said.
Anyone who may have information about Luna is asked to contact the Detective Bureau at the Victorville station at 241-2911.
Luna is being held at the Victor Valley Jail on $250,000 bail, officials said.
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20+ million ILLEGAL aliens are in the United States of America.
Right now in the United States of America, ILLEGAL aliens have more rights than you do!
"There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." --Theodore Roosevelt
"This nation is in danger of becoming a Third World nightmare with all the corruption, disease, illiteracy, violence and balkanization known all over the world. We need a 10-year moratorium on all immigration to catch our collective breath and we need deportation of over 10 million illegal aliens in a slow and orderly fashion." --Ed Garrison
“The 1987 amnesty was a failure; rather than reducing illegal immigration, it led to an increase,” FAIR stated. “Any new amnesty measure will further weaken respect for our immigration laws. Therefore, all amnesty measures must be defeated.” --Frosty Wooldridge

President barry shits on the United States.
This is a picture of YOUR American president, (president barry soetoro, a.k.a barack obama) refusing to acknowledge the National Anthem of the United States of America. This picture clearly shows barry with his hands crossed across his vaginal area when the United States Anthem was playing.
barry has NO RESPECT for you, me, or America! Not only did he disrespect America, he just shit on the graves of every American Soldier that has died for this country.
6/15/2010 - PRESIDENT BARRY CAN'T EVEN KEEP A U.S. PARK OPEN!!! He gave the park to mexico & the illegal alien mexican drug cartel!!!
7/6/2010 - American President barry soetoro sues AMERICA!!!
9/11/2010 - YOUR president just gave mexico $1 billion dollars for deepwater oil drilling despite his own moratorium on U.S. deepwater drilling!? More proof that barry hates America!
1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. A violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. 3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust. 2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

Pslam 109:8
May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
What's in their backpacks? Are any of them sick with a contagious disease?
United States Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part VIII, §1325 - "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who: 1) Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or 2) Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or 3) Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact; has committed a federal crime.
Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.
Illegal Alien
1. a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization. 2. a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, esp. a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.

Click here to see the list.

Thursday, August 30, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Illegal alien charged with aggravated arson and aggravated vandalism
General Sessions Court Judge Bob Moon said the man charged with setting a fire in a downtown hotel is "an unwelcome undesirable" illegal alien.
Judge Moon told Bario Gomez, "Undesirables like you are not welcome in this country. You are a Latino terrorist who entered this country illegally and soon plotted significant personal injury and damage to the people and businesses in our community."
Authorities said Gomez is an illegal alien with no proof of identification. Officials also said he gave police a false name.
The INS placed a hold on Gomez, 20, after charges of aggravated arson and aggravated vandalism were filed against him.
Judge Moon told him, "It is undesirables like you who create many unjustifiable problems and prejudices upon the good people who enter this country legally in chasing a dream for a better life for themselves and their families.
"Mr. Gomez, you nor any other citizen from a foreign land has a right to enter this country; you simply have a privilege to enter this country through the proper legal channels.
"You are a domestic terrorist who is an imminent threat to the safety of our people and their property. You are also a supreme flight risk from justice. It is with duty, comfort and ease that I increase your bond significantly in an appropriate amount to insure your appearance in further proceedings and to insure the safety of this community."
The bond was raised from $30,000 to $1 million. The previous bond was set by Magistrate James Purple, which Judge Moon described as "another ludicrously low bond."
According to Arson Investigator James Whitmire, Gomez checked into the hotel with his girlfriend. Testimony by Whitmire and management officials indicated that Gomez placed a toaster filled with matches in a microwave oven in his room intending a massive "delayed burn."
Proof also showed that multiple towels were stuffed into the toilet in order to retard the water supply. The hotel manager testified that the towels were stuffed so deeply that the pipes had to be disassembled to remove them. She also stated that the room was severely damaged and vandalized.
Capt. Whitmire testified that "hundreds of people were evacuated, including children."
He said, "If the fire had established itself many families and children would have most likely lost their lives or been severely injured. Being on the fourth floor, the fire would have been difficult to contain."
Source -
Judge Moon told Bario Gomez, "Undesirables like you are not welcome in this country. You are a Latino terrorist who entered this country illegally and soon plotted significant personal injury and damage to the people and businesses in our community."
Authorities said Gomez is an illegal alien with no proof of identification. Officials also said he gave police a false name.
The INS placed a hold on Gomez, 20, after charges of aggravated arson and aggravated vandalism were filed against him.
Judge Moon told him, "It is undesirables like you who create many unjustifiable problems and prejudices upon the good people who enter this country legally in chasing a dream for a better life for themselves and their families.
"Mr. Gomez, you nor any other citizen from a foreign land has a right to enter this country; you simply have a privilege to enter this country through the proper legal channels.
"You are a domestic terrorist who is an imminent threat to the safety of our people and their property. You are also a supreme flight risk from justice. It is with duty, comfort and ease that I increase your bond significantly in an appropriate amount to insure your appearance in further proceedings and to insure the safety of this community."
The bond was raised from $30,000 to $1 million. The previous bond was set by Magistrate James Purple, which Judge Moon described as "another ludicrously low bond."
According to Arson Investigator James Whitmire, Gomez checked into the hotel with his girlfriend. Testimony by Whitmire and management officials indicated that Gomez placed a toaster filled with matches in a microwave oven in his room intending a massive "delayed burn."
Proof also showed that multiple towels were stuffed into the toilet in order to retard the water supply. The hotel manager testified that the towels were stuffed so deeply that the pipes had to be disassembled to remove them. She also stated that the room was severely damaged and vandalized.
Capt. Whitmire testified that "hundreds of people were evacuated, including children."
He said, "If the fire had established itself many families and children would have most likely lost their lives or been severely injured. Being on the fourth floor, the fire would have been difficult to contain."
Source -
bario gomez,
bob moon,
illegal alien,
illegal immigrant,
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
NJ Changes Policy On Illegal Aliens
NJ Orders Police, Prosecutors To Alert Feds When Illegal Immigrants Are Arrested
(AP) After a review driven by three brutal slayings, the state attorney general on Wednesday ordered New Jersey law enforcers to notify federal immigration officials whenever someone arrested for an indictable offense or drunken driving is found to be an illegal immigrant.
Attorney General Anne Milgram reviewed the state's policy in light of the execution-style killings Aug. 4 of three Newark college students and the wounding of a fourth victim. One of the six suspects was an illegal immigrant who had been granted bail on child rape and aggravated assault charges without immigration officials being alerted to his existence.
While saying she did not want to "Monday morning quarterback" the Newark case, Milgram said that if the policy had been in place when Jose Carranza was indicted on the prior charges, federal officials might have placed an immigration hold on him, meaning he would have remained in custody or bail might have been set higher because of his immigration status.
The killings highlighted the need "to have a uniform state policy on notification to immigration," Milgram said. Before the directive, "all police departments in our state had complete discretion as to if, when and how to notify immigration authorities."
The policy applies immediately to all state and local law enforcement and to prosecutors. It also specifies that police notify prosecutors and courts when illegal immigrants are arrested.
The triple homicide rocked Newark, a city already reeling from a 50 percent rise in the murder rate since 1998, and prompted an outcry over the lack of communication between local authorities and immigration officials.
The fact that Carranza, 28, an illegal immigrant from Peru, was out on bail after being accused of committing serious felonies also enraged some, including state Sen. Shirley Turner, who on Wednesday urged bail restrictions for accused illegal immigrants. The Democratic legislator proposes that illegal immigrants be required to post a full cash bail if they are charged with committing a crime in New Jersey.
A bail bondsman put up $150,000 for Carranza _ the lowest amount recommended for someone accused of sexually assaulting a child _ and he walked out of the Essex County jail in May. Seven months earlier, he had paid $2,000 to get out of the same jail after being charged with assault and weapons possession after a bar fight. He was allowed to put up 10 percent after a judge set bail at $20,000.
Authorities have said they did not know he was undocumented when those bails were set. Those bails have now been revoked, a largely symbolic move because Carranza, a day laborer, is now charged with three counts of murder and is being held in lieu of $1 million bail.
"I often see people back on our streets that I believe should not be back on our streets after they've committed serious crimes," Newark Mayor Cory Booker said. "I would be remiss if I wasn't calling for larger changes and larger reforms in the state of New Jersey and the United States."
Some have questioned whether a policy such as Milgram's could have prevented the schoolyard slayings, and suggested that a tougher approach could discourage illegal immigrants from reporting crimes. The directive, however, prohibits officers from checking the immigration status of crime victims, witnesses or people seeking police assistance.
Milgram treaded lightly on a federal law allowing local police to be deputized as immigration agents. She said that the practice will be allowed in New Jersey, but that deputized agents can perform immigration status checks only after someone is arrested for an indictable offense.
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(AP) After a review driven by three brutal slayings, the state attorney general on Wednesday ordered New Jersey law enforcers to notify federal immigration officials whenever someone arrested for an indictable offense or drunken driving is found to be an illegal immigrant.
Attorney General Anne Milgram reviewed the state's policy in light of the execution-style killings Aug. 4 of three Newark college students and the wounding of a fourth victim. One of the six suspects was an illegal immigrant who had been granted bail on child rape and aggravated assault charges without immigration officials being alerted to his existence.
While saying she did not want to "Monday morning quarterback" the Newark case, Milgram said that if the policy had been in place when Jose Carranza was indicted on the prior charges, federal officials might have placed an immigration hold on him, meaning he would have remained in custody or bail might have been set higher because of his immigration status.
The killings highlighted the need "to have a uniform state policy on notification to immigration," Milgram said. Before the directive, "all police departments in our state had complete discretion as to if, when and how to notify immigration authorities."
The policy applies immediately to all state and local law enforcement and to prosecutors. It also specifies that police notify prosecutors and courts when illegal immigrants are arrested.
The triple homicide rocked Newark, a city already reeling from a 50 percent rise in the murder rate since 1998, and prompted an outcry over the lack of communication between local authorities and immigration officials.
The fact that Carranza, 28, an illegal immigrant from Peru, was out on bail after being accused of committing serious felonies also enraged some, including state Sen. Shirley Turner, who on Wednesday urged bail restrictions for accused illegal immigrants. The Democratic legislator proposes that illegal immigrants be required to post a full cash bail if they are charged with committing a crime in New Jersey.
A bail bondsman put up $150,000 for Carranza _ the lowest amount recommended for someone accused of sexually assaulting a child _ and he walked out of the Essex County jail in May. Seven months earlier, he had paid $2,000 to get out of the same jail after being charged with assault and weapons possession after a bar fight. He was allowed to put up 10 percent after a judge set bail at $20,000.
Authorities have said they did not know he was undocumented when those bails were set. Those bails have now been revoked, a largely symbolic move because Carranza, a day laborer, is now charged with three counts of murder and is being held in lieu of $1 million bail.
"I often see people back on our streets that I believe should not be back on our streets after they've committed serious crimes," Newark Mayor Cory Booker said. "I would be remiss if I wasn't calling for larger changes and larger reforms in the state of New Jersey and the United States."
Some have questioned whether a policy such as Milgram's could have prevented the schoolyard slayings, and suggested that a tougher approach could discourage illegal immigrants from reporting crimes. The directive, however, prohibits officers from checking the immigration status of crime victims, witnesses or people seeking police assistance.
Milgram treaded lightly on a federal law allowing local police to be deputized as immigration agents. She said that the practice will be allowed in New Jersey, but that deputized agents can perform immigration status checks only after someone is arrested for an indictable offense.
Source -
cory booker,
illegal aliens,
illegal immigrants,
jose carranza,
new jersey,
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Suspected illegal aliens nabbed
Maricopa County Sheriff's deputies busted eight suspected illegal immigrants Wednesday in a Glendale house, where detectives were lead during the investigation of a homicide that occurred on Saturday.
The smuggler at the Glendale house was booked on numerous felonies, including kidnapping, according to a press release from the Sheriff's Office.
The case began Saturday from a tip on the Sheriff Office's newly installed hotline where tipsters can squeal on suspected illegal immigrants. The deputies went to a house in El Mirage where they found an illegal immigrant who had been beaten and shot
The smuggler at the Glendale house was booked on numerous felonies, including kidnapping, according to a press release from the Sheriff's Office.
The case began Saturday from a tip on the Sheriff Office's newly installed hotline where tipsters can squeal on suspected illegal immigrants. The deputies went to a house in El Mirage where they found an illegal immigrant who had been beaten and shot
el mirage,
illegal aliens,
illegal immigrants,
maricopa county,
Monday, August 20, 2007
Newark Slayings Fan Hysteria Over an Illegal Alien Crime Wave
When Newark Mayor Cory Booker learned that the alleged shooters in the execution killing of three black college students were illegal immigrants, he did the responsible thing.
He did not finger point a porous border and lax law enforcement for allegedly letting so many supposed violent prone illegal immigrants slip into the country as the cause of the killings. Booker said, and did, the right thing as a responsible public official, and in this case a black elected official, who did not want to arouse public passions any more than they already were over the murders. He certainly did not want to inflame the fragile tensions between black and Latinos any more than they already are.
But others have not exercised the same restraint. Some black talk show hosts and black writers have burned up Internet sites, and sent of floods of emails (this writer got several) with outlandish and reckless charges that the killings were part of a concerted plot by Latino gangs to target African-Americans for murder and mayhem.
Leading immigration reform foes from Center for Immigration Studies to Bill O’Reilly also claimed that state and federal officials are so fear being branded racist that they have turned a blind eye to waves of illegal immigrants who supposedly have unleashed a violent crime wave across the country.
They gleefully add that Newark is a sanctuary city where police are forbidden to ask questions about a suspect’s citizenship status. There are arguable exceptions;the spate of violent clashes between black and Latino inmates in California’s prisons, and Los Angeles county jails last year, the headline-grabbing murders of black teen Cheryl Green last December, three other young blacks in Los Angeles. But there is no evidence that Latino gang members have embarked on a systematic campaign of ethnic
cleansing against blacks.
The second claim that illegal immigrants are uncorking a violent crime wave is easier to sell.
The movie industry and TV series such as The Untouchables, The Godfather, Scarface, Miami Vice, and The Sopranos have long fed the popular image of violent prone immigrants committing wreaking havoc in cities. And there are the endless tales of crime cartels like the mafia, Cuban marielitos, Colombian cocaine cartels, Japanese yakuza and Chinese triads that also spread terror.
The rumors were rife that the alleged shooters in Newark were connected with the Salvadoran Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). This gang has received a lot of press lately as an immigrant drug and murder incorporated.
There is, however, no truth to the claim that illegal immigrants have unleashed a rampant crime wave in this country. There are more immigrants than ever in the U.S. and crime rates here have plummeted.
The plunge has been most notable in the big cities with the largest illegal immigrant populations. FBI figures show big drops in property crimes and violent crimes, particularly the homicide rates, during the past decade. The sole exception to this has been a spike up in black on black homicides. Few of the killers here are illegal immigrants.
Illegal immigrants whether juvenile or adult are far less likely to be incarcerated than native born Americans. That includes native born Latinos. But facts never got in the way of a good politically driven scare tactic to turn public opinion against any sort of meaningful immigration reform. It’s heartbreaking to see the falsehood about an illegal immigrant crim wave masquerade as fact in the Newark slayings.
Apart from the incidents of Latino on black violence cited earlier, and the Newark murders, black and Latino relations have not been marred by violence. Most of the violence in urban areas, and that includes Newark, have been black on black or Latino on Latino.
There is no evidence that the Newark killings were anything other than a random robbery attempt gone bad. Yet, the not-so-subtle inference that the killings are part of a targeted plot comes at a time when more blacks continue to voice fears that illegal immigrants are muscling them out of jobs, and competing for scare resources in health, public services and public schools. With 1930’s depression era levels of unemployment among young black males, and blacks making up more than nearly half of America’s record 2 million plus jail population, this is a concern that can’t be ignored.
The Newark slayings fuel fears among many blacks that they are losing ground to illegal immigrants and under siege from violent street gangs such as the Mexican Mafia and MS-13. The relatives of the three students gunned down in Newark demanded to know how one of the suspected shooters was back on a street with prior felony arrests. This is a legitimate question. They’re owed an answer. But they - and Booker - did the right thing by to not blame the death of their loved ones on bad immigration policies, or worse, feed the myth that illegal immigrants are America’s new gangsters. The pity is that others haven’t done the same.
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He did not finger point a porous border and lax law enforcement for allegedly letting so many supposed violent prone illegal immigrants slip into the country as the cause of the killings. Booker said, and did, the right thing as a responsible public official, and in this case a black elected official, who did not want to arouse public passions any more than they already were over the murders. He certainly did not want to inflame the fragile tensions between black and Latinos any more than they already are.
But others have not exercised the same restraint. Some black talk show hosts and black writers have burned up Internet sites, and sent of floods of emails (this writer got several) with outlandish and reckless charges that the killings were part of a concerted plot by Latino gangs to target African-Americans for murder and mayhem.
Leading immigration reform foes from Center for Immigration Studies to Bill O’Reilly also claimed that state and federal officials are so fear being branded racist that they have turned a blind eye to waves of illegal immigrants who supposedly have unleashed a violent crime wave across the country.
They gleefully add that Newark is a sanctuary city where police are forbidden to ask questions about a suspect’s citizenship status. There are arguable exceptions;the spate of violent clashes between black and Latino inmates in California’s prisons, and Los Angeles county jails last year, the headline-grabbing murders of black teen Cheryl Green last December, three other young blacks in Los Angeles. But there is no evidence that Latino gang members have embarked on a systematic campaign of ethnic
cleansing against blacks.
The second claim that illegal immigrants are uncorking a violent crime wave is easier to sell.
The movie industry and TV series such as The Untouchables, The Godfather, Scarface, Miami Vice, and The Sopranos have long fed the popular image of violent prone immigrants committing wreaking havoc in cities. And there are the endless tales of crime cartels like the mafia, Cuban marielitos, Colombian cocaine cartels, Japanese yakuza and Chinese triads that also spread terror.
The rumors were rife that the alleged shooters in Newark were connected with the Salvadoran Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). This gang has received a lot of press lately as an immigrant drug and murder incorporated.
There is, however, no truth to the claim that illegal immigrants have unleashed a rampant crime wave in this country. There are more immigrants than ever in the U.S. and crime rates here have plummeted.
The plunge has been most notable in the big cities with the largest illegal immigrant populations. FBI figures show big drops in property crimes and violent crimes, particularly the homicide rates, during the past decade. The sole exception to this has been a spike up in black on black homicides. Few of the killers here are illegal immigrants.
Illegal immigrants whether juvenile or adult are far less likely to be incarcerated than native born Americans. That includes native born Latinos. But facts never got in the way of a good politically driven scare tactic to turn public opinion against any sort of meaningful immigration reform. It’s heartbreaking to see the falsehood about an illegal immigrant crim wave masquerade as fact in the Newark slayings.
Apart from the incidents of Latino on black violence cited earlier, and the Newark murders, black and Latino relations have not been marred by violence. Most of the violence in urban areas, and that includes Newark, have been black on black or Latino on Latino.
There is no evidence that the Newark killings were anything other than a random robbery attempt gone bad. Yet, the not-so-subtle inference that the killings are part of a targeted plot comes at a time when more blacks continue to voice fears that illegal immigrants are muscling them out of jobs, and competing for scare resources in health, public services and public schools. With 1930’s depression era levels of unemployment among young black males, and blacks making up more than nearly half of America’s record 2 million plus jail population, this is a concern that can’t be ignored.
The Newark slayings fuel fears among many blacks that they are losing ground to illegal immigrants and under siege from violent street gangs such as the Mexican Mafia and MS-13. The relatives of the three students gunned down in Newark demanded to know how one of the suspected shooters was back on a street with prior felony arrests. This is a legitimate question. They’re owed an answer. But they - and Booker - did the right thing by to not blame the death of their loved ones on bad immigration policies, or worse, feed the myth that illegal immigrants are America’s new gangsters. The pity is that others haven’t done the same.
Source -
bill o'reilly,
cory booker,
illegal aliens,
illegal immigrants,
Sunday, August 19, 2007
A Fearsome Illegal Alien Gang and Its Wannabes
THE grim execution-style shootings that killed three college students in a Newark schoolyard two weeks ago bore many hallmarks of gangland slayings, and the culprits clearly wanted it that way.
Three of the four victims, two women and two young men aged 18 to 20, were forced to kneel facing a wall before being shot in the head. Both women, one of whom survived, were slashed in the face with a machete or knife. And the MySpace page of one of the six suspects, a 16-year-old who is still at large, pays loving homage to one of the country’s most feared and hyped gangs: La Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, a Central American gang that has become synonymous with bloodthirstiness.
The authorities in Newark swiftly noted that they had found no evidence linking the suspects to MS-13, or any other gang. “There’s a difference between a gang member and a wannabe,” Newark’s police director, Garry F. McCarthy, said last week in an interview with The New York Times.
Still, the possible connection gained a lot of attention. Be they real or imagined, the teenager’s ties to MS-13 underscored the potency of the gang’s name. MS-13’s notoriety has exploded in recent years, fanned by bone-chilling reports of its machete attacks, beheadings and the fatal stabbing of a pregnant teenager, as well as menacing photos of its members, their faces and torsos inked with tattoos. Newsweek christened MS-13 “The Most Dangerous Gang in America,” and National Geographic Explorer upped the ante with its documentary about MS-13, “The World’s Most Dangerous Gang.”
But in a way, the intense focus on MS-13 adds to its mystique and potency, providing a dangerous model for teenagers looking for trouble.
MS-13 was formed in Los Angeles in the 1980s by refugees from El Salvador, and the F.B.I. estimates the gang now has 10,000 members operating in cells or “cliques” in 42 states and an additional 50,000 members in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. Like other gangs, MS-13 initiates members by beating them. In 2004, the F.B.I. created the MS-13 National Gang Force to respond, the agency said, to the gang’s growing threat.
“MS-13 has the unique, unfortunate ability to replicate themselves in similar ways across the United States, exactly like a virus,” said Brian Truchon, the director of the task force. “It is known for its ability to operate between borders, to effectively communicate and move between Central America and the U.S.”
But critics question whether the federal government is overstating the gang’s reach. According to F.B.I. estimates, other gangs have far more members nationally. For instance, the agency puts membership in the 18th Street gang somewhere between 30,000 and 50,000; the Bloods at between 15,000 to 20,000, and the Gangster Disciples at between 50,000 to 100,000.
In February, a report by the Washington Office on Latin America, a nonprofit advocacy group, and the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico found few if any links between MS-13 members in Washington, D.C., and Central America and Mexico. Connie McGuire, the research and outreach coordinator of the nonprofit group, said there was no evidence of any organized network among far-flung members.
“Obviously there are individuals who need to be taken seriously who are committing serious crimes,” Ms. McGuire said. “But there’s been this portrayal of gangs as a menace that is spreading all over the continent.”
“From our understanding, that’s not the general trend,” she said.
Alex Alonso, an academic who tracks gangs in Los Angeles and runs the Web site, says all the attention on MS-13 has only added to the gang’s mystique. As a result, Mr. Alonso says, MS-13 has displaced the Bloods and the Crips in the popular imagination, prompting copycat gangs to form. If you’re a rebellious 15-year-old yearning to join a gang, Mr. Alonso said, what could be more alluring than becoming part of the one that has been anointed the most dangerous in the country, or indeed the world?
“The feds are linking little gangs in places like South Dakota to a national network, when the kids probably never met MS-13 people,” Mr. Alonso said. “All they did was go on the Internet or to a magazine or newspaper and say, ‘That’s the gang we are.’ ”
And while insisting they do not dismiss the violence MS-13 has wrought, both Ms. McGuire and Mr. Alonso also claim that the heightened focus on the gang and other transnational gangs is related to the immigration debate.
“These gangs, and the way they are visually, make a really scary image of an ‘illegal immigrant,’ ” Ms. McGuire said. “It’s not a coincidence that in this moment of all these tensions around immigration issues that there are new policies about transnational gangs.”
But Mr. Truchon countered that the F.B.I. task force was formed before the federal government’s wrangling over the immigration bill came to a boil. And many MS-13 members are second- and third-generation immigrants, he said, and in the United States legally.
“Even if you shut the border tomorrow, what are you going to do about the ones that are here?” he said.
Certainly there is brutality. In two attacks in Fairfax County, Va., MS-13 members severed the fingers of two rival gang members. In 2003, members stabbed to death a pregnant 17-year old, Brenda Paz, on the banks of the Shenandoah River after discovering she was a federal informer.
Tales of MS-13 violence are even more gruesome in Central America, where gang members have been linked to beheadings, mutilations and the spraying of bus passengers with bullets.
Law enforcement authorities say there are proven connections between MS-13 cliques, both inside the country and out. In June, two MS-13 members were indicted for ordering murders in the United States from their cells in a Salvadoran prison. On Long Island in 2004, efforts were made to unite various cliques from the East and West Coasts, according to Robert Hard, a supervisory senior resident agent with the F.B.I.
The plans were disrupted, he said, after key members received various convictions. Also on Long Island, local cliques often convene for large meetings, called “universals,” said Michael Bolitho, a detective sergeant who investigates gangs with the Nassau County police.
Such findings, Mr. Truchon said, show that MS-13 merits all the federal and international scrutiny the gang is getting. It recently got more, when the White House announced that various federal agencies would be working with governments to the south.
“Even if there is some hyperbole built in, it’s a group that is dangerous and has to have someone looking at it,” Mr. Truchon said. “Are we adding to it? Maybe. But I don’t think we have any other options.”
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Three of the four victims, two women and two young men aged 18 to 20, were forced to kneel facing a wall before being shot in the head. Both women, one of whom survived, were slashed in the face with a machete or knife. And the MySpace page of one of the six suspects, a 16-year-old who is still at large, pays loving homage to one of the country’s most feared and hyped gangs: La Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, a Central American gang that has become synonymous with bloodthirstiness.
The authorities in Newark swiftly noted that they had found no evidence linking the suspects to MS-13, or any other gang. “There’s a difference between a gang member and a wannabe,” Newark’s police director, Garry F. McCarthy, said last week in an interview with The New York Times.
Still, the possible connection gained a lot of attention. Be they real or imagined, the teenager’s ties to MS-13 underscored the potency of the gang’s name. MS-13’s notoriety has exploded in recent years, fanned by bone-chilling reports of its machete attacks, beheadings and the fatal stabbing of a pregnant teenager, as well as menacing photos of its members, their faces and torsos inked with tattoos. Newsweek christened MS-13 “The Most Dangerous Gang in America,” and National Geographic Explorer upped the ante with its documentary about MS-13, “The World’s Most Dangerous Gang.”
But in a way, the intense focus on MS-13 adds to its mystique and potency, providing a dangerous model for teenagers looking for trouble.
MS-13 was formed in Los Angeles in the 1980s by refugees from El Salvador, and the F.B.I. estimates the gang now has 10,000 members operating in cells or “cliques” in 42 states and an additional 50,000 members in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. Like other gangs, MS-13 initiates members by beating them. In 2004, the F.B.I. created the MS-13 National Gang Force to respond, the agency said, to the gang’s growing threat.
“MS-13 has the unique, unfortunate ability to replicate themselves in similar ways across the United States, exactly like a virus,” said Brian Truchon, the director of the task force. “It is known for its ability to operate between borders, to effectively communicate and move between Central America and the U.S.”
But critics question whether the federal government is overstating the gang’s reach. According to F.B.I. estimates, other gangs have far more members nationally. For instance, the agency puts membership in the 18th Street gang somewhere between 30,000 and 50,000; the Bloods at between 15,000 to 20,000, and the Gangster Disciples at between 50,000 to 100,000.
In February, a report by the Washington Office on Latin America, a nonprofit advocacy group, and the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico found few if any links between MS-13 members in Washington, D.C., and Central America and Mexico. Connie McGuire, the research and outreach coordinator of the nonprofit group, said there was no evidence of any organized network among far-flung members.
“Obviously there are individuals who need to be taken seriously who are committing serious crimes,” Ms. McGuire said. “But there’s been this portrayal of gangs as a menace that is spreading all over the continent.”
“From our understanding, that’s not the general trend,” she said.
Alex Alonso, an academic who tracks gangs in Los Angeles and runs the Web site, says all the attention on MS-13 has only added to the gang’s mystique. As a result, Mr. Alonso says, MS-13 has displaced the Bloods and the Crips in the popular imagination, prompting copycat gangs to form. If you’re a rebellious 15-year-old yearning to join a gang, Mr. Alonso said, what could be more alluring than becoming part of the one that has been anointed the most dangerous in the country, or indeed the world?
“The feds are linking little gangs in places like South Dakota to a national network, when the kids probably never met MS-13 people,” Mr. Alonso said. “All they did was go on the Internet or to a magazine or newspaper and say, ‘That’s the gang we are.’ ”
And while insisting they do not dismiss the violence MS-13 has wrought, both Ms. McGuire and Mr. Alonso also claim that the heightened focus on the gang and other transnational gangs is related to the immigration debate.
“These gangs, and the way they are visually, make a really scary image of an ‘illegal immigrant,’ ” Ms. McGuire said. “It’s not a coincidence that in this moment of all these tensions around immigration issues that there are new policies about transnational gangs.”
But Mr. Truchon countered that the F.B.I. task force was formed before the federal government’s wrangling over the immigration bill came to a boil. And many MS-13 members are second- and third-generation immigrants, he said, and in the United States legally.
“Even if you shut the border tomorrow, what are you going to do about the ones that are here?” he said.
Certainly there is brutality. In two attacks in Fairfax County, Va., MS-13 members severed the fingers of two rival gang members. In 2003, members stabbed to death a pregnant 17-year old, Brenda Paz, on the banks of the Shenandoah River after discovering she was a federal informer.
Tales of MS-13 violence are even more gruesome in Central America, where gang members have been linked to beheadings, mutilations and the spraying of bus passengers with bullets.
Law enforcement authorities say there are proven connections between MS-13 cliques, both inside the country and out. In June, two MS-13 members were indicted for ordering murders in the United States from their cells in a Salvadoran prison. On Long Island in 2004, efforts were made to unite various cliques from the East and West Coasts, according to Robert Hard, a supervisory senior resident agent with the F.B.I.
The plans were disrupted, he said, after key members received various convictions. Also on Long Island, local cliques often convene for large meetings, called “universals,” said Michael Bolitho, a detective sergeant who investigates gangs with the Nassau County police.
Such findings, Mr. Truchon said, show that MS-13 merits all the federal and international scrutiny the gang is getting. It recently got more, when the White House announced that various federal agencies would be working with governments to the south.
“Even if there is some hyperbole built in, it’s a group that is dangerous and has to have someone looking at it,” Mr. Truchon said. “Are we adding to it? Maybe. But I don’t think we have any other options.”
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brian truchon,
garry f mccarthy,
illegal aliens,
illegal immigrants,
Newark Triple Murder Fuels Debate on Treatment of Illegal Aliens
NEWARK, Aug. 17 — The radio advertisement, released after the killings of three young people here, starts with a few notes of music and an anonymous voice-over before Rudolph W. Giuliani speaks.
“It frustrates me that if someone comes here illegally,” Mr. Giuliani says as the music swells, “if they commit a crime, we don’t throw them out of the country.”
Among the motivations for the 60-second spot, part of Mr. Giuliani’s presidential campaign, was the revelation that a suspect in the Newark shootings, Jose Lachira Carranza, is an illegal immigrant from Peru who could have been detained by federal immigration authorities after he was arrested three times on criminal charges.
A national chorus reacted with horror to the Aug. 4 killings at a playground here, and Mr. Giuliani’s advertisement speaks for a prominent subset: those who have cited the shooting deaths to bolster their argument that the criminal justice system treats illegal immigrants too leniently.
Besides Mr. Giuliani, the former mayor and Republican presidential candidate, the critics have included Newt Gingrich, the former Republican House speaker. (“Far more Americans are being killed by violent, evil people here in America than in our official military ‘combat zones’ overseas,” he wrote in the National Review.)
And Representative Tom Tancredo, Republican of Colorado, is bringing his immigration-themed presidential campaign here on Monday for a news conference “to denounce the sanctuary city policy of Newark.”
Some of the loudest arguments have been over whether local law enforcement officials should check the immigration status of people they arrest and then report those who are here illegally to the federal authorities.
The question has become a flashpoint for municipal officials who are grappling with immigration. Some of them say routine immigration checks are among the few tools they have to deal with what is largely a federal issue. Others herald their cities as immigrant sanctuaries.
The mayor of Newark, Cory A. Booker, has tried to keep the public discussion focused on his main goal: reducing the crime rate. Mr. Booker said he was frustrated that Mr. Carranza had been freed, but, responding to the debate surrounding the suspect’s illegal status, has come out firmly against involving city police in immigration matters.
He said such a role would hurt relationships with what he called “the most marginalized and vulnerable people within our community.”
“My Police Department does not play an I.N.S. function,” Mr. Booker said. “We are not to be running around doing interrogations about whether someone is documented or not.”
Two reviews — one by New Jersey’s attorney general, the other by a retired judge appointed by the state’s chief justice — are looking at Mr. Carranza’s journey through the criminal justice system and examining whether mistakes were made; the immigration question is only one factor.
Mr. Carranza was first arrested in October 2006, in West Orange, N.J., on aggravated assault charges after a bar fight, and again twice earlier this year on charges that he raped a child in his care. After the October arrest, he was freed on $20,000 bail.
After the second arrest, in Orange, N.J., bail was set at $150,000, and Mr. Carranza was freed after posting it through a bondsman. Arrested again in May, in Newark, on additional sexual assault charges in the child rape case, bail was set at $300,000 but then lowered to $150,000, which Mr. Carranza had already posted.
In neither case did the arresting officers report Mr. Carranza’s immigration status to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement center that acts as a liaison with local officers. Neither did the prosecutors who were handling the two cases; their policy is to contact the immigration service only when cases are completed.
James M. Porfido, a former Morris County prosecutor who ran the county’s sex crimes unit and who is now a criminal defense lawyer, said that while the most violent offenders were usually held without bail, several of his clients who had been charged with first-degree sexual assault — as Mr. Carranza was — were held without bail.
Of Mr. Carranza, he said, “If I’m the prosecutor, he’s not going anywhere.”
It was only after his arrest on murder charges on Aug. 9 that Mr. Carranza’s immigration status was reported. After an employee in the Essex County Sheriff’s Office learned that Mr. Carranza’s Social Security number was fake, the immigration service issued a “detainer,” which gave federal agents the right to hold Mr. Carranza if and when local officials set him free.
The Carranza case involves two distinct issues: the release of Mr. Carranza on bail and the fact that local authorities did not notify federal officials about his immigration status. Gov. Jon S. Corzine of New Jersey has tried to untangle the issues.
“The issue of proactive immigration law enforcement is different than how you might deal with an individual that is, for some other reason, in the criminal justice system,” Mr. Corzine said at a news conference last week with Mr. Booker.
The debate, the governor added, is whether the Newark police should “be having people out enforcing the immigration laws and jamming the jails even more than what we have now, versus the issue of when someone has committed a felony and you have them in custody checking out their documentation.”
Asked whether the state would start checking immigration status, Mr. Corzine deferred to his attorney general, Anne Milgram. She has said that she will speak publicly about the issue soon.
In the New York City area, some leaders — including the mayor of Morristown, N.J. — have embraced a federal program known as 287 (g). The program, named for a section of the 1996 Immigration and Nationality Act, allows local officers to be deputized as immigration agents.
In other cities, mayors have moved in the opposite direction, formally declaring that local officials, including the police, will not ask about immigration status.
In Newark, the Municipal Council has adopted a nonbinding resolution that commits the city to being a “sanctuary” for immigrants.
But since the shootings, Ronald C. Rice, a councilman who is allied with Mr. Booker, has proposed an ordinance that would require the police to contact federal authorities about illegal immigrants in custody.
“It frustrates me that if someone comes here illegally,” Mr. Giuliani says as the music swells, “if they commit a crime, we don’t throw them out of the country.”
Among the motivations for the 60-second spot, part of Mr. Giuliani’s presidential campaign, was the revelation that a suspect in the Newark shootings, Jose Lachira Carranza, is an illegal immigrant from Peru who could have been detained by federal immigration authorities after he was arrested three times on criminal charges.
A national chorus reacted with horror to the Aug. 4 killings at a playground here, and Mr. Giuliani’s advertisement speaks for a prominent subset: those who have cited the shooting deaths to bolster their argument that the criminal justice system treats illegal immigrants too leniently.
Besides Mr. Giuliani, the former mayor and Republican presidential candidate, the critics have included Newt Gingrich, the former Republican House speaker. (“Far more Americans are being killed by violent, evil people here in America than in our official military ‘combat zones’ overseas,” he wrote in the National Review.)
And Representative Tom Tancredo, Republican of Colorado, is bringing his immigration-themed presidential campaign here on Monday for a news conference “to denounce the sanctuary city policy of Newark.”
Some of the loudest arguments have been over whether local law enforcement officials should check the immigration status of people they arrest and then report those who are here illegally to the federal authorities.
The question has become a flashpoint for municipal officials who are grappling with immigration. Some of them say routine immigration checks are among the few tools they have to deal with what is largely a federal issue. Others herald their cities as immigrant sanctuaries.
The mayor of Newark, Cory A. Booker, has tried to keep the public discussion focused on his main goal: reducing the crime rate. Mr. Booker said he was frustrated that Mr. Carranza had been freed, but, responding to the debate surrounding the suspect’s illegal status, has come out firmly against involving city police in immigration matters.
He said such a role would hurt relationships with what he called “the most marginalized and vulnerable people within our community.”
“My Police Department does not play an I.N.S. function,” Mr. Booker said. “We are not to be running around doing interrogations about whether someone is documented or not.”
Two reviews — one by New Jersey’s attorney general, the other by a retired judge appointed by the state’s chief justice — are looking at Mr. Carranza’s journey through the criminal justice system and examining whether mistakes were made; the immigration question is only one factor.
Mr. Carranza was first arrested in October 2006, in West Orange, N.J., on aggravated assault charges after a bar fight, and again twice earlier this year on charges that he raped a child in his care. After the October arrest, he was freed on $20,000 bail.
After the second arrest, in Orange, N.J., bail was set at $150,000, and Mr. Carranza was freed after posting it through a bondsman. Arrested again in May, in Newark, on additional sexual assault charges in the child rape case, bail was set at $300,000 but then lowered to $150,000, which Mr. Carranza had already posted.
In neither case did the arresting officers report Mr. Carranza’s immigration status to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement center that acts as a liaison with local officers. Neither did the prosecutors who were handling the two cases; their policy is to contact the immigration service only when cases are completed.
James M. Porfido, a former Morris County prosecutor who ran the county’s sex crimes unit and who is now a criminal defense lawyer, said that while the most violent offenders were usually held without bail, several of his clients who had been charged with first-degree sexual assault — as Mr. Carranza was — were held without bail.
Of Mr. Carranza, he said, “If I’m the prosecutor, he’s not going anywhere.”
It was only after his arrest on murder charges on Aug. 9 that Mr. Carranza’s immigration status was reported. After an employee in the Essex County Sheriff’s Office learned that Mr. Carranza’s Social Security number was fake, the immigration service issued a “detainer,” which gave federal agents the right to hold Mr. Carranza if and when local officials set him free.
The Carranza case involves two distinct issues: the release of Mr. Carranza on bail and the fact that local authorities did not notify federal officials about his immigration status. Gov. Jon S. Corzine of New Jersey has tried to untangle the issues.
“The issue of proactive immigration law enforcement is different than how you might deal with an individual that is, for some other reason, in the criminal justice system,” Mr. Corzine said at a news conference last week with Mr. Booker.
The debate, the governor added, is whether the Newark police should “be having people out enforcing the immigration laws and jamming the jails even more than what we have now, versus the issue of when someone has committed a felony and you have them in custody checking out their documentation.”
Asked whether the state would start checking immigration status, Mr. Corzine deferred to his attorney general, Anne Milgram. She has said that she will speak publicly about the issue soon.
In the New York City area, some leaders — including the mayor of Morristown, N.J. — have embraced a federal program known as 287 (g). The program, named for a section of the 1996 Immigration and Nationality Act, allows local officers to be deputized as immigration agents.
In other cities, mayors have moved in the opposite direction, formally declaring that local officials, including the police, will not ask about immigration status.
In Newark, the Municipal Council has adopted a nonbinding resolution that commits the city to being a “sanctuary” for immigrants.
But since the shootings, Ronald C. Rice, a councilman who is allied with Mr. Booker, has proposed an ordinance that would require the police to contact federal authorities about illegal immigrants in custody.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
America's Most Wanted - Illegal alien William Roberto Santos is wanted for 10 counts of sodomy with a 10-year-old boy
William Roberto Santos worked as a laborer at a horse farm in Owensboro, Ky. Nobody seemed to know much about his past, but his behavior and personality quickly made him a trusted member of the community.
He attended church regularly, and parents felt safe leaving their young children in his care. One child in particular, who spent time at the same horse farm where Santos worked, spent four or five nights at a time at Santos' apartment.
Nobody had any reason to suspect anything sinister was going on until the 11-year-old boy confessed to his mother that something bad had happened, and that it had happened many times.
Even though Santos is in the U.S. illegally, cops do not think that he would return to his native home of Mexico.
An Abuse Of Trust
By the time the 11-year-old told his mother what had happened and the police were contacted, Santos was already gone. Through interviews with the victim and his mother, the police were able to establish that Santos had sodomized the boy multiple times over the course of two weeks.
Santos was also implicated by his gay lover, who went to the police and told them that Santos had confided to him what he had done to the little boy. Unfortunately, Santos did not tell his lover where he planned on going when he disappeared from Kentucky.
When the police went to Santos' apartment, they found he had left in a hurry, leaving most of his belongings behind. But nothing was able to point them towards where Santos was now.
Where Is He Now?
Police believe it is possible that Santos may be trying to find work at a horse farm in New York, perhaps near a racetrack. Cops say Santos used to talk about wanting to work near a large racetrack in New York, and think he might be trying to fulfill this wish.
There have been sightings of Santos in Phoenix and New Albany, Miss., but once again, there was nothing to lead police to his current location. Even though Santos is in the U.S. illegally, cops do not think that he would return to his native home of Mexico. Police say he has been ostracized by his family members in Mexico because of something he did to a young boy there before he moved to the United States.
He attended church regularly, and parents felt safe leaving their young children in his care. One child in particular, who spent time at the same horse farm where Santos worked, spent four or five nights at a time at Santos' apartment.
Nobody had any reason to suspect anything sinister was going on until the 11-year-old boy confessed to his mother that something bad had happened, and that it had happened many times.
Even though Santos is in the U.S. illegally, cops do not think that he would return to his native home of Mexico.
An Abuse Of Trust
By the time the 11-year-old told his mother what had happened and the police were contacted, Santos was already gone. Through interviews with the victim and his mother, the police were able to establish that Santos had sodomized the boy multiple times over the course of two weeks.
Santos was also implicated by his gay lover, who went to the police and told them that Santos had confided to him what he had done to the little boy. Unfortunately, Santos did not tell his lover where he planned on going when he disappeared from Kentucky.
When the police went to Santos' apartment, they found he had left in a hurry, leaving most of his belongings behind. But nothing was able to point them towards where Santos was now.
Where Is He Now?
Police believe it is possible that Santos may be trying to find work at a horse farm in New York, perhaps near a racetrack. Cops say Santos used to talk about wanting to work near a large racetrack in New York, and think he might be trying to fulfill this wish.
There have been sightings of Santos in Phoenix and New Albany, Miss., but once again, there was nothing to lead police to his current location. Even though Santos is in the U.S. illegally, cops do not think that he would return to his native home of Mexico. Police say he has been ostracized by his family members in Mexico because of something he did to a young boy there before he moved to the United States.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
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