A 48-year-old disabled woman was allegedly raped Saturday morning just hours after being released from the Intensive Care Unit of a local hospital. Juventino M. Pizano, a 25-year-old illegal immigrant, was arrested for the crime.
The victim underwent surgery May 19 to insert a catheter into her heart, and was released from the hospital Friday afternoon.
“According to the victim, she woke up at about 3 a.m. Saturday morning with a man on top of her. She tried to push him off but wasn’t able to. When she started screaming and hollering, the rest of the family started banging on the door,” said Detective Tonya Sonntag of the Jacksonville Police Department. “The victim said her attacker then put his pants on and unlocked the door. The boys in the house grabbed him and basically chunked him out the door. Officers responding to the scene found him a few blocks down and detained him.”
Once JPD arrived at the scene and began investigating the circumstances, Pizano was arrested and charged with aggravated sexual assault and public intoxication.
Due to the victim’s fragile condition, she was transported via ambulance to the hospital where she was treated and a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner kit was administered. She did not suffer any other physical injuries as a result of the attack, and was released Saturday.
“Our main concern was obviously the effect it might have on her heart. She didn’t need something traumatic like that happening right after getting out of the ICU the day before,” Sonntag said. “She’s not that old of a woman, but she is in really poor health.”
Pizano’s bond was set at $50,000 for aggravated sexual assault. He is currently being held at the Cherokee County Jail with an immigration hold placed on him.
Armed Home Invasion
JPD is also investigating an armed home invasion that reportedly occurred Saturday morning in the 200 block of Myrtle Drive.
“According to the victims, a Hispanic female knocked on their door at about 1 a.m. When one of the residents of the house opened the door, three black males, two carrying long guns and one carrying a handgun, rushed into the building,” Sonntag said. “Once inside they began shouting orders for everybody to get down on the ground.”
The men demanded the wallets from the four Hispanic men inside the residence at the time of the burglary. Before the assailants left, all four victims were physically assaulted.
“One of the victims was struck in the face with the butt of a gun for attempting to run into one of the bedrooms. Another victim attempted to hide his wallet but was caught by one of the actors and was struck in the back with the butt of a long gun,” Sonntag said. “The third victim was also struck in the head, and the man who opened the door was struck numerous times — he really got the worst of it.”
After collecting nearly $700 from the victims, the burglars fled the scene. The entire ordeal lasted only about two minutes. According to the victims, they did not recognize any of the suspects.
“There are no suspects at this time, but it is currently being investigated and there are a few leads in the case. If any arrests are made, they will be for burglary with intent to commit another felony, which is a first-degree felony,” Sonntag said.
20+ million ILLEGAL aliens are in the United States of America.
Right now in the United States of America, ILLEGAL aliens have more rights than you do!
"There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." --Theodore Roosevelt
"This nation is in danger of becoming a Third World nightmare with all the corruption, disease, illiteracy, violence and balkanization known all over the world. We need a 10-year moratorium on all immigration to catch our collective breath and we need deportation of over 10 million illegal aliens in a slow and orderly fashion." --Ed Garrison
“The 1987 amnesty was a failure; rather than reducing illegal immigration, it led to an increase,” FAIR stated. “Any new amnesty measure will further weaken respect for our immigration laws. Therefore, all amnesty measures must be defeated.” --Frosty Wooldridge

President barry shits on the United States.
This is a picture of YOUR American president, (president barry soetoro, a.k.a barack obama) refusing to acknowledge the National Anthem of the United States of America. This picture clearly shows barry with his hands crossed across his vaginal area when the United States Anthem was playing.
barry has NO RESPECT for you, me, or America! Not only did he disrespect America, he just shit on the graves of every American Soldier that has died for this country.
6/15/2010 - PRESIDENT BARRY CAN'T EVEN KEEP A U.S. PARK OPEN!!! He gave the park to mexico & the illegal alien mexican drug cartel!!!
7/6/2010 - American President barry soetoro sues AMERICA!!!
9/11/2010 - YOUR president just gave mexico $1 billion dollars for deepwater oil drilling despite his own moratorium on U.S. deepwater drilling!? More proof that barry hates America!
1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. A violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. 3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust. 2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

Pslam 109:8
May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
What's in their backpacks? Are any of them sick with a contagious disease?
United States Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part VIII, §1325 - "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who: 1) Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or 2) Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or 3) Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact; has committed a federal crime.
Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.
Illegal Alien
1. a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization. 2. a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, esp. a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.

Click here to see the list.

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Illegal Alien Caught In Rape Of 10 Year Old Girl
Once again, an illegal alien who should have been kept out of our community if only the federal government and the Commonwealth of Virginia had done their jobs and enforced our laws, is identified as a criminal suspect in a horrible crime. Because our government failed us, a ten year old girl will now bear life-long scars as a result of being raped in her home while she slept by a 32 year-old illegal alien from El Salvador.
On Oct. 22, police received a 7:30 a.m. call to investigate the sexual assault of a 10-year-old girl at a home in the 7500 block of Alleghany Road, northeast of Manassas Park, said Officer Erika Hernandez, Prince William Police spokeswoman.
Police reports show that a man broke into the house and went to the girl’s bedroom and tried to rape her while she slept, Hernandez said.
At least the state of Georgia, which has adopted the Section 287(g) Program, identified and detained this illegal alien before he committed another heinous crime there. Because Georgia actually stepped up to the plate and did their job to protect their residents from criminal illegal aliens and caught this guy, our local police were able to obtain a DNA match and find the suspect in this case.
Meanwhile, Governor Kaine refuses to enroll the Commonwealth in this program which once again has proven effective in not only reducing the number of criminal illegal aliens who prey on American citizens, but helps resolve unsolved crimes that illegal aliens have committed.
I’m sure the residents of Georgia are thrilled that Virginia will not be able to return the favor of helping them clear their unsolved crimes. Governor Kaine still refuses to enroll Virginia in the Section 287(g) Program, even while we see another example of how this can prevent criminal illegal aliens from doing some utterly horrible things.
On Oct. 22, police received a 7:30 a.m. call to investigate the sexual assault of a 10-year-old girl at a home in the 7500 block of Alleghany Road, northeast of Manassas Park, said Officer Erika Hernandez, Prince William Police spokeswoman.
Police reports show that a man broke into the house and went to the girl’s bedroom and tried to rape her while she slept, Hernandez said.
At least the state of Georgia, which has adopted the Section 287(g) Program, identified and detained this illegal alien before he committed another heinous crime there. Because Georgia actually stepped up to the plate and did their job to protect their residents from criminal illegal aliens and caught this guy, our local police were able to obtain a DNA match and find the suspect in this case.
Meanwhile, Governor Kaine refuses to enroll the Commonwealth in this program which once again has proven effective in not only reducing the number of criminal illegal aliens who prey on American citizens, but helps resolve unsolved crimes that illegal aliens have committed.
I’m sure the residents of Georgia are thrilled that Virginia will not be able to return the favor of helping them clear their unsolved crimes. Governor Kaine still refuses to enroll Virginia in the Section 287(g) Program, even while we see another example of how this can prevent criminal illegal aliens from doing some utterly horrible things.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Illegal Alien Wanted For Raping Elderly Woman
MADISONVILLE, Tenn. - Monday morning, an international manhunt was underway for a man who authorities said raped and beat an elderly east Tennessee woman.
Police said Francisco Barbosa-Sanchez attacked a 91-year-old Monroe County woman in March 2008.
Investigators said Barbosa-Sanchez is an illegal immigrant, and he may be on the run in his native country of Mexico.
DNA reportedly linked Barbosa-Sanchez to the crime.
Police said they are working with U.S. Marshals and Mexican authorities to hunt Barbosa-Sanchez down.
Police said Francisco Barbosa-Sanchez attacked a 91-year-old Monroe County woman in March 2008.
Investigators said Barbosa-Sanchez is an illegal immigrant, and he may be on the run in his native country of Mexico.
DNA reportedly linked Barbosa-Sanchez to the crime.
Police said they are working with U.S. Marshals and Mexican authorities to hunt Barbosa-Sanchez down.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
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