A new poll by Zogby International has found Mexicans believe an amnesty that would grant legal status to undocumented immigrants would prompt more people to enter the U.S. illegally, the Center for Immigration Studies (CRS) has said.
The survey noted that 56 percent of respondents thought that legalizing the status of illegal immigrants in the U.S. would make it more likely that people they know would go there illegally. It also found that interest in immigrating to the U.S. remains strong, despite the recession, and that 36 percent of Mexicans say they would move north if they could.
That percentage represents 39 million people.
"As the top immigrant-sending country for both legal and illegal immigrants, views on immigration in Mexico can provide insight into the likely impact of an amnesty," says the CRS.
Meanwhile, Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) has launched a campaign aimed at stemming population increase, and says immigration is the number one factor driving the growth in the U.S.
The organization has also pointed out the environmental consequences of immigration, citing studies which suggest immigrants create four times more carbon emissions when they arrive in the U.S. compared with their behavior at home.
Says Diana Hull, president of CAPS, " Cutting immigration to the U.S. isn’t the only thing we should do to solve the global warming problem, but stopping mass immigration, especially from low carbon use nations, will go a long way towards a solution because it is a significant contributor to the problems we face."
20+ million ILLEGAL aliens are in the United States of America.
Right now in the United States of America, ILLEGAL aliens have more rights than you do!
"There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." --Theodore Roosevelt
"This nation is in danger of becoming a Third World nightmare with all the corruption, disease, illiteracy, violence and balkanization known all over the world. We need a 10-year moratorium on all immigration to catch our collective breath and we need deportation of over 10 million illegal aliens in a slow and orderly fashion." --Ed Garrison
“The 1987 amnesty was a failure; rather than reducing illegal immigration, it led to an increase,” FAIR stated. “Any new amnesty measure will further weaken respect for our immigration laws. Therefore, all amnesty measures must be defeated.” --Frosty Wooldridge

President barry shits on the United States.
This is a picture of YOUR American president, (president barry soetoro, a.k.a barack obama) refusing to acknowledge the National Anthem of the United States of America. This picture clearly shows barry with his hands crossed across his vaginal area when the United States Anthem was playing.
barry has NO RESPECT for you, me, or America! Not only did he disrespect America, he just shit on the graves of every American Soldier that has died for this country.
6/15/2010 - PRESIDENT BARRY CAN'T EVEN KEEP A U.S. PARK OPEN!!! He gave the park to mexico & the illegal alien mexican drug cartel!!!
7/6/2010 - American President barry soetoro sues AMERICA!!!
9/11/2010 - YOUR president just gave mexico $1 billion dollars for deepwater oil drilling despite his own moratorium on U.S. deepwater drilling!? More proof that barry hates America!
1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. A violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. 3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust. 2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

Pslam 109:8
May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
What's in their backpacks? Are any of them sick with a contagious disease?
United States Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part VIII, §1325 - "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who: 1) Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or 2) Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or 3) Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact; has committed a federal crime.
Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.
Illegal Alien
1. a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization. 2. a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, esp. a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.

Click here to see the list.

Friday, October 23, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Illegal alien linked to hundreds of bogus IDs
WICHITA, Kansas (AP) - A Mexican citizen prosecutors have linked to thousands of U.S. birth certificates produced for illegal immigrants faces a Jan. 11 sentencing in a separate identity theft case.
Donna Calabrese, director of the state's Office of Vital Statistics, says she hopes the new case against Jorge Alvarez Rivera is taken seriously.
The current prosecution against Rivera - also known as Daniel Salas - comes more than a decade after his activities first surfaced during a 1998 automobile accident in which 830 Kansas birth certificates were found in his trunk. He was never prosecuted for it.
The 62-year-old Mexican citizen pleaded guilty last month to making a false claim of U.S. citizenship and identity theft.
Donna Calabrese, director of the state's Office of Vital Statistics, says she hopes the new case against Jorge Alvarez Rivera is taken seriously.
The current prosecution against Rivera - also known as Daniel Salas - comes more than a decade after his activities first surfaced during a 1998 automobile accident in which 830 Kansas birth certificates were found in his trunk. He was never prosecuted for it.
The 62-year-old Mexican citizen pleaded guilty last month to making a false claim of U.S. citizenship and identity theft.
Poll: Amnesty Will Increase The Illegal Alien Population
Over half of Mexican nationals polled in a recent survey by Zogby International say that amnesty would create a massive influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico. With Mexico being the major source nation for illegal immigrants, this should serve as a wake up call to those in Congress calling for amnesty. Yet, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and others continue to claim that legalization measures within comprehensive immigration reform are the answer to the illegal immigration problems of the US. Apparently, the pro-amnesty camp is not worried about letting history repeat itself.
After the last amnesty bill in 1986, the US did indeed see a flood of illegal immigrants crossing the border. Numbers soared from an estimated 3 million illegal immigrants in the country to 12 million today. It should come as no surprise that upon seeing those already in the country being handed legal status and a path to citizenship, others sought to come to the US and simply wait out their chance. By granting another amnesty, we will not solve the illegal immigration problem, but simply put the country in the same place in another twenty years.
No matter what amnesty proponents claim, the amnesty of today will not end up looking any different from 1986. An honest solution to illegal immigration instead needs to increase border security, create avenues for legal immigration through temporary worker programs, build economic development in Latin America, and increase enforcement to force people to return home. Only by means of these actions can we truly begin to solve the problem of illegal immigration in the US.
After the last amnesty bill in 1986, the US did indeed see a flood of illegal immigrants crossing the border. Numbers soared from an estimated 3 million illegal immigrants in the country to 12 million today. It should come as no surprise that upon seeing those already in the country being handed legal status and a path to citizenship, others sought to come to the US and simply wait out their chance. By granting another amnesty, we will not solve the illegal immigration problem, but simply put the country in the same place in another twenty years.
No matter what amnesty proponents claim, the amnesty of today will not end up looking any different from 1986. An honest solution to illegal immigration instead needs to increase border security, create avenues for legal immigration through temporary worker programs, build economic development in Latin America, and increase enforcement to force people to return home. Only by means of these actions can we truly begin to solve the problem of illegal immigration in the US.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
17 Illegal Alien Suspects Arrested on Boats
SAN DIEGO - Three boats intercepted in just two days. The U.S. Coast Guard says it's seeing a dramatic rise in the number of smugglers using the water to bring drugs and people into this country illegally.
"We are seeing a lot of smuggling," says Petty Officer Henry Dunphy.
By air, the Coast Guard helps to intercept a boat with 14 undocumented people floating in Mission Bay.
"They were actually stopped inside of Mission Bay and that is pretty unusual," says Dunphy.
Within hours of the Mission Bay interception, another boat is stopped on the beach in Encinitas carrying about one thousand pounds of marijuana.
On Tuesday a third boat was stopped after dropping off half a dozen people in Carlsbad. Two more suspected smugglers who are in this country illegally are taken into custody.
The Coast Guard says it's seeing a dramatic increase in the amount of smugglers it's helping to catch off our coast. It's spokesperson says the number of people being smuggled is up 30% over last year. The number of arrests for drug smuggling has risen from 9 in 2008 to 41 so far this year.
The numbers are troubling to people who live along the coast.
"We have to get a grip on this because we don't want this community to start seeing drug wars or people fighting over drugs at the beaches," says Encinitas resident Bruce Sallee.
San Diego has a joint operations center that allows Border Patrol agents, Customs agents, and the Coast Guard to share information in real time. They say that information sharing directly led to the most recent interceptions.
"We are seeing a lot of smuggling," says Petty Officer Henry Dunphy.
By air, the Coast Guard helps to intercept a boat with 14 undocumented people floating in Mission Bay.
"They were actually stopped inside of Mission Bay and that is pretty unusual," says Dunphy.
Within hours of the Mission Bay interception, another boat is stopped on the beach in Encinitas carrying about one thousand pounds of marijuana.
On Tuesday a third boat was stopped after dropping off half a dozen people in Carlsbad. Two more suspected smugglers who are in this country illegally are taken into custody.
The Coast Guard says it's seeing a dramatic increase in the amount of smugglers it's helping to catch off our coast. It's spokesperson says the number of people being smuggled is up 30% over last year. The number of arrests for drug smuggling has risen from 9 in 2008 to 41 so far this year.
The numbers are troubling to people who live along the coast.
"We have to get a grip on this because we don't want this community to start seeing drug wars or people fighting over drugs at the beaches," says Encinitas resident Bruce Sallee.
San Diego has a joint operations center that allows Border Patrol agents, Customs agents, and the Coast Guard to share information in real time. They say that information sharing directly led to the most recent interceptions.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
obama watering-down immigration enforcement in Northern VA
The Prince William Board of Supervisors is meeting today to discuss and implement a new directive from Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. The new orders will weaken the very successful 287g program, which gives local law enforcement the power to enforce immigration laws.
InsideNova.com has obtained the federal document ordering the changes. It reads:
"[Immigration and Customs Enforcement] has made changes to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOA), terminating the original agreement and requiring execution of a new and revised MOA.”
The new agreement also states that "ICE must give approval for an immigration arrest where no state or local charges are made [and] ICE must give prior approval of planned operations where immigration enforcement is the sole function." Another revision "provides levels and types of criminal offenses that ICE directs to be a focus, rather [than] pursuing immigration enforcement based on specific charges.”
The new agreement also states that "ICE must give approval for an immigration arrest where no state or local charges are made [and] ICE must give prior approval of planned operations where immigration enforcement is the sole function." Another revision "provides levels and types of criminal offenses that ICE directs to be a focus, rather [than] pursuing immigration enforcement based on specific charges.”
In other words, the Obama administration seeks to tie the hands of law enforcement in Virginia’s Prince William County, the same way they have done so in Arizona’s Maricopa County, telling Sheriff Joe Arpaio to back off. Of course, Obama is doing this to please the Hispanic voting block who helped put him in office, and to set the stage for another run at amnesty sometime next year.
The fact is, the 287g program has been extremely successful and intstrumental in cleaning up Prince William County, which has been over-run with illegal aliens as well as the problems they bring.
In March of 2002, The Washington Post reported that Virginia's Prince William County experienced a 188 percent increase of TB infections over the previous year.
In 2004, the rate of TB in Northern Virginia rose 17 percent. The Virginia Department of Health blamed the rise on that region's recent flood of illegal aliens. Many strains of TB are being found in certain neighborhoods, which are dominated by illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico.
In addition to deadly diseases, dangerous gangs have made that part of the country home in recent years as well.
MS-13 set up shop in Northern Virginia during the 1990s, lured by the region's fast-growing Salvadoran population, later expanding into the Maryland suburbs of Langley Park and Gaithersburg.
In 2005, Michelle Malkin writing for Human Events said: "Reporting by a reliable Norfolk [VA} source indicates MS-13 members are planning to randomly attack local law enforcement officers in the Tidewater area. Threats of this nature have been termed by gang members as 'green light' notices. Green light notices have continued to increase, prompting the Virginia Gang Association to issue warnings to law enforcement in Virginia and the surrounding states. . . . Additional source information indicates local MS-13 members are equipped with weapons and ballistic vests."
During 2004-2005, there were two machete attacks in the Northern Virginia area. An Alexandria teenager lost four fingers during a savage encounter with MS-13 members, while a Fairfax man also became a victim of an MS-13 machete attack. Both incidents are believed to have been initiation acts.
In 2005, two MS-13 members were convicted in an Alexandria, Va. United States District Court for killing a 17-year-old pregnant girl. A rope was placed around the neck of Brenda Paz, she was then stabbed repeatedly. Her body was then left along the muddy banks of Virginia´s Shenandoah River. The murder was retribution for the girl´s cooperation with a federal investigation into the gang´s activities.
*Reporter’s note: Obama is changing immigration enforcement policies around the country for one very simple reason…They work!
The same reason Obama does not want the 287g program is the same reason he does not want the double-walled security fence along the U.S./Mexican border. That fence, if actually constructed, would stop the flow of illegal aliens into this country by 90-95 percent, as it has in San Diego (the only place the fence has been constructed).
Perhaps, one day Americans will become angry enough with the daily reports of illegal aliens raping women and children, murdering police officers, and driving drunk on our highways that we will elect a President who is more concerned with the employment and general welfare of American citizens than with the needs of foreign nationals who invade this country.
With real unemployment (those no longer eligible for benefits) at 17 percent, and unemployment among 18-24 year-olds at an incredible 52 percent…Why are we allowing non-citizens to come into this country and take our jobs? Any jobs?
Like Bush, Obama has obviously chosen a side in this struggle and his loyalty does not lie with the American people.
InsideNova.com has obtained the federal document ordering the changes. It reads:
"[Immigration and Customs Enforcement] has made changes to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOA), terminating the original agreement and requiring execution of a new and revised MOA.”
The new agreement also states that "ICE must give approval for an immigration arrest where no state or local charges are made [and] ICE must give prior approval of planned operations where immigration enforcement is the sole function." Another revision "provides levels and types of criminal offenses that ICE directs to be a focus, rather [than] pursuing immigration enforcement based on specific charges.”
The new agreement also states that "ICE must give approval for an immigration arrest where no state or local charges are made [and] ICE must give prior approval of planned operations where immigration enforcement is the sole function." Another revision "provides levels and types of criminal offenses that ICE directs to be a focus, rather [than] pursuing immigration enforcement based on specific charges.”
In other words, the Obama administration seeks to tie the hands of law enforcement in Virginia’s Prince William County, the same way they have done so in Arizona’s Maricopa County, telling Sheriff Joe Arpaio to back off. Of course, Obama is doing this to please the Hispanic voting block who helped put him in office, and to set the stage for another run at amnesty sometime next year.
The fact is, the 287g program has been extremely successful and intstrumental in cleaning up Prince William County, which has been over-run with illegal aliens as well as the problems they bring.
In March of 2002, The Washington Post reported that Virginia's Prince William County experienced a 188 percent increase of TB infections over the previous year.
In 2004, the rate of TB in Northern Virginia rose 17 percent. The Virginia Department of Health blamed the rise on that region's recent flood of illegal aliens. Many strains of TB are being found in certain neighborhoods, which are dominated by illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico.
In addition to deadly diseases, dangerous gangs have made that part of the country home in recent years as well.
MS-13 set up shop in Northern Virginia during the 1990s, lured by the region's fast-growing Salvadoran population, later expanding into the Maryland suburbs of Langley Park and Gaithersburg.
In 2005, Michelle Malkin writing for Human Events said: "Reporting by a reliable Norfolk [VA} source indicates MS-13 members are planning to randomly attack local law enforcement officers in the Tidewater area. Threats of this nature have been termed by gang members as 'green light' notices. Green light notices have continued to increase, prompting the Virginia Gang Association to issue warnings to law enforcement in Virginia and the surrounding states. . . . Additional source information indicates local MS-13 members are equipped with weapons and ballistic vests."
During 2004-2005, there were two machete attacks in the Northern Virginia area. An Alexandria teenager lost four fingers during a savage encounter with MS-13 members, while a Fairfax man also became a victim of an MS-13 machete attack. Both incidents are believed to have been initiation acts.
In 2005, two MS-13 members were convicted in an Alexandria, Va. United States District Court for killing a 17-year-old pregnant girl. A rope was placed around the neck of Brenda Paz, she was then stabbed repeatedly. Her body was then left along the muddy banks of Virginia´s Shenandoah River. The murder was retribution for the girl´s cooperation with a federal investigation into the gang´s activities.
*Reporter’s note: Obama is changing immigration enforcement policies around the country for one very simple reason…They work!
The same reason Obama does not want the 287g program is the same reason he does not want the double-walled security fence along the U.S./Mexican border. That fence, if actually constructed, would stop the flow of illegal aliens into this country by 90-95 percent, as it has in San Diego (the only place the fence has been constructed).
Perhaps, one day Americans will become angry enough with the daily reports of illegal aliens raping women and children, murdering police officers, and driving drunk on our highways that we will elect a President who is more concerned with the employment and general welfare of American citizens than with the needs of foreign nationals who invade this country.
With real unemployment (those no longer eligible for benefits) at 17 percent, and unemployment among 18-24 year-olds at an incredible 52 percent…Why are we allowing non-citizens to come into this country and take our jobs? Any jobs?
Like Bush, Obama has obviously chosen a side in this struggle and his loyalty does not lie with the American people.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
America's Most Wanted - Illegal alien Jose Reyes Aguilar is wanted for aggravated sexual assault; child
Cops: Accused Child Rapist Could Be In Mexico
Police need the public’s help in finding a disgusting predator who they say robbed a young girl of her innocence.
Cops say Jose Reyes Aguilar -– also known as “Joe” -- repeatedly raped a 12-year-old girl over a period of four years and has been on the run since July 18, 2009.
Authorities say Aguilar slipped out the back window of a San Antonio, Texas apartment minutes before they could take him down. They say he had sexually assaulted the victim just hours before their arrival.
Police say Aguilar stands 5’7” tall, weighs 150 lbs., has black hair and brown eyes, and could have a goatee. They say he usually wears his hair short and has a heavy accent.
Cops tell AMW that one of his most recognizable characteristics is his many tattoos. They say he has the name “Lupita” inked on his left bicep; “Sandra” on his right bicep; and “Elisa” on the left side of his neck. They say he also has three female faces tattooed on his right shoulder.
Authorities say Aguilar is a Mexican national and could have returned to his native Zacatecas. They say his only ties to the United States were to a woman he was dating.
Police also say Aguilar would spend most of his time in a San Antonio bowling alley and frequented discount chain stores.
If you know where accused sex offender Jose Reyes Aguilar is, call our hotline right away at 1-800-CRIME-TV.
Police need the public’s help in finding a disgusting predator who they say robbed a young girl of her innocence.
Cops say Jose Reyes Aguilar -– also known as “Joe” -- repeatedly raped a 12-year-old girl over a period of four years and has been on the run since July 18, 2009.
Authorities say Aguilar slipped out the back window of a San Antonio, Texas apartment minutes before they could take him down. They say he had sexually assaulted the victim just hours before their arrival.
Police say Aguilar stands 5’7” tall, weighs 150 lbs., has black hair and brown eyes, and could have a goatee. They say he usually wears his hair short and has a heavy accent.
Cops tell AMW that one of his most recognizable characteristics is his many tattoos. They say he has the name “Lupita” inked on his left bicep; “Sandra” on his right bicep; and “Elisa” on the left side of his neck. They say he also has three female faces tattooed on his right shoulder.
Authorities say Aguilar is a Mexican national and could have returned to his native Zacatecas. They say his only ties to the United States were to a woman he was dating.
Police also say Aguilar would spend most of his time in a San Antonio bowling alley and frequented discount chain stores.
If you know where accused sex offender Jose Reyes Aguilar is, call our hotline right away at 1-800-CRIME-TV.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Illegal Alien Man Sentenced for Raping Child
RUSSELLVILLE – A Franklin County man accused of raping and abusing a 10-year-old girl has been sentenced to two 22-year sentences, authorities said.
Gilberto R. Avarado, 34, 980 Franklin 60, Russellville, pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree rape, according to Franklin Courthouse officials.
Avarado was arrested on the charges June 5, 2008.
Franklin County District Attorney Joey Rushing said the plea agreement was reached after discussing the case with the victim’s family. He said the girl’s mother approved the agreement based on the child’s age. “As well as not wanting to put her through the difficulty of her having to testify at trial,” Rushing said.
Avarado was accused of abusing the child, who was an acquaintance.
Authorities said Avarado was sexually abusing the child for at least two years. The abuse was reported to the Franklin County Department of Human Resources, which contacted the sheriff’s office.
“DHR and the (Cramer) Children’s Center played a big part in this case,” Rushing said. “Both agencies did an excellent job in interviewing the victim.”
Courthouse officials said Avarado was charged with rape and sexual abuse charges at the time of his arrest. Additional charges were added by a grand jury in September 2008.
The other charges were dismissed upon his pleading guilty to the two first-degree rape charges, authorities said. First-degree rape is a Class A felony and carries a penalty of 10 years to life.
Rushing said Avarado’s sentences will run concurrently.
Investigators said Avarado has been in jail without bail since his arrest because he was deemed a possible flight risk – he had been in Franklin County illegally for at least 10 years.
Courthouse officials said because of his residential status, a hold has been placed on him by the U.S. Department of Immigration since he is an illegal immigrant from Guatemala. Rushing said it is his understanding that Avarado is scheduled to be deported once he completes his prison sentence.
Source - http://www.davidduke.com/general/illegal-immigrant-man-sentenced-for-raping-child_12683.html
Gilberto R. Avarado, 34, 980 Franklin 60, Russellville, pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree rape, according to Franklin Courthouse officials.
Avarado was arrested on the charges June 5, 2008.
Franklin County District Attorney Joey Rushing said the plea agreement was reached after discussing the case with the victim’s family. He said the girl’s mother approved the agreement based on the child’s age. “As well as not wanting to put her through the difficulty of her having to testify at trial,” Rushing said.
Avarado was accused of abusing the child, who was an acquaintance.
Authorities said Avarado was sexually abusing the child for at least two years. The abuse was reported to the Franklin County Department of Human Resources, which contacted the sheriff’s office.
“DHR and the (Cramer) Children’s Center played a big part in this case,” Rushing said. “Both agencies did an excellent job in interviewing the victim.”
Courthouse officials said Avarado was charged with rape and sexual abuse charges at the time of his arrest. Additional charges were added by a grand jury in September 2008.
The other charges were dismissed upon his pleading guilty to the two first-degree rape charges, authorities said. First-degree rape is a Class A felony and carries a penalty of 10 years to life.
Rushing said Avarado’s sentences will run concurrently.
Investigators said Avarado has been in jail without bail since his arrest because he was deemed a possible flight risk – he had been in Franklin County illegally for at least 10 years.
Courthouse officials said because of his residential status, a hold has been placed on him by the U.S. Department of Immigration since he is an illegal immigrant from Guatemala. Rushing said it is his understanding that Avarado is scheduled to be deported once he completes his prison sentence.
Source - http://www.davidduke.com/general/illegal-immigrant-man-sentenced-for-raping-child_12683.html
franklin county,
gilberto r avarado,
illegal alien,
illegal immigrant,
sex crime,
sex offender
Monday, October 5, 2009
Illegal alien caught trying to kidnap two school children in North Carolina
On September 29, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police arrested illegal alien Ruben Garcia-Rosario, 25. He was charged with two counts of attempted first-degree kidnapping, felony conspiracy, carrying a concealed weapon, and driving without a license.
The Mexican national was planning to kidnap two sisters, ages 7 and 8, and hold them for a six-figure ransom. Garcia-Rosario first saw the children when he worked for a painting contractor the family hired a few moths ago.
Family spokesman Howard Teft, told Charlotte‘s WSOC-TV: “They're very thankful to Cornelius and Charlotte-Mecklenburg police departments on behalf of their children and children everywhere. It's a parent's worst nightmare having someone planning on taking your children away from you."
Police began investigating the case after the two children reported Rosario taking pictures of them at their bus stop.
Detectives say Rosario planned to kidnap the little girls and return to Mexico, once he received the ransom payment. Photos of the girls and a ransom note were found on Rosario at the time of his arrest.
Rosario who had been previously deported, is being held in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Jail on a $52,000 bond.
Rosario’s wife Linda Gonzalez, has also been arrested in connection with the case, and has been charged with one count of conspiracy to commit first-degree kidnapping.
Kidnapping in Mexico has become very commonplace. Unfortunately, with our growing illegal alien population, it is becoming increasingly common in this country as well.
In August 2008, the FBI´s San Diego field office admitted that they were currently investigating the kidnapping of 16 U.S. residents who were held in Tijuana between October 2007 and May 2008, including many of whom were abducted in San Diego.
According to the Phoenix Police Department, there were 359 kidnappings and more than 300 home invasions during 2008. However, police estimate the actual numbers to be closer to three times as high as the reported figures. Many victims fail to report such crimes, out of fear from further retribution from the notoriously violent cartels.
In November 2008, Phoenix Police Lt. Lori Burgett told CBS News: "It wasn´t uncommon to have a new kidnapping case coming into our offices on a daily basis."
*Reporter’s note: As illegal immigration spreads across this country, every community can expect to hear about more kidnappings. Until our elected officials begin to take seriously the threat posed to American families by criminal aliens, we will continue to see our fellow citizens fall victim to crimes from those who invade this country.
How many more children will be victimized before our border is defended and immigration laws enforced?
The Mexican national was planning to kidnap two sisters, ages 7 and 8, and hold them for a six-figure ransom. Garcia-Rosario first saw the children when he worked for a painting contractor the family hired a few moths ago.
Family spokesman Howard Teft, told Charlotte‘s WSOC-TV: “They're very thankful to Cornelius and Charlotte-Mecklenburg police departments on behalf of their children and children everywhere. It's a parent's worst nightmare having someone planning on taking your children away from you."
Police began investigating the case after the two children reported Rosario taking pictures of them at their bus stop.
Detectives say Rosario planned to kidnap the little girls and return to Mexico, once he received the ransom payment. Photos of the girls and a ransom note were found on Rosario at the time of his arrest.
Rosario who had been previously deported, is being held in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Jail on a $52,000 bond.
Rosario’s wife Linda Gonzalez, has also been arrested in connection with the case, and has been charged with one count of conspiracy to commit first-degree kidnapping.
Kidnapping in Mexico has become very commonplace. Unfortunately, with our growing illegal alien population, it is becoming increasingly common in this country as well.
In August 2008, the FBI´s San Diego field office admitted that they were currently investigating the kidnapping of 16 U.S. residents who were held in Tijuana between October 2007 and May 2008, including many of whom were abducted in San Diego.
According to the Phoenix Police Department, there were 359 kidnappings and more than 300 home invasions during 2008. However, police estimate the actual numbers to be closer to three times as high as the reported figures. Many victims fail to report such crimes, out of fear from further retribution from the notoriously violent cartels.
In November 2008, Phoenix Police Lt. Lori Burgett told CBS News: "It wasn´t uncommon to have a new kidnapping case coming into our offices on a daily basis."
*Reporter’s note: As illegal immigration spreads across this country, every community can expect to hear about more kidnappings. Until our elected officials begin to take seriously the threat posed to American families by criminal aliens, we will continue to see our fellow citizens fall victim to crimes from those who invade this country.
How many more children will be victimized before our border is defended and immigration laws enforced?
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Illegal alien gang member waiting to be deported
Collier County sheriff’s deputies on Friday arrested a Fort Myers man they say has a history of gang-related activity and is in the country illegally.
Othon Agustin Tamariz, 18, 245 Mango Ave., No. 1, Fort Myers, was arrested by deputies at the intersection of Broward Street and U.S. 41. He is being held for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and was charged with obstruction of justice after a deputy reported that Tamariz provided a false name during a traffic stop.
Tamariz, who was the front-seat passenger in a stopped car, told the deputy his name was Alex Lopez, but a fingerprint scan returned a different identity, according to the arrest report. Tamariz had tattoos on his knuckles that indicated involvement with a street gang, the report says.
Tamariz eventually admitted to providing a false name, the report states, and told deputies he is on county probation in Lee County and did not want to be deported. Because of his documentation as a criminal street gang member, the report states, an immigration detainer was placed on Tamariz that will prevent him from bonding out of jail.
Othon Agustin Tamariz, 18, 245 Mango Ave., No. 1, Fort Myers, was arrested by deputies at the intersection of Broward Street and U.S. 41. He is being held for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and was charged with obstruction of justice after a deputy reported that Tamariz provided a false name during a traffic stop.
Tamariz, who was the front-seat passenger in a stopped car, told the deputy his name was Alex Lopez, but a fingerprint scan returned a different identity, according to the arrest report. Tamariz had tattoos on his knuckles that indicated involvement with a street gang, the report says.
Tamariz eventually admitted to providing a false name, the report states, and told deputies he is on county probation in Lee County and did not want to be deported. Because of his documentation as a criminal street gang member, the report states, an immigration detainer was placed on Tamariz that will prevent him from bonding out of jail.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
15 illegal aliens arrested at Duval courthouse site
Fifteen undocumented workers were arrested at or near the construction site for the new Duval County Courthouse in two incidents in September - the second after subcontractors were warned they needed to check all of their workers.
U.S. Border Patrol officials arrested eight employees near the job site on Sept. 11, including one who tried to hide under a parked car, an agent said.
Days later, the city called a meeting with Turner Construction, the company building the courthouse, to emphasize that the contract could be rescinded for using undocumented workers.
Turner sent a letter to subcontractors Sept. 15 and, a week later, seven workers were hauled off the job site.
All 15 employees work for United Forming, the company doing concrete work on the site, said David Reaves, a Turner vice president and operations manager.
Calls to the Florida offices for United Forming were not returned Friday evening.
Reaves said United Forming is still working on the site because Turner has not confirmed the workers who were arrested were illegal immigrants.
Deportation proceedings have begun for all of the people arrested, said Danny Conway, patrol agent in charge of the Border Patrol's Jacksonville office.
Turner began work on the $350 million project in May, and about 175 workers are on-site now.
The city's contract with Turner prohibits employing undocumented workers, said Misty Skipper, a spokeswoman for Mayor John Peyton. No specific penalties are outlined.
Turner's agreements with subcontractors contain the same language, Reaves said.
About a dozen undocumented workers were arrested in 2002 during construction of the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville and Veterans Memorial Arena. The ballpark, arena and courthouse were all funded by the $2.2 billion Better Jacksonville Plan voters approved in 2000.
The courthouse is scheduled to be completed in summer 2012.
U.S. Border Patrol officials arrested eight employees near the job site on Sept. 11, including one who tried to hide under a parked car, an agent said.
Days later, the city called a meeting with Turner Construction, the company building the courthouse, to emphasize that the contract could be rescinded for using undocumented workers.
Turner sent a letter to subcontractors Sept. 15 and, a week later, seven workers were hauled off the job site.
All 15 employees work for United Forming, the company doing concrete work on the site, said David Reaves, a Turner vice president and operations manager.
Calls to the Florida offices for United Forming were not returned Friday evening.
Reaves said United Forming is still working on the site because Turner has not confirmed the workers who were arrested were illegal immigrants.
Deportation proceedings have begun for all of the people arrested, said Danny Conway, patrol agent in charge of the Border Patrol's Jacksonville office.
Turner began work on the $350 million project in May, and about 175 workers are on-site now.
The city's contract with Turner prohibits employing undocumented workers, said Misty Skipper, a spokeswoman for Mayor John Peyton. No specific penalties are outlined.
Turner's agreements with subcontractors contain the same language, Reaves said.
About a dozen undocumented workers were arrested in 2002 during construction of the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville and Veterans Memorial Arena. The ballpark, arena and courthouse were all funded by the $2.2 billion Better Jacksonville Plan voters approved in 2000.
The courthouse is scheduled to be completed in summer 2012.
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