SALT LAKE CITY -- We're learning even more about the man accused of shooting and killing a Millard County sheriff's deputy Tuesday. In addition to numerous drug convictions, Roberto Roman's background also includes the fact that he was deported from the United States in 1998.
Roman legally entered the United States in 1990, only to be deported eight years later following felony drug convictions. Since then, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) says Roman has been arrested twice for illegally re-entering the United States and federally prosecuted once for the same offense.
Still, Roman didn't seem to be hiding. A simple search netted his MySpace page, which had numerous photos of Roman holding guns. His location was listed as Delta, Utah.
"There's no excuse for this. This person never should have been here, and our federal government needs to step up and do their job," Rep. Jason Chaffetz said Wednesday.
ICE refused to answer questions on camera, saying it wasn't their place to comment. But the agency pointed to statistics showing an increase in the number of criminal aliens removed from the country: 136,000 last year, up from 92,000 in 2006.
The former U.S. Attorney for Utah said Wednesday immigration officials do good work, but have limited resources with just the handful of agents in Utah. Brett Tolman said keeping tabs on deported immigrants is tough because they re-enter the country illegally.
"Sometimes the first time they appear on anybody's radar is when they've committed a crime or something else," Tolman said.
Immigration and criminal attorney German Flores agrees with Tolman. He said with just 15,000 agents across the country, ICE is fighting an uphill battle.
"There's no way they can stop that," Flores said.
Flores says aggravated re-entry cases carry heavy penalties and prison time, and he sees most clients deported on felony charges stay out of the United States. The fraction of that population that doesn't, however, may be the most dangerous.
"When people have a long history of criminality in the states or in another country, more than likely those people don't care about what they're losing because they have nothing to lose," Flores said.
Flores said he's seen clients arrested go to prison anywhere from three to six years for aggravated re-entry, but the crime is punishable by up to 20 years in prison.
Still, Tolman said with the current laws it's impossible to eliminate the problem of illegal immigration. He said state and federal agencies need to work together, and Congress needs to make the border issue a priority.
The former U.S. Attorney said the murder of Deputy Josie Fox also highlights the need for aggressive prosecution, with offenders serving their time.
In border states, illegal immigrants can be prosecuted just for being there; not so in non-border states like Utah. Here, an illegal immigrant can be federally prosecuted if that person has been convicted of a crime.
Tolman said Utah is a prime target for illegal immigrants because they feel there's less of a focus on the issue in the state.
20+ million ILLEGAL aliens are in the United States of America.
Right now in the United States of America, ILLEGAL aliens have more rights than you do!
"There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." --Theodore Roosevelt
"This nation is in danger of becoming a Third World nightmare with all the corruption, disease, illiteracy, violence and balkanization known all over the world. We need a 10-year moratorium on all immigration to catch our collective breath and we need deportation of over 10 million illegal aliens in a slow and orderly fashion." --Ed Garrison
“The 1987 amnesty was a failure; rather than reducing illegal immigration, it led to an increase,” FAIR stated. “Any new amnesty measure will further weaken respect for our immigration laws. Therefore, all amnesty measures must be defeated.” --Frosty Wooldridge

President barry shits on the United States.
This is a picture of YOUR American president, (president barry soetoro, a.k.a barack obama) refusing to acknowledge the National Anthem of the United States of America. This picture clearly shows barry with his hands crossed across his vaginal area when the United States Anthem was playing.
barry has NO RESPECT for you, me, or America! Not only did he disrespect America, he just shit on the graves of every American Soldier that has died for this country.
6/15/2010 - PRESIDENT BARRY CAN'T EVEN KEEP A U.S. PARK OPEN!!! He gave the park to mexico & the illegal alien mexican drug cartel!!!
7/6/2010 - American President barry soetoro sues AMERICA!!!
9/11/2010 - YOUR president just gave mexico $1 billion dollars for deepwater oil drilling despite his own moratorium on U.S. deepwater drilling!? More proof that barry hates America!
1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. A violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. 3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust. 2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

Pslam 109:8
May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
What's in their backpacks? Are any of them sick with a contagious disease?
United States Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part VIII, §1325 - "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who: 1) Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or 2) Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or 3) Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact; has committed a federal crime.
Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.
Illegal Alien
1. a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization. 2. a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, esp. a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.

Click here to see the list.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
6 Illegal Alien MS-13 Members Found Guilty Of Organized Crime
CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Six MS-13 gang members were found guilty of racketeering in Charlotte on Tuesday evening.
The jury deliberated for almost six hours, going over two weeks of evidence presented by prosecutors and one day of defense testimony.
None of the six defendants took the stand in his own defense during the trial.
The men were charged with racketeering, or carrying on organized crime activities, and could face life in prison. Some also faced gun and drug charges. They were found guilty on 36 charges in all. Their sentencing will take place at a later date.
Prosecutors presented hours of taped conversations between gang members secretly recorded by an undercover informant. They also had testimony from admitted MS-13 members, who agreed to testify for the government after entering their own guilty pleas in the case.
Family members who witnessed two slayings allegedly committed by the gang also provided their accounts of the gang’s activities. They are now in the witness protection program.
Defense attorneys could do little to refute the mountain of evidence.
Prosecutors already had some victories when it comes to MS-13. A total of 26 men were arrested in the initial gang member roundup in the summer of 2008, and 18 of those have already pleaded guilty.
The government has spent an enormous amount of time on the case, and the district attorney’s office is hoping it sends a signal to the gangs in Charlotte. But no one expects the case will wipe out gang activity.
A gang expert told Eyewitness News on Tuesday that MS-13 has likely already sent new people in to help run the gang in Charlotte.
While many parts of the area don't know much about the gang, it is an absolute terror within the Latino community, which is why there have been armed assault teams at the courthouse every time these defendants are brought in and taken away.
That's also why some of the witnesses who testified are in the federal witness protection program. They're scared of retaliation by the gang.
Even the jurors’ names aren't being released. They're referred to by number only because of security concerns.
The convictions are expected to cut out a big chunk of the gang, but gang experts say MS-13 has not gone away.
Source -
The jury deliberated for almost six hours, going over two weeks of evidence presented by prosecutors and one day of defense testimony.
None of the six defendants took the stand in his own defense during the trial.
The men were charged with racketeering, or carrying on organized crime activities, and could face life in prison. Some also faced gun and drug charges. They were found guilty on 36 charges in all. Their sentencing will take place at a later date.
Prosecutors presented hours of taped conversations between gang members secretly recorded by an undercover informant. They also had testimony from admitted MS-13 members, who agreed to testify for the government after entering their own guilty pleas in the case.
Family members who witnessed two slayings allegedly committed by the gang also provided their accounts of the gang’s activities. They are now in the witness protection program.
Defense attorneys could do little to refute the mountain of evidence.
Prosecutors already had some victories when it comes to MS-13. A total of 26 men were arrested in the initial gang member roundup in the summer of 2008, and 18 of those have already pleaded guilty.
The government has spent an enormous amount of time on the case, and the district attorney’s office is hoping it sends a signal to the gangs in Charlotte. But no one expects the case will wipe out gang activity.
A gang expert told Eyewitness News on Tuesday that MS-13 has likely already sent new people in to help run the gang in Charlotte.
While many parts of the area don't know much about the gang, it is an absolute terror within the Latino community, which is why there have been armed assault teams at the courthouse every time these defendants are brought in and taken away.
That's also why some of the witnesses who testified are in the federal witness protection program. They're scared of retaliation by the gang.
Even the jurors’ names aren't being released. They're referred to by number only because of security concerns.
The convictions are expected to cut out a big chunk of the gang, but gang experts say MS-13 has not gone away.
Source -
illegal aliens,
illegal immigrants,
north carolina
Monday, January 25, 2010
$2 Million a month to treat illegal aliens
ABOUT $2 MILLION A MONTH: More illegal immigrants getting emergency treatment at UMC
'The cost to our taxpayers is astronomical,' commissioner says
There are now four more of them regularly making their way to the emergency room at University Medical Center. And doctors say the illegal immigrants coming in for dialysis treatment at University Medical Center are sicker than they were before, making their care even more expensive.
Six months after the Review-Journal revealed that 80 illegal immigrants with failing kidneys were running up about $2 million a month in bills for dialysis and other medical treatment at the only publicly supported hospital in Las Vegas, the situation for both patients and taxpayers only continues to worsen.
And despite promises by elected officials to look into the issue, there are few signs it will get better.
Federal laws that require hospitals to give emergency treatment to patients regardless of citizenship, combined with a lack of enforcement of immigration laws, make the problem insoluble right now, hospital and elected officials say.
Unable to receive the dialysis treatments that all American citizens qualify for under Medicare, illegal immigrants who need such treatment across the nation have increasingly turned to emergency rooms.
UMC officials, who project a budget deficit of more than $70 million for fiscal year 2010, say that encouraging illegal immigrants to return to their home countries for dialysis treatment hasn't worked.
In August, Jon Summers, a spokesman for Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the senator promised to find more funding to aid hospitals that help the indigent.
None has been forthcoming to UMC and Summers said recently that Reid now believes only health care reform and immigration reform can address UMC's dilemma.
And talk between local elected, hospital and foreign officials about addressing the issue hasn't materialized.
With nothing being done to correct its situation with dialysis patients, UMC officials say taxpayers can expect to pay more to wait longer for their own emergency services. Nearly every day, about eight illegal immigrants show up at the UMC emergency room hoping to receive dialysis care, hospital officials say.
"The cost to our taxpayers is astronomical," said Lawrence Weekly, the Clark County commissioner who also serves as chairman of the UMC board of hospital trustees. "Many people are justifiably outraged. If this kind of thing goes on, we might have to close our doors. But we're governed by federal law on this issue so some way the federal government has to help us out. We just can't stand by and let people die in the streets. We wouldn't want that on our conscience."
An hour after Weekly made his observations, 76-year-old Jose Diaz Ruiz, who freely admits he is in the country illegally, sat inside UMC Thursday afternoon tethered to a dialysis machine. He sat in one of four dialysis chairs designed for hospital patients who suddenly become ill, and not for those in need of chronic care.
A weary Diaz Ruiz, who could barely keep his eyes open, wept as he talked through an interpreter about how his kidneys began to fail about a year ago. The longtime agricultural worker in Idaho said he was on his way back to Mexico when his deteriorating health wouldn't permit him to continue traveling.
The vast majority of illegal immigrants receiving dialysis treatment through UMC's emergency room are from Mexico, hospital officials say.
Though he had no insurance or money to pay for treatment for his medical problems through a doctor, he heard from friends that UMC's emergency room treated people regardless of financial circumstance.
Often, he said, his condition worsens to the point where doctors must put him in the hospital for two or three days. He said he is grateful to the doctors and nurses at UMC for treating him so he can still spend time with his wife, two grown sons, and grandchildren.
What would he do otherwise?
"Die," he said.
Under the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act, which was enacted in 1986, any patient, regardless of citizenship, who shows up at an emergency department requesting an examination or treatment for a medical condition must be given an appropriate medical screening to determine whether there is an emergency. If there is, treatment must be provided.
When the Review-Journal contacted Nevada's congressional delegation for this story, all said they recognized UMC's problem and that they must play the lead role in solving it. U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley, D-Nev., put it this way: "The system is being abused by people using the emergency room for ongoing care, including dialysis services ... But this is about more than just access to care or the cost, it's an immigration issue that must be addressed. That is why we need comprehensive immigration reform that includes a humanitarian provision where we can repatriate patients to their country of origin with the guarantee that care will continue once they are home."
But no member of the delegation has any idea when the immigration issue will be addressed. And although this is a topic that has received press attention across the country, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials have not taken action.
"ICE arrests are prioritized, based on specific leads, evidence and information, and are made at the appropriate time and place," ICE spokeswoman Lori Haley wrote from her California office.
Asked if ICE would ever deem the abuse of emergency rooms by illegal immigrants as significant enough for her agency to make arrests, Haley read the statement she had e-mailed.
Dr. Dale Carrison, head of UMC emergency services and a former FBI agent, said arresting illegal immigrants in need of medical treatment isn't seen as "politically viable," either by top Republican or Democratic officials.
U.S. citizens with end stage renal disease automatically qualify for Medicare to cover dialysis costs and generally receive thrice weekly treatments through private dialysis clinics, the best way to manage the condition both medically and financially.
But because illegal immigrants are not eligible for Medicare, they have figured out a way "to at least stay alive," Carrison said.
"They realize we'll dialyze them if they're in bad enough shape," he said.
Using emergency rooms this way is costly and dangerous, Carrison said, adding that a full screening with lab tests is done each time an individual comes to the emergency room.
Patients on Medicare who go to private dialysis clinics, Carrison noted, don't need expensive tests repeated because their private doctors are carefully managing their conditions.
Carrison said unless an individual with failing kidneys has a true emergency, meaning that person could die without treatment, dialysis isn't done.
"That means when they come back a few days later, their bodies are in really bad shape," he said, adding that it often results in expensive hospital stays in intensive care.
Carrison said private hospitals in Southern Nevada often send illegal immigrants to UMC for dialysis care.
"They could be doing this far more than they are but they send them here," he said.
Sunrise Health System officials said uncompensated care for dialysis for illegal immigrants' cost nearly $1.1 million for 2009. They denied steering illegal immigrants to UMC.
Valley Health System officials said they have given dialysis treatments to illegal immigrants but won't reveal the number of treatments given.
In August the Review-Journal interviewed dialysis patients who had to be hospitalized for up to two months because they waited too long to get the care.
The cost of care over that period would be at least in the tens of thousands of dollars, with the final cost dependent on the life-saving measures that had to be taken.
Brian Brannman, UMC's chief operating officer, has said the billed costs at UMC per visit for dialysis done on illegal immigrants can run into the thousands of dollars.
With four new illegal immigrants now having their dialysis done at UMC's emergency room -- and monthly visits jumping from 216 in August to 243 currently -- the billed charges for the 84 illegal immigrants are now at about $2.4 million a month -- or $28 million a year.
Actual costs -- in other words, UMC's costs for carrying out the dialysis care -- is about $700,000 a month, or about $8.4 million a year. That doesn't include, however, costs for extra care because the patient has become more ill. Brannman said that kind of analysis hasn't been done because hospital officials "haven't seen a need."
Private hospital officials generally don't divulge actual costs of treatment, considering the information proprietary to their business model. But under the law, taxpayer-supported hospitals have to be more transparent.
Brannman said UMC has never tried to help illegal immigrants who are dialysis patients relocate, noting there appears to be little interest. He did say the hospital, in conjunction with the Mexican consulate in Las Vegas, has helped to get Mexican nationals back to their homeland for care in other emergency situations, such as serious accidents.
Brannman said UMC social workers repeatedly counsel illegal immigrants on the benefits of getting dialysis treatments in their homeland. He said the social workers are in constant contact with the staff of Mariano Lemus Gas, the consul for Mexico in Las Vegas.
"The patients aren't interested in going back," Brannman said.
Gas said in August that UMC leaders should meet with him personally to talk regularly about the problem.
"I will do all I can to see if we can get people from our country to leave Las Vegas and return to Mexico for their health care," he said.
But Gas said last week that no UMC leader has contacted him about Mexican nationals receiving dialysis care at UMC.
"I thought that problem was over because so many Mexican nationals are going back to Mexico because of the bad economy here," he said. "The hospital needs to talk about this on a high level if they want results."
Gas has said his country provides some funding to send Mexican nationals back for some medical treatment.
Brannman said he never met with Gas because he didn't think it would do any good, seeing as the hospital's social workers have unsuccessfully brought the message to illegal immigrants about returning home.
County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said he was stunned when he learned top UMC officials have not met with Gas.
"I asked them to make sure and do that when I saw the consul really wanted to help out," he said. "When you've got somebody who says he'll try to work out a problem with you, you've got to take him at his word."
Sisolak also said he wants to explore subcontracting out the dialysis treatment for illegal immigrants. Although the cost for dialysis would essentially be the same, it may be the thing to do because patients would be seen on a regular basis and not become sick and require costly extra care, said hospital spokesman Rick Plummer.
Brannman said it doesn't seem right, however, to enter into a legal contract that benefits illegal immigrants. It may seem, he said, that Las Vegas condones the behavior.
But Sisolak said that the reality is that taxpayers are paying for health care for illegal immigrants.
"Whatever saves taxpayer money, we should be for," he said.
Brannman noted that the hospital receives no reimbursement from federal, state or local sources to provide the life-saving treatments for people who have entered the country illegally.
Health care costs for illegal immigrants, a hot-button issue in the health care reform debate, vary widely because of the difficulty in obtaining accurate information on illegal immigrants. But all estimates run into the billions of dollars.
Diaz Ruiz didn't want to talk about money as he received dialysis at UMC Thursday.
"I only want to live," he wept.
Source -
'The cost to our taxpayers is astronomical,' commissioner says
There are now four more of them regularly making their way to the emergency room at University Medical Center. And doctors say the illegal immigrants coming in for dialysis treatment at University Medical Center are sicker than they were before, making their care even more expensive.
Six months after the Review-Journal revealed that 80 illegal immigrants with failing kidneys were running up about $2 million a month in bills for dialysis and other medical treatment at the only publicly supported hospital in Las Vegas, the situation for both patients and taxpayers only continues to worsen.
And despite promises by elected officials to look into the issue, there are few signs it will get better.
Federal laws that require hospitals to give emergency treatment to patients regardless of citizenship, combined with a lack of enforcement of immigration laws, make the problem insoluble right now, hospital and elected officials say.
Unable to receive the dialysis treatments that all American citizens qualify for under Medicare, illegal immigrants who need such treatment across the nation have increasingly turned to emergency rooms.
UMC officials, who project a budget deficit of more than $70 million for fiscal year 2010, say that encouraging illegal immigrants to return to their home countries for dialysis treatment hasn't worked.
In August, Jon Summers, a spokesman for Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the senator promised to find more funding to aid hospitals that help the indigent.
None has been forthcoming to UMC and Summers said recently that Reid now believes only health care reform and immigration reform can address UMC's dilemma.
And talk between local elected, hospital and foreign officials about addressing the issue hasn't materialized.
With nothing being done to correct its situation with dialysis patients, UMC officials say taxpayers can expect to pay more to wait longer for their own emergency services. Nearly every day, about eight illegal immigrants show up at the UMC emergency room hoping to receive dialysis care, hospital officials say.
"The cost to our taxpayers is astronomical," said Lawrence Weekly, the Clark County commissioner who also serves as chairman of the UMC board of hospital trustees. "Many people are justifiably outraged. If this kind of thing goes on, we might have to close our doors. But we're governed by federal law on this issue so some way the federal government has to help us out. We just can't stand by and let people die in the streets. We wouldn't want that on our conscience."
An hour after Weekly made his observations, 76-year-old Jose Diaz Ruiz, who freely admits he is in the country illegally, sat inside UMC Thursday afternoon tethered to a dialysis machine. He sat in one of four dialysis chairs designed for hospital patients who suddenly become ill, and not for those in need of chronic care.
A weary Diaz Ruiz, who could barely keep his eyes open, wept as he talked through an interpreter about how his kidneys began to fail about a year ago. The longtime agricultural worker in Idaho said he was on his way back to Mexico when his deteriorating health wouldn't permit him to continue traveling.
The vast majority of illegal immigrants receiving dialysis treatment through UMC's emergency room are from Mexico, hospital officials say.
Though he had no insurance or money to pay for treatment for his medical problems through a doctor, he heard from friends that UMC's emergency room treated people regardless of financial circumstance.
Often, he said, his condition worsens to the point where doctors must put him in the hospital for two or three days. He said he is grateful to the doctors and nurses at UMC for treating him so he can still spend time with his wife, two grown sons, and grandchildren.
What would he do otherwise?
"Die," he said.
Under the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act, which was enacted in 1986, any patient, regardless of citizenship, who shows up at an emergency department requesting an examination or treatment for a medical condition must be given an appropriate medical screening to determine whether there is an emergency. If there is, treatment must be provided.
When the Review-Journal contacted Nevada's congressional delegation for this story, all said they recognized UMC's problem and that they must play the lead role in solving it. U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley, D-Nev., put it this way: "The system is being abused by people using the emergency room for ongoing care, including dialysis services ... But this is about more than just access to care or the cost, it's an immigration issue that must be addressed. That is why we need comprehensive immigration reform that includes a humanitarian provision where we can repatriate patients to their country of origin with the guarantee that care will continue once they are home."
But no member of the delegation has any idea when the immigration issue will be addressed. And although this is a topic that has received press attention across the country, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials have not taken action.
"ICE arrests are prioritized, based on specific leads, evidence and information, and are made at the appropriate time and place," ICE spokeswoman Lori Haley wrote from her California office.
Asked if ICE would ever deem the abuse of emergency rooms by illegal immigrants as significant enough for her agency to make arrests, Haley read the statement she had e-mailed.
Dr. Dale Carrison, head of UMC emergency services and a former FBI agent, said arresting illegal immigrants in need of medical treatment isn't seen as "politically viable," either by top Republican or Democratic officials.
U.S. citizens with end stage renal disease automatically qualify for Medicare to cover dialysis costs and generally receive thrice weekly treatments through private dialysis clinics, the best way to manage the condition both medically and financially.
But because illegal immigrants are not eligible for Medicare, they have figured out a way "to at least stay alive," Carrison said.
"They realize we'll dialyze them if they're in bad enough shape," he said.
Using emergency rooms this way is costly and dangerous, Carrison said, adding that a full screening with lab tests is done each time an individual comes to the emergency room.
Patients on Medicare who go to private dialysis clinics, Carrison noted, don't need expensive tests repeated because their private doctors are carefully managing their conditions.
Carrison said unless an individual with failing kidneys has a true emergency, meaning that person could die without treatment, dialysis isn't done.
"That means when they come back a few days later, their bodies are in really bad shape," he said, adding that it often results in expensive hospital stays in intensive care.
Carrison said private hospitals in Southern Nevada often send illegal immigrants to UMC for dialysis care.
"They could be doing this far more than they are but they send them here," he said.
Sunrise Health System officials said uncompensated care for dialysis for illegal immigrants' cost nearly $1.1 million for 2009. They denied steering illegal immigrants to UMC.
Valley Health System officials said they have given dialysis treatments to illegal immigrants but won't reveal the number of treatments given.
In August the Review-Journal interviewed dialysis patients who had to be hospitalized for up to two months because they waited too long to get the care.
The cost of care over that period would be at least in the tens of thousands of dollars, with the final cost dependent on the life-saving measures that had to be taken.
Brian Brannman, UMC's chief operating officer, has said the billed costs at UMC per visit for dialysis done on illegal immigrants can run into the thousands of dollars.
With four new illegal immigrants now having their dialysis done at UMC's emergency room -- and monthly visits jumping from 216 in August to 243 currently -- the billed charges for the 84 illegal immigrants are now at about $2.4 million a month -- or $28 million a year.
Actual costs -- in other words, UMC's costs for carrying out the dialysis care -- is about $700,000 a month, or about $8.4 million a year. That doesn't include, however, costs for extra care because the patient has become more ill. Brannman said that kind of analysis hasn't been done because hospital officials "haven't seen a need."
Private hospital officials generally don't divulge actual costs of treatment, considering the information proprietary to their business model. But under the law, taxpayer-supported hospitals have to be more transparent.
Brannman said UMC has never tried to help illegal immigrants who are dialysis patients relocate, noting there appears to be little interest. He did say the hospital, in conjunction with the Mexican consulate in Las Vegas, has helped to get Mexican nationals back to their homeland for care in other emergency situations, such as serious accidents.
Brannman said UMC social workers repeatedly counsel illegal immigrants on the benefits of getting dialysis treatments in their homeland. He said the social workers are in constant contact with the staff of Mariano Lemus Gas, the consul for Mexico in Las Vegas.
"The patients aren't interested in going back," Brannman said.
Gas said in August that UMC leaders should meet with him personally to talk regularly about the problem.
"I will do all I can to see if we can get people from our country to leave Las Vegas and return to Mexico for their health care," he said.
But Gas said last week that no UMC leader has contacted him about Mexican nationals receiving dialysis care at UMC.
"I thought that problem was over because so many Mexican nationals are going back to Mexico because of the bad economy here," he said. "The hospital needs to talk about this on a high level if they want results."
Gas has said his country provides some funding to send Mexican nationals back for some medical treatment.
Brannman said he never met with Gas because he didn't think it would do any good, seeing as the hospital's social workers have unsuccessfully brought the message to illegal immigrants about returning home.
County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said he was stunned when he learned top UMC officials have not met with Gas.
"I asked them to make sure and do that when I saw the consul really wanted to help out," he said. "When you've got somebody who says he'll try to work out a problem with you, you've got to take him at his word."
Sisolak also said he wants to explore subcontracting out the dialysis treatment for illegal immigrants. Although the cost for dialysis would essentially be the same, it may be the thing to do because patients would be seen on a regular basis and not become sick and require costly extra care, said hospital spokesman Rick Plummer.
Brannman said it doesn't seem right, however, to enter into a legal contract that benefits illegal immigrants. It may seem, he said, that Las Vegas condones the behavior.
But Sisolak said that the reality is that taxpayers are paying for health care for illegal immigrants.
"Whatever saves taxpayer money, we should be for," he said.
Brannman noted that the hospital receives no reimbursement from federal, state or local sources to provide the life-saving treatments for people who have entered the country illegally.
Health care costs for illegal immigrants, a hot-button issue in the health care reform debate, vary widely because of the difficulty in obtaining accurate information on illegal immigrants. But all estimates run into the billions of dollars.
Diaz Ruiz didn't want to talk about money as he received dialysis at UMC Thursday.
"I only want to live," he wept.
Source -
health care,
illegal aliens,
illegal immigrants,
las vegas
Video - Meth Dealing Illegal Aliens Busted
illegal aliens,
illegal immigrants,
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Illegal alien charged with raping his girlfriend's grandmother
Last week, sheriff’s deputies in Marion County, FL, arrested Juan Cahuich-Santiago, 25, and charged him with sexual battery on a special condition victim. The illegal alien was living in the home with the elderly woman, and the alleged rape occurred while his girlfriend was out shopping.
When the family returned from the grocery store, they found the 76-year-old woman lying in an odd position, and her clothing disheveled. The victim, who cannot speak, was unable to stand and covered in bruises.
According to the arrest report, the woman had a bump on her forehead, bruises on her legs, and her pony tail had been pulled out.
A used condom was found in the trash.
Her injuries were so severe, that the grandmother required surgery after the attack.
Initially, Santiago-Cahuich denied raping the woman. However, under questioning, he admitted to the attack.
He told detectives that he had been watching an x-rated movie, before forcing himself on her. After finishing with her, the Mexican national placed her back in the recliner and fell asleep.
The arrest affidavit also indicates that Santiago-Cahuich knew that the woman has dementia and was incapable of refusing his advances.
Santiago-Cahuich is currently being held in the Marion County Jail on $75,000 bond.
Source -
When the family returned from the grocery store, they found the 76-year-old woman lying in an odd position, and her clothing disheveled. The victim, who cannot speak, was unable to stand and covered in bruises.
According to the arrest report, the woman had a bump on her forehead, bruises on her legs, and her pony tail had been pulled out.
A used condom was found in the trash.
Her injuries were so severe, that the grandmother required surgery after the attack.
Initially, Santiago-Cahuich denied raping the woman. However, under questioning, he admitted to the attack.
He told detectives that he had been watching an x-rated movie, before forcing himself on her. After finishing with her, the Mexican national placed her back in the recliner and fell asleep.
The arrest affidavit also indicates that Santiago-Cahuich knew that the woman has dementia and was incapable of refusing his advances.
Santiago-Cahuich is currently being held in the Marion County Jail on $75,000 bond.
Source -
illegal alien,
illegal immigrant,
juan cahuich santiago,
marion county,
sex crime,
sex offender
Mean Street: obama is Killing America by Killing Wall Street
What has become of America?
Today, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein announced record annual profits of $13.4 billion for his bank.
He has repaid the U.S. taxpayer $11.42 billion for taking TARP money he didn’t want
He will contribute another $6.4 billion in taxes to the general public.
And within weeks, if President Obama gets his way, Blankfein has a good shot at becoming the most hated man in our nation.
Apparently, this is now how we treat success in America. We damn it, and then we punish it by enacting loopy, politically expedient measures such as caps on Wall Street trading and principal investments.
Why is our country so self-destructive?
We need people to come together, but we engage in populist divisiveness. We need millions of jobs, but we kill the incentives and destroy the capital that will create them.
Please don’t accuse me of not “getting it.” I do “get it.” I “get” that Main Street is suffering. I “get” that Wall Street is full of selfish, greedy people. I “ get” that Wall Street engages in reckless trading. I “get” that no bank should be too big to fail.
But does anyone actually believe the new White House war on Wall Street will remedy any of that? I know I don’t.
This war is about politics. It’s about a big election loss in Massachusetts. It’s about pushing the blame for the nation’s misery from Washington onto Wall Street.
Is President Obama talking to Tora Bora terrorists or Park Avenue bankers when he says: “So if these folks want a fight, it’s a fight I’m ready to have.”
Unfortunately, it’s a fight — that at least on the PR front — Washington is already winning. Just read today’s subdued Goldman Sachs earnings release.
Total profits were a “record” at the bank, even if earnings per share weren’t. But you wouldn’t know that from the Goldman press release. Instead, the big PR highlight is “Compensation and Benefits Down By $4 billion or 20% From 2007. Lowest Annual Compensation.”
How perverse. Job creation in our economy comes from profits and growing incomes. But here is America’s best-run company almost ashamed of its profits and bragging about how much less it’s paying its people.
Make no mistake — this war will damage the nation’s psyche. Just look at today’s stock market. In fact, the war’s unforeseen consequences are just now beginning to appear .
It’s bound to get very, very messy because in fact, contrary to the President’s assertion, the 2008 collapse had little to do with the dissolution of Glass-Steagall or proprietary trading by banks.
Sure, Wall Street was way too vulnerable because it was way too leveraged.
But AIG wasn’t a bank. Neither Lehman Brothers nor Bear Stearns took consumer deposits. And the hundreds of billions in losses at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — as well as the destruction of Wachovia, Washington Mutual and Countrywide had nothing to do with prop trading.
That was caused by banks lending money to millions of Americans to buy houses they couldn’t afford. You won’t hear much of that coming from Washington. After all, “It’s Actually Your Fault, America” is not a good slogan for a re-election campaign.
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Today, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein announced record annual profits of $13.4 billion for his bank.
He has repaid the U.S. taxpayer $11.42 billion for taking TARP money he didn’t want
He will contribute another $6.4 billion in taxes to the general public.
And within weeks, if President Obama gets his way, Blankfein has a good shot at becoming the most hated man in our nation.
Apparently, this is now how we treat success in America. We damn it, and then we punish it by enacting loopy, politically expedient measures such as caps on Wall Street trading and principal investments.
Why is our country so self-destructive?
We need people to come together, but we engage in populist divisiveness. We need millions of jobs, but we kill the incentives and destroy the capital that will create them.
Please don’t accuse me of not “getting it.” I do “get it.” I “get” that Main Street is suffering. I “get” that Wall Street is full of selfish, greedy people. I “ get” that Wall Street engages in reckless trading. I “get” that no bank should be too big to fail.
But does anyone actually believe the new White House war on Wall Street will remedy any of that? I know I don’t.
This war is about politics. It’s about a big election loss in Massachusetts. It’s about pushing the blame for the nation’s misery from Washington onto Wall Street.
Is President Obama talking to Tora Bora terrorists or Park Avenue bankers when he says: “So if these folks want a fight, it’s a fight I’m ready to have.”
Unfortunately, it’s a fight — that at least on the PR front — Washington is already winning. Just read today’s subdued Goldman Sachs earnings release.
Total profits were a “record” at the bank, even if earnings per share weren’t. But you wouldn’t know that from the Goldman press release. Instead, the big PR highlight is “Compensation and Benefits Down By $4 billion or 20% From 2007. Lowest Annual Compensation.”
How perverse. Job creation in our economy comes from profits and growing incomes. But here is America’s best-run company almost ashamed of its profits and bragging about how much less it’s paying its people.
Make no mistake — this war will damage the nation’s psyche. Just look at today’s stock market. In fact, the war’s unforeseen consequences are just now beginning to appear .
It’s bound to get very, very messy because in fact, contrary to the President’s assertion, the 2008 collapse had little to do with the dissolution of Glass-Steagall or proprietary trading by banks.
Sure, Wall Street was way too vulnerable because it was way too leveraged.
But AIG wasn’t a bank. Neither Lehman Brothers nor Bear Stearns took consumer deposits. And the hundreds of billions in losses at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — as well as the destruction of Wachovia, Washington Mutual and Countrywide had nothing to do with prop trading.
That was caused by banks lending money to millions of Americans to buy houses they couldn’t afford. You won’t hear much of that coming from Washington. After all, “It’s Actually Your Fault, America” is not a good slogan for a re-election campaign.
Source -
domestic terrorist,
illegal alien,
illegal immigrant,
lloyd blankfein,
wall street,
Friday, January 15, 2010
Woman finds illegal alien hiding in her washroom
LA JOYA — A woman found an illegal immigrant hiding in her washroom Friday morning, police said.
Officers found the immigrant about 8:50 a.m. at a house in the Tierra Blanca subdivision, said Joe Cantu, a La Joya police spokesman. The man told police he had broken away from a group of about 15 immigrants from Cuba, El Salvador and India who had crossed into the United States illegally.
He said he left the group because someone tried to assault him, Cantu said.
U.S. Border Patrol agents detained the man, who was processed for deportation to his native country.
Officers found the immigrant about 8:50 a.m. at a house in the Tierra Blanca subdivision, said Joe Cantu, a La Joya police spokesman. The man told police he had broken away from a group of about 15 immigrants from Cuba, El Salvador and India who had crossed into the United States illegally.
He said he left the group because someone tried to assault him, Cantu said.
U.S. Border Patrol agents detained the man, who was processed for deportation to his native country.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Police: Illegal alien raped 76-year-old
UMATILLA - A 76-year-old grandmother is in stable condition after she was allegedly raped by a man that had been tasked with her supervision.
A Marion County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman said the woman is in the hospital awaiting surgery.
Juan Cahuich-Santiago, 29, was charged Tuesday with sexual battery on a special condition victim. The illegal immigrant was being held at the Marion County Jail on Wednesday on no bail.
The alleged attack occurred Saturday, late afternoon or early evening, in a Umatilla area home in east Marion County where Cahuich-Santiago lived with the victim and her family. The victim is unrelated to Cahuich-Santiago.
According to the sheriff's spokeswoman Jenifer Fisher, the woman's family was grocery shopping and she had been left under Cahuich-Santiago's supervision.
When the family returned, they found Cahuich-Santiago sleeping and the grandmother lying sideways on a recliner with her clothing not fitting properly.
According to an arrest affidavit, the victim had a bump on her forehead, bruises on her knees and her pony tail was pulled out. The woman could not stand at that time, which she could before the family left for groceries.
And, a used condom was found in the garbage.
"It is a piece of evidence but DNA testing takes four to six weeks so we cannot absolutely confirm it was used by him or on her at this time," Fisher said.
Cahuich-Santiago initially denied attacking the woman, but later confessed that while alone with the victim, he had been watching dirty movies, before approaching her. The report adds he admitted that the victim is incapable of saying no, and is unaware of her surroundings.
He said he placed her back in the recliner when he was done.
Santiago is in the country illegally, but Fisher said any effort to deport him wouldn't start until after he is tried here for this crime.
Source -
A Marion County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman said the woman is in the hospital awaiting surgery.
Juan Cahuich-Santiago, 29, was charged Tuesday with sexual battery on a special condition victim. The illegal immigrant was being held at the Marion County Jail on Wednesday on no bail.
The alleged attack occurred Saturday, late afternoon or early evening, in a Umatilla area home in east Marion County where Cahuich-Santiago lived with the victim and her family. The victim is unrelated to Cahuich-Santiago.
According to the sheriff's spokeswoman Jenifer Fisher, the woman's family was grocery shopping and she had been left under Cahuich-Santiago's supervision.
When the family returned, they found Cahuich-Santiago sleeping and the grandmother lying sideways on a recliner with her clothing not fitting properly.
According to an arrest affidavit, the victim had a bump on her forehead, bruises on her knees and her pony tail was pulled out. The woman could not stand at that time, which she could before the family left for groceries.
And, a used condom was found in the garbage.
"It is a piece of evidence but DNA testing takes four to six weeks so we cannot absolutely confirm it was used by him or on her at this time," Fisher said.
Cahuich-Santiago initially denied attacking the woman, but later confessed that while alone with the victim, he had been watching dirty movies, before approaching her. The report adds he admitted that the victim is incapable of saying no, and is unaware of her surroundings.
He said he placed her back in the recliner when he was done.
Santiago is in the country illegally, but Fisher said any effort to deport him wouldn't start until after he is tried here for this crime.
Source -
illegal alien,
illegal immigrant,
juan cahuich santiago,
marion county,
sex crime,
sex offender,
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Illegal Immigration: Facts Are Very Scary!
In this article, let us state facts and provide their sources for everyone to verify—how refreshing in today’s world where false propaganda currently rules over objective news gathering and reporting, no?
One of the most difficult things about the modern era is that we now have most major news companies conducting propagandistic journalism—they often sell a hidden agenda, or support a party line or ideology, or they apply an editorial approach generated by their corporate controllers and facts become things to manipulate rather than report on accurately. The profession of journalism used to be one of noble watchdog duty but has now become one more akin to a “used car salesman flimflammer” – yellow and red journalism now thrives in America at all the major news outlets (none excepted). Making matters worse, there is a sea of bloggers who spout half-truths and half-facts. And still others in think tanks and nonprofit orgs who tout falsehoods and use facts and statistics to twist and confuse other facts and statistics so a clear picture cannot be assimilated or understood. And then there are the worse fact abusers of all time, US lawmaker who are highly skilled at bastardizing known facts to come up with convincing false arguments that help aid a Constitutional tearing down agenda or that forward personal and party political gains.
Is is not amazing that after being told several dozen times NO AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS by the vast majority of voters, that Congress and the White House are still trying to forward such a harmful and wicked deed on to America and Americans? In the Dem controlled media (7 of 8 reporters in the US news media are registered Democrats), we rarely hear the facts anymore on illegal or “criminal” immigration, which is a highly complex issue. It really boils down to two simple realities: It’s illegal and it’s very harmful to America and all Americans—the complete opposite of “legal immigration.”
This article does not deal with the supremely complex issue of “legal immigration”, which is far more reaching in its implications than is ever exposed and requires volumes of investigative work on its own. Here, we are only concerned with unlawful/criminal/illegal immigration aka “foreign invasion”.
Let’s examine just a small number of the vast amount of negative impacts illegal immigration and a proposed amnesty has or will have on the US and all its citizens (and law abiding immigrants).
Cost Impacts
There is a great deal of data on this issue now, most of which indicates that after all positive contributions to US society and industry, illegal immigration is impacting US taxpayers by more than $400 billion annually (however, due to time constraints here, such sources will not be ferreted out and offered up. Instead, I refer the reder to Bearn Sterns and other studies compiled in the Operation Safe America report put out by the Patriot Society. According to the 2007 report, illegal immigration was costing over $212 billion in direct costs and over $55 billion in indirect costs—at least $267 billion per year or $1 trillion every 5 years! (7, pg 33).
Identity Theft
The overwhelming majority of identity theft and its respective costs and impacts on Americans is being fueled by illegal immigration. (4)
Since 1986, when the Immigration Reform and Control Act combating illegal immigration set penalties for employers who knowingly hired illegal aliens, such illegal workers have been forced to buy fake ID’s to get a job in the US—virtually everyone working in the US illegally has therefore committed a serious crime (typically a felony in most states—a crime that would land most US citizens in prison for a few years). (3)
According to a financial industry report from a Javelin Strategy & Research Survey, Identity Theft is costing Americans about $50 billion per year, or $6,000 per person (not counting all the time impacts, which can add up to months and often impact the business where harmed victims work due to lower productivity). (8)
Then there is the hot button issue of the economy and US citizen unemployment issues that are really hard to swallow for most Americans.
If you are nearly 1 of every 5 Americans who is unemployed (17.3% receiving unemployment benefits or not) in early 2010, you may be interested to know that in every single work sector and category, including agriculture, Americans are already doing the work illegal aliens are doing—and are still WILLING to do the work and needing those jobs, according to facts provided in this detailed article. (11) The reality is, if illegal immigration was not allowed to flourish but instead abated, the current US unemployment rate would be about 4% across America—most US citizen families would have access to needed jobs—millions of which are high paying. (11)
100% Preventable Crime
One of the aspects rarely discussed in this debate is the reality of 100% avoidable crime and harms to Americans. For example, if a person who would otherwise commit an act or crime that results in harm or death to another person is not present, then the act cannot occur and nobody can thus be harmed. This is one reason why we have prisons—to remove potential harmful people from society and keep additional harms from occurring. Illegal aliens are not suppose to be in this country, therefore, the resulting crimes and harms they cause while here are 100% avoidable if they had not been here to begin with.
In 2004, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated 6.1 million traffic accidents resulting in 2,788,000 injured and 42,636 killed. (14) If we assume there are 20 million illegal aliens with a total US population of 300 million, this could mean 7%* of all accidents involve illegal aliens, which resulted in 195,160 injuries and 2,984 deaths in 2004 alone or over 29,800 needless deaths over the last decade. Arguably there is a known error factor but the NHTSA does not track the legal status of drivers or those injured or killed—but we do get a general ballpark worth considering. It’s not unfair to assume about 7% of highway deaths and injuries could have been avoided had illegal aliens not been present in the country to begin with.
The reality is, illegal immigration currently results in the death of over 9,000 Americans per year, according to the Operation Safe America report (7)—a war on American soil pushed by foreigners who are not suppose to be here—a death rate ten times higher than that of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars combined—but no outcry—no outrage—only a sick-minded demand from law makers and the media for a reward of amnesty—just pay a small fine, go to the back of the line, but please stay as your reward—wow, our morals and ethics have really diminished in America when our lawmakers actually encourage, condone, and reward law breaking and its harms on US citizens and legal immigrants… but let’s keep going…
Violence & Crime
In 2005, the US Border Patrol made 1.19 million arrests—a shear foreign invasion affront that continues this very day. (36)
The 1999 to 2006 study by the Violent Crimes Institute in Atlanta found about 240,000 illegal aliens sex offenders are in the US and that 93 sex offenders and 12 serial sexual offenders come across U.S. borders illegally each day. (37) For every illegal alien offender studied, an average of four US citizen victims were harmed—35% of which were child molestations—24% rapes—41% either homicides or serial murders; all preventable had our borders been secured and laws enforced. (36)
The Victims of Illegal Alien Crime organization ( is not a website for the weak of constitution, for it lists the details and family photos of those harmed or killed by illegal aliens in what can only be described as “citizen-direct-statistical” website. If you are a parent, do not go to this website unless you’re prepared to shed tears of upset and outrage—especially for the children found there.
One of the most difficult things about the modern era is that we now have most major news companies conducting propagandistic journalism—they often sell a hidden agenda, or support a party line or ideology, or they apply an editorial approach generated by their corporate controllers and facts become things to manipulate rather than report on accurately. The profession of journalism used to be one of noble watchdog duty but has now become one more akin to a “used car salesman flimflammer” – yellow and red journalism now thrives in America at all the major news outlets (none excepted). Making matters worse, there is a sea of bloggers who spout half-truths and half-facts. And still others in think tanks and nonprofit orgs who tout falsehoods and use facts and statistics to twist and confuse other facts and statistics so a clear picture cannot be assimilated or understood. And then there are the worse fact abusers of all time, US lawmaker who are highly skilled at bastardizing known facts to come up with convincing false arguments that help aid a Constitutional tearing down agenda or that forward personal and party political gains.
Is is not amazing that after being told several dozen times NO AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS by the vast majority of voters, that Congress and the White House are still trying to forward such a harmful and wicked deed on to America and Americans? In the Dem controlled media (7 of 8 reporters in the US news media are registered Democrats), we rarely hear the facts anymore on illegal or “criminal” immigration, which is a highly complex issue. It really boils down to two simple realities: It’s illegal and it’s very harmful to America and all Americans—the complete opposite of “legal immigration.”
This article does not deal with the supremely complex issue of “legal immigration”, which is far more reaching in its implications than is ever exposed and requires volumes of investigative work on its own. Here, we are only concerned with unlawful/criminal/illegal immigration aka “foreign invasion”.
Let’s examine just a small number of the vast amount of negative impacts illegal immigration and a proposed amnesty has or will have on the US and all its citizens (and law abiding immigrants).
Cost Impacts
There is a great deal of data on this issue now, most of which indicates that after all positive contributions to US society and industry, illegal immigration is impacting US taxpayers by more than $400 billion annually (however, due to time constraints here, such sources will not be ferreted out and offered up. Instead, I refer the reder to Bearn Sterns and other studies compiled in the Operation Safe America report put out by the Patriot Society. According to the 2007 report, illegal immigration was costing over $212 billion in direct costs and over $55 billion in indirect costs—at least $267 billion per year or $1 trillion every 5 years! (7, pg 33).
Identity Theft
The overwhelming majority of identity theft and its respective costs and impacts on Americans is being fueled by illegal immigration. (4)
Since 1986, when the Immigration Reform and Control Act combating illegal immigration set penalties for employers who knowingly hired illegal aliens, such illegal workers have been forced to buy fake ID’s to get a job in the US—virtually everyone working in the US illegally has therefore committed a serious crime (typically a felony in most states—a crime that would land most US citizens in prison for a few years). (3)
According to a financial industry report from a Javelin Strategy & Research Survey, Identity Theft is costing Americans about $50 billion per year, or $6,000 per person (not counting all the time impacts, which can add up to months and often impact the business where harmed victims work due to lower productivity). (8)
Then there is the hot button issue of the economy and US citizen unemployment issues that are really hard to swallow for most Americans.
If you are nearly 1 of every 5 Americans who is unemployed (17.3% receiving unemployment benefits or not) in early 2010, you may be interested to know that in every single work sector and category, including agriculture, Americans are already doing the work illegal aliens are doing—and are still WILLING to do the work and needing those jobs, according to facts provided in this detailed article. (11) The reality is, if illegal immigration was not allowed to flourish but instead abated, the current US unemployment rate would be about 4% across America—most US citizen families would have access to needed jobs—millions of which are high paying. (11)
100% Preventable Crime
One of the aspects rarely discussed in this debate is the reality of 100% avoidable crime and harms to Americans. For example, if a person who would otherwise commit an act or crime that results in harm or death to another person is not present, then the act cannot occur and nobody can thus be harmed. This is one reason why we have prisons—to remove potential harmful people from society and keep additional harms from occurring. Illegal aliens are not suppose to be in this country, therefore, the resulting crimes and harms they cause while here are 100% avoidable if they had not been here to begin with.
In 2004, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated 6.1 million traffic accidents resulting in 2,788,000 injured and 42,636 killed. (14) If we assume there are 20 million illegal aliens with a total US population of 300 million, this could mean 7%* of all accidents involve illegal aliens, which resulted in 195,160 injuries and 2,984 deaths in 2004 alone or over 29,800 needless deaths over the last decade. Arguably there is a known error factor but the NHTSA does not track the legal status of drivers or those injured or killed—but we do get a general ballpark worth considering. It’s not unfair to assume about 7% of highway deaths and injuries could have been avoided had illegal aliens not been present in the country to begin with.
The reality is, illegal immigration currently results in the death of over 9,000 Americans per year, according to the Operation Safe America report (7)—a war on American soil pushed by foreigners who are not suppose to be here—a death rate ten times higher than that of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars combined—but no outcry—no outrage—only a sick-minded demand from law makers and the media for a reward of amnesty—just pay a small fine, go to the back of the line, but please stay as your reward—wow, our morals and ethics have really diminished in America when our lawmakers actually encourage, condone, and reward law breaking and its harms on US citizens and legal immigrants… but let’s keep going…
Violence & Crime
In 2005, the US Border Patrol made 1.19 million arrests—a shear foreign invasion affront that continues this very day. (36)
The 1999 to 2006 study by the Violent Crimes Institute in Atlanta found about 240,000 illegal aliens sex offenders are in the US and that 93 sex offenders and 12 serial sexual offenders come across U.S. borders illegally each day. (37) For every illegal alien offender studied, an average of four US citizen victims were harmed—35% of which were child molestations—24% rapes—41% either homicides or serial murders; all preventable had our borders been secured and laws enforced. (36)
The Victims of Illegal Alien Crime organization ( is not a website for the weak of constitution, for it lists the details and family photos of those harmed or killed by illegal aliens in what can only be described as “citizen-direct-statistical” website. If you are a parent, do not go to this website unless you’re prepared to shed tears of upset and outrage—especially for the children found there.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Illegal alien deported, arrested and released – kills sheriff’s deputy
This is a murder that did not have to happen. Deputy Josie Fox was shot and killed by an illegal alien during a traffic stop at 1 a.m. Tuesday morning on U.S. Highway 50 in Delta, Utah.
Again, let me make this quite clear. If this criminal was deported and kept out of the country Deputy Fox would still be alive today, happily spending time with her two children.
Fox was with the Millard County Sheriff’s Office for more than five years and was well thought of especially by the younger generations in the community as she built trust with teenagers as they grew up.
On Tuesday, a few minutes after midnight, two vehicles met on a dirt road in central Utah. The late-night rendezvous drew the suspicions of a Millard County sheriff’s sergeant, who ordered Deputy Josie Fox to pull over one of the cars.
The 1995 gray Cadillac Deville she stopped was driven by Roberto Miramontes Roman, who, sheriff’s officials say, shot and killed Fox about 1 a.m. near Delta.
In the second car, according to court documents filed Tuesday, was Ryan Greathouse, Fox’s brother. The documents say that during the meeting on the dirt road, Greathouse bought drugs from Roman.
The alleged shooter has been captured; his criminal past and illegal border-crossing activities well documented. But nobody seems to want to enforce the laws we currently have on the books. Because of that fact alone, Deputy Fox will not be coming home safe to her family.
[Millard County Sheriff Robert] Dekker said police had not had a run-in with Roman since 2005.
Immigration officials said Wednesday that both Roman and Chavez Reyes are Mexican nationals who are in the United States illegally.
According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Roman was admitted to the United States legally in 1990, but was deported in 1998 to his native country because of criminal convictions.
He was arrested twice after that for illegally re-entering the United States and prosecuted in 2005 in U.S. District Court in Arizona for that offense, according to ICE. Court records show he was sentenced to 150 days in prison.
Utah state court records show that Roman has a significant criminal history, beginning in 1992 with a misdemeanor drug distribution charge to which he pleaded guilty in Fillmore. In 1996 and 1997, Roman was charged in Millard County in two different cases with a handful of felonies, including drug charges, receiving stolen property and a weapons count.
He was sent to prison for up to 15 years after pleading guilty to one count of second-degree felony drug possession with intent to distribute and one count of third-degree felony drug possession.
In the 1996 case, an informant told police he had been selling drugs for Roman for about a year, according to a search warrant affidavit filed in 4th District Court. The informant also told police he had traded a Tech 9 mm semi-automatic pistol to Roman for drugs, and that he believed Roman kept the weapon and a cache of illegal drugs in a back bedroom of his Delta area trailer home.
On Sept. 15, 1998, Roman was released from prison into the custody of immigration authorities and deported.
Again, let me make this quite clear. If this criminal was deported and kept out of the country Deputy Fox would still be alive today, happily spending time with her two children.
Fox was with the Millard County Sheriff’s Office for more than five years and was well thought of especially by the younger generations in the community as she built trust with teenagers as they grew up.
On Tuesday, a few minutes after midnight, two vehicles met on a dirt road in central Utah. The late-night rendezvous drew the suspicions of a Millard County sheriff’s sergeant, who ordered Deputy Josie Fox to pull over one of the cars.
The 1995 gray Cadillac Deville she stopped was driven by Roberto Miramontes Roman, who, sheriff’s officials say, shot and killed Fox about 1 a.m. near Delta.
In the second car, according to court documents filed Tuesday, was Ryan Greathouse, Fox’s brother. The documents say that during the meeting on the dirt road, Greathouse bought drugs from Roman.
The alleged shooter has been captured; his criminal past and illegal border-crossing activities well documented. But nobody seems to want to enforce the laws we currently have on the books. Because of that fact alone, Deputy Fox will not be coming home safe to her family.
[Millard County Sheriff Robert] Dekker said police had not had a run-in with Roman since 2005.
Immigration officials said Wednesday that both Roman and Chavez Reyes are Mexican nationals who are in the United States illegally.
According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Roman was admitted to the United States legally in 1990, but was deported in 1998 to his native country because of criminal convictions.
He was arrested twice after that for illegally re-entering the United States and prosecuted in 2005 in U.S. District Court in Arizona for that offense, according to ICE. Court records show he was sentenced to 150 days in prison.
Utah state court records show that Roman has a significant criminal history, beginning in 1992 with a misdemeanor drug distribution charge to which he pleaded guilty in Fillmore. In 1996 and 1997, Roman was charged in Millard County in two different cases with a handful of felonies, including drug charges, receiving stolen property and a weapons count.
He was sent to prison for up to 15 years after pleading guilty to one count of second-degree felony drug possession with intent to distribute and one count of third-degree felony drug possession.
In the 1996 case, an informant told police he had been selling drugs for Roman for about a year, according to a search warrant affidavit filed in 4th District Court. The informant also told police he had traded a Tech 9 mm semi-automatic pistol to Roman for drugs, and that he believed Roman kept the weapon and a cache of illegal drugs in a back bedroom of his Delta area trailer home.
On Sept. 15, 1998, Roman was released from prison into the custody of immigration authorities and deported.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Video - Illegal Alien Kills Baby
illegal alien,
illegal immigrant,
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Once-Deported Illegal Alien Kills Female Deputy
The fallen deputy has been identified as Deputy Sheriff Josie Greathouse Fox of the Millard County Sheriff’s Office.
Update: Millard Country Sheriff Robert A. Dekker has informed the media that the shooter, Roberto Miramontes Roman, is a Mexican national, has been previously arrested for theft charges and has been previously deported from the United States as an illegal immigrant.
A Millard County sheriff’s deputy was shot and killed early Tuesday, and a statewide manhunt for the suspect may have narrowed down to a few blocks of west Salt Lake City.
Deputy Josie Greathouse Fox was gunned down about 1 a.m., during a traffic stop a mile east of Delta. Her body was found by a second deputy, who was responding to a request for backup. Fix, a mother of two, had been with the Millard County Sheriff’s Department five years.
Utah Highway Patrol Sgt. Jeff Nigbur identified the “prime suspect” sought in the shooting as Roberto Miramontes Roman. He is described as a 37-year-old Latino, 5-foot-7, 130 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes.
Roman is possibly armed with an AK-47 assault rifle, and is considered dangerous. Anyone with information on Roman’s whereabouts is urged to immediately call 911.
“We have information that he’s not going to be taken alive,” Nigbur said.
Roman has a significant criminal history, including drug offenses, and a court-ordered illegal-immigration-related deportation.
Millard County officials said the suspect vehicle, an orange Corvette, had been stopped as part of an investigation into recent thefts. The suspect had sped away from the scene by the time the second deputy arrived.
The search the suspect quickly focused to Salt Lake City, where police found a vehicle — believed to be the Corvette — near 300 South and 1100 West. Police also were keeping a lookout for Advertisement a gray 1995 Cadillac Deville, license plate number 713-PAB, that the suspect may now be driving.
By 7 a.m., SWAT officers were seen in the area of 300 South and 1100 West. Police would not confirm that they may have located the suspect, though it appeared a containment area was being set up. Two local schools — Guadalupe and Franklin — were closed and traffic through the area blocked while officers went door-to-door, searching for the suspect.
Nigbur said three SWAT teams were deployed in the area, focusing on “two or three” homes believed to be occupied by relatives of the suspect. No neighborhood evacuations were immediately ordered, however.
Roman has a criminal history beginning in 1992 with a misdemeanor drug distribution charge to which he pleaded guilty in Fillmore’s 4th District Court.
Then in 1996 and 1997, Roman was charged in Millard County with a handful of felonies in two different cases, including drug charges, receiving stolen property and a weapons count.
He resolved the cases by pleading guilty to one count of third-degree felony drug possession and one count of second-degree felony drug possession with intent to distribute.
He was sentenced to prison for up to 15 years in June 1997.
Roman was paroled Sept. 15, 1998, and apparently completed his parole successfully, according to Utah Board of Pardons and Parole spokesman Jim Hatch.
Court records show that at the time the crimes were committed, Roman was a resident of Delta. All three cases were investigated by the Millard County Sheriff’s Office.
Meanwhile, in Millard County, law enforcement ordered closure of U.S. 50 in both directions just east of Delta as their investigation into the slaying got under way this morning. The road has since been reopened, according to the Utah Department of Transportation.
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Update: Millard Country Sheriff Robert A. Dekker has informed the media that the shooter, Roberto Miramontes Roman, is a Mexican national, has been previously arrested for theft charges and has been previously deported from the United States as an illegal immigrant.
A Millard County sheriff’s deputy was shot and killed early Tuesday, and a statewide manhunt for the suspect may have narrowed down to a few blocks of west Salt Lake City.
Deputy Josie Greathouse Fox was gunned down about 1 a.m., during a traffic stop a mile east of Delta. Her body was found by a second deputy, who was responding to a request for backup. Fix, a mother of two, had been with the Millard County Sheriff’s Department five years.
Utah Highway Patrol Sgt. Jeff Nigbur identified the “prime suspect” sought in the shooting as Roberto Miramontes Roman. He is described as a 37-year-old Latino, 5-foot-7, 130 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes.
Roman is possibly armed with an AK-47 assault rifle, and is considered dangerous. Anyone with information on Roman’s whereabouts is urged to immediately call 911.
“We have information that he’s not going to be taken alive,” Nigbur said.
Roman has a significant criminal history, including drug offenses, and a court-ordered illegal-immigration-related deportation.
Millard County officials said the suspect vehicle, an orange Corvette, had been stopped as part of an investigation into recent thefts. The suspect had sped away from the scene by the time the second deputy arrived.
The search the suspect quickly focused to Salt Lake City, where police found a vehicle — believed to be the Corvette — near 300 South and 1100 West. Police also were keeping a lookout for Advertisement a gray 1995 Cadillac Deville, license plate number 713-PAB, that the suspect may now be driving.
By 7 a.m., SWAT officers were seen in the area of 300 South and 1100 West. Police would not confirm that they may have located the suspect, though it appeared a containment area was being set up. Two local schools — Guadalupe and Franklin — were closed and traffic through the area blocked while officers went door-to-door, searching for the suspect.
Nigbur said three SWAT teams were deployed in the area, focusing on “two or three” homes believed to be occupied by relatives of the suspect. No neighborhood evacuations were immediately ordered, however.
Roman has a criminal history beginning in 1992 with a misdemeanor drug distribution charge to which he pleaded guilty in Fillmore’s 4th District Court.
Then in 1996 and 1997, Roman was charged in Millard County with a handful of felonies in two different cases, including drug charges, receiving stolen property and a weapons count.
He resolved the cases by pleading guilty to one count of third-degree felony drug possession and one count of second-degree felony drug possession with intent to distribute.
He was sentenced to prison for up to 15 years in June 1997.
Roman was paroled Sept. 15, 1998, and apparently completed his parole successfully, according to Utah Board of Pardons and Parole spokesman Jim Hatch.
Court records show that at the time the crimes were committed, Roman was a resident of Delta. All three cases were investigated by the Millard County Sheriff’s Office.
Meanwhile, in Millard County, law enforcement ordered closure of U.S. 50 in both directions just east of Delta as their investigation into the slaying got under way this morning. The road has since been reopened, according to the Utah Department of Transportation.
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illegal alien,
illegal immigrant,
millard county,
roberto miramontes roman,
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