CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) - Police say a man left his toddler in the car while he went inside a bar to drink booze.
The incident happened on Monday at the Mi Cabana Billiards nightclub near the intersection of Eastway Drive and North Tryon Street.
According to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, Armando Rojas-Calestre left his one-year-old girl unattended in his car while he went inside and was drinking alcohol.
Rojas-Calestre was charged with resisting arrest and contributing to the delinquency/neglect of a minor. He is being held in the Mecklenburg County Jail under a $1,500 bond.
Police said he is an illegal immigrant.
20+ million ILLEGAL aliens are in the United States of America.
Right now in the United States of America, ILLEGAL aliens have more rights than you do!
"There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." --Theodore Roosevelt
"This nation is in danger of becoming a Third World nightmare with all the corruption, disease, illiteracy, violence and balkanization known all over the world. We need a 10-year moratorium on all immigration to catch our collective breath and we need deportation of over 10 million illegal aliens in a slow and orderly fashion." --Ed Garrison
“The 1987 amnesty was a failure; rather than reducing illegal immigration, it led to an increase,” FAIR stated. “Any new amnesty measure will further weaken respect for our immigration laws. Therefore, all amnesty measures must be defeated.” --Frosty Wooldridge

President barry shits on the United States.
This is a picture of YOUR American president, (president barry soetoro, a.k.a barack obama) refusing to acknowledge the National Anthem of the United States of America. This picture clearly shows barry with his hands crossed across his vaginal area when the United States Anthem was playing.
barry has NO RESPECT for you, me, or America! Not only did he disrespect America, he just shit on the graves of every American Soldier that has died for this country.
6/15/2010 - PRESIDENT BARRY CAN'T EVEN KEEP A U.S. PARK OPEN!!! He gave the park to mexico & the illegal alien mexican drug cartel!!!
7/6/2010 - American President barry soetoro sues AMERICA!!!
9/11/2010 - YOUR president just gave mexico $1 billion dollars for deepwater oil drilling despite his own moratorium on U.S. deepwater drilling!? More proof that barry hates America!
1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. A violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. 3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust. 2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

Pslam 109:8
May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
What's in their backpacks? Are any of them sick with a contagious disease?
United States Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part VIII, §1325 - "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who: 1) Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or 2) Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or 3) Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact; has committed a federal crime.
Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.
Illegal Alien
1. a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization. 2. a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, esp. a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.

Click here to see the list.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Illegal alien caught in Bay City
TUSCOLA CO. -- The following is a message from the Tuscola County Sheriff’s Dept.:
A routine traffic stop on March 29th by Deputy Ryan Robinson resulted in the arrest and possible deportation of an illegal alien.
At approximately 1:23 pm, Deputy Robinson stopped a vehicle for speeding on Bay City's Forestville Rd near the village of Gagetown. The driver did not have a driver’s license. Subsequent investigation showed the suspect was 31 year old Alejandro Perez-Pacheco , and that Perez-Pacheco had a warrant for the subject for deportation from ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). The information in the warrant showed numerous tattoos on the subject and in checking the subject he had attempted to remove and cover up the identifying tattoos.
Within 24 hrs ICE had come to the Tuscola County Jail and picked up the subject.
Deputy Robinson is currently assigned to the Secondary Road Patrol Program which targets traffic patrol on the secondary roads.
A routine traffic stop on March 29th by Deputy Ryan Robinson resulted in the arrest and possible deportation of an illegal alien.
At approximately 1:23 pm, Deputy Robinson stopped a vehicle for speeding on Bay City's Forestville Rd near the village of Gagetown. The driver did not have a driver’s license. Subsequent investigation showed the suspect was 31 year old Alejandro Perez-Pacheco , and that Perez-Pacheco had a warrant for the subject for deportation from ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). The information in the warrant showed numerous tattoos on the subject and in checking the subject he had attempted to remove and cover up the identifying tattoos.
Within 24 hrs ICE had come to the Tuscola County Jail and picked up the subject.
Deputy Robinson is currently assigned to the Secondary Road Patrol Program which targets traffic patrol on the secondary roads.
Illegal Alien Suspected in Murder of Arizona Rancher
Theft, robbery, vandalism and drug smuggling have always been part of illegal immigration in Cochise County, but murder is not something the cattle ranchers along the Arizona-Mexico border expected to happen to Robert Krentz.
Police say Krentz, whose family has been ranching in southern Arizona since 1907, was gunned down early Saturday morning by an illegal immigrant while out on his ATV tending to fences and water lines on the family's 34,000-acre cattle ranch.
Reached by phone early Tuesday at his family's ranch, Andy Krentz, Krentz's oldest son, said his father was a churchgoing man who routinely went out of his way to help those in need.
"My father was a very good family man," Krentz told "He supported his kids, supported his family. He went out of his way to help anybody we could without regarding to who they were. It didn't matter who they were."
Sue Krentz, Krentz's wife, said she was "pretty overwhelmed" by her husband's death, which coincided with her parents' deteriorating health.
"This is icing on the cake," Krentz said.
In 1999, Krentz and his wife told PBS' Religion & Ethics Newsweekly that the Krentz ranch had been broken into and burglarized of $700 worth of items. Despite the crime, Krentz said he helped any illegal immigrant he could.
"And you know, if they come in and ask for water, I'll still give them water," he said. "I -- you know, that's just my nature."
Locally, the 58-year-old Krentz was known as a good Samaritan who often brought water and helped injured illegal immigrants who tried to cross the desert in an area where summer temperatures often hit 120 degrees.
Krentz radioed his brother Phil between 10:00 and 10:30 a.m. Saturday morning that he had encountered an illegal immigrant, and was supposed to meet Phil on the ranch at noon, according to sheriff's deputies. When Krentz didn't show up, the brother called police, and a search team was soon scouring the sprawling desert 15 miles north of the border, near Douglas, Ariz.
At around 11 p.m., a state police helicopter found Krentz slumped over his ATV, the engine and lights still on. Nearby, his dog lay critically wounded, also hit by a bullet. The dog was put down Sunday morning and will be cremated, its ashes spread on the property along with Krentz's.
Tracker dogs have now followed the tracks of the killer back into Mexico, some 15 miles south.
Police have several scenarios of what might have occurred.
One, a drug cartel scout. The Chirachua mountains in southeast Arizona are 11,000 feet tall, rugged and remote. It is a popular drug corridor and the killer may have been clearing the way for a load of drugs moving north when Krentz surprised him.
Two, the suspect belonged to a band of thieves terrorizing the remote ranches spattered around the area — an idea supported by other ranchers.
"Two days earlier a 9mm and a 9mm Glock had been stolen from a home in Portal," said rancher Roger Barnett. "There is no way to know for sure it was the murder weapon. But the bullet the killed Rob and his dog was a 9mm."
Three, retaliation. The day before the killing, Krentz's brother Phil stopped a caravan of illegal immigrants carrying 280 pounds of marijuana. All eight were arrested by the border patrol and the pot was impounded.
The odd part, according to local land owners, is that the killer was apparently alone. Illegal immigrants crossing the border usually hire coyotes to help them pass and travel in groups or 5, 10, 20 or more.
"I think Rob came to help this guy, and the moment he put that telephone to his ear, he was shot," said rancher Richard Humphries, who lives in nearby Elfrida. "It's happened to me. They don't want you to call the border patrol."
Krentz had both a rifle and a revolver, neither of which he used. And both were still with the ATV when his body was found.
Unless the Mexican government finds the killer, Humphrey doubts we'll ever discover the killer's motivation.
The bigger question now looming is how -- if at all -- the rancher's death will affect the immigration debate.
While Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and other politicians will call once again for the deployment of the National Guard along the border, few here expect the troops to actually carry guns and provide a deterrent effect.
"What would it show? It would show we're serious about controlling our border, which is not the message this administration wants to send," Humphries lamented.
Advocates of reform will argue the killing is an aberration and that most illegal immigrants come to work, not commit crime.
And while the ranchers here dispute that, as they see illegal immigrants crossing their land everyday, most in Cochise County expect little more than lip service from Washington.
Rancher Roger Barnett was sued for $32 million for pointing his gun at a group of illegal immigrants. He says that immigration advocates in Washington may argue the border is secure, but that Krentz's death puts paid to those claims.
"Obama and [Secretary of Homeland Security Janet] Napolitano are dead wrong about our border being secure," said Barnett.
Police say Krentz, whose family has been ranching in southern Arizona since 1907, was gunned down early Saturday morning by an illegal immigrant while out on his ATV tending to fences and water lines on the family's 34,000-acre cattle ranch.
Reached by phone early Tuesday at his family's ranch, Andy Krentz, Krentz's oldest son, said his father was a churchgoing man who routinely went out of his way to help those in need.
"My father was a very good family man," Krentz told "He supported his kids, supported his family. He went out of his way to help anybody we could without regarding to who they were. It didn't matter who they were."
Sue Krentz, Krentz's wife, said she was "pretty overwhelmed" by her husband's death, which coincided with her parents' deteriorating health.
"This is icing on the cake," Krentz said.
In 1999, Krentz and his wife told PBS' Religion & Ethics Newsweekly that the Krentz ranch had been broken into and burglarized of $700 worth of items. Despite the crime, Krentz said he helped any illegal immigrant he could.
"And you know, if they come in and ask for water, I'll still give them water," he said. "I -- you know, that's just my nature."
Locally, the 58-year-old Krentz was known as a good Samaritan who often brought water and helped injured illegal immigrants who tried to cross the desert in an area where summer temperatures often hit 120 degrees.
Krentz radioed his brother Phil between 10:00 and 10:30 a.m. Saturday morning that he had encountered an illegal immigrant, and was supposed to meet Phil on the ranch at noon, according to sheriff's deputies. When Krentz didn't show up, the brother called police, and a search team was soon scouring the sprawling desert 15 miles north of the border, near Douglas, Ariz.
At around 11 p.m., a state police helicopter found Krentz slumped over his ATV, the engine and lights still on. Nearby, his dog lay critically wounded, also hit by a bullet. The dog was put down Sunday morning and will be cremated, its ashes spread on the property along with Krentz's.
Tracker dogs have now followed the tracks of the killer back into Mexico, some 15 miles south.
Police have several scenarios of what might have occurred.
One, a drug cartel scout. The Chirachua mountains in southeast Arizona are 11,000 feet tall, rugged and remote. It is a popular drug corridor and the killer may have been clearing the way for a load of drugs moving north when Krentz surprised him.
Two, the suspect belonged to a band of thieves terrorizing the remote ranches spattered around the area — an idea supported by other ranchers.
"Two days earlier a 9mm and a 9mm Glock had been stolen from a home in Portal," said rancher Roger Barnett. "There is no way to know for sure it was the murder weapon. But the bullet the killed Rob and his dog was a 9mm."
Three, retaliation. The day before the killing, Krentz's brother Phil stopped a caravan of illegal immigrants carrying 280 pounds of marijuana. All eight were arrested by the border patrol and the pot was impounded.
The odd part, according to local land owners, is that the killer was apparently alone. Illegal immigrants crossing the border usually hire coyotes to help them pass and travel in groups or 5, 10, 20 or more.
"I think Rob came to help this guy, and the moment he put that telephone to his ear, he was shot," said rancher Richard Humphries, who lives in nearby Elfrida. "It's happened to me. They don't want you to call the border patrol."
Krentz had both a rifle and a revolver, neither of which he used. And both were still with the ATV when his body was found.
Unless the Mexican government finds the killer, Humphrey doubts we'll ever discover the killer's motivation.
The bigger question now looming is how -- if at all -- the rancher's death will affect the immigration debate.
While Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and other politicians will call once again for the deployment of the National Guard along the border, few here expect the troops to actually carry guns and provide a deterrent effect.
"What would it show? It would show we're serious about controlling our border, which is not the message this administration wants to send," Humphries lamented.
Advocates of reform will argue the killing is an aberration and that most illegal immigrants come to work, not commit crime.
And while the ranchers here dispute that, as they see illegal immigrants crossing their land everyday, most in Cochise County expect little more than lip service from Washington.
Rancher Roger Barnett was sued for $32 million for pointing his gun at a group of illegal immigrants. He says that immigration advocates in Washington may argue the border is secure, but that Krentz's death puts paid to those claims.
"Obama and [Secretary of Homeland Security Janet] Napolitano are dead wrong about our border being secure," said Barnett.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
America's Most Wanted - Illegal alien Carlos Andres Lopez-Marquez is wanted for sexual assault of a child
Cops: Abusive Immigrant Runs From U.S. Authorities
In 1997, officers with the Suffern, N.Y. Police Department arrested Carlos Andres Lopez-Marquez for sexual abuse of a child. Despite being an illegal immigrant in the United States, Lopez-Marquez bonded out before authorities learned of his immigration status.
After his run-in with the Suffern PD, Lopez-Marquez headed north to Hartford, Conn., where he settled down with a woman. Things seemed to be going smoothly for Lopez-Marquez, who remained in hiding until he started to hit the bottle -- and as a result, started to hit those close to him as well, police told AMW.
Cops say the abusive behavior quickly escalated, as did Lopez-Marquez's drinking problem. Police say he would grab his girlfriend by the arms and throat and throw her to the ground in drunken fits of rage.
Lopez-Marquez's partner couldn't deal with the abuse anymore and informed police of his wrongdoings. As if the situation wasn't bad enough, police allege that Lopez-Marquez had abused -- both physically and sexually -- her child as well.
Police in Hartford went to apprehend Lopez-Marquez, but before they could make the arrest, he had learned of the charges against him and vanished.
Now Lopez-Marquez is on the run, and police are hoping your tips might generate some new leads.
Lopez-Marquez, who is originally from Mexico, still has family in Oaxaca, Mexico, and might be headed there to take refuge from American authorities. Moreover, police believe he has ties to Mexican gangs.
If you know where Carlos Lopez-Marquez is, please call our Hotline at 1-800-CRIME-TV. Remember: You can remain anonymous.
In 1997, officers with the Suffern, N.Y. Police Department arrested Carlos Andres Lopez-Marquez for sexual abuse of a child. Despite being an illegal immigrant in the United States, Lopez-Marquez bonded out before authorities learned of his immigration status.
After his run-in with the Suffern PD, Lopez-Marquez headed north to Hartford, Conn., where he settled down with a woman. Things seemed to be going smoothly for Lopez-Marquez, who remained in hiding until he started to hit the bottle -- and as a result, started to hit those close to him as well, police told AMW.
Cops say the abusive behavior quickly escalated, as did Lopez-Marquez's drinking problem. Police say he would grab his girlfriend by the arms and throat and throw her to the ground in drunken fits of rage.
Lopez-Marquez's partner couldn't deal with the abuse anymore and informed police of his wrongdoings. As if the situation wasn't bad enough, police allege that Lopez-Marquez had abused -- both physically and sexually -- her child as well.
Police in Hartford went to apprehend Lopez-Marquez, but before they could make the arrest, he had learned of the charges against him and vanished.
Now Lopez-Marquez is on the run, and police are hoping your tips might generate some new leads.
Lopez-Marquez, who is originally from Mexico, still has family in Oaxaca, Mexico, and might be headed there to take refuge from American authorities. Moreover, police believe he has ties to Mexican gangs.
If you know where Carlos Lopez-Marquez is, please call our Hotline at 1-800-CRIME-TV. Remember: You can remain anonymous.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Illegal Aliens Charged in Texas Kidnap, Murder
EL PASO, Texas -- Seven illegal aliens were charged in two separate indictments returned by a federal grand jury in El Paso, Texas. The indictments arose out of a kidnapping in El Paso and a murder in Juarez following the seizure of almost 700 pounds of marijuana in August 2009.
The suspects arrested were: Rafael Vega, Cesar Obregon-Reyes, Omar Obregon-Ortiz, age 21; Joey Albert Ashley, of El Paso; Manuel Hernandez, of El Paso; David Vasquez Pena, of El Paso; and, David Octavio Calleros, of El Paso.
One indictment charges Ashley, Hernandez, Pena and Calleros with one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute more than 100 kilograms of marijuana and one count of possession with intent to distribute more than 100 kilograms of marijuana. The charges stem from the Aug. 5, 2009, seizure of 670 pounds of marijuana hidden inside a tractor-trailer rig driven by Ashley and Hernandez. Border Patrol agents made the seizure at the Sierra Blanca checkpoint. It is alleged that Pena and Calleros were responsible for loading the marijuana into the tractor-trailer rig in El Paso.
A separate, but related indictment charges Vega, Obregon-Reyes, and Obregon-Ortiz with kidnapping; conspiracy to kidnap, kill or maim in a foreign country; use of an interstate communication facility in commission of murder for hire; and, interstate and foreign travel in aid of racketeering.
Vega is also charged in this indictment with one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute more than 100 kilograms of marijuana.
These charges stem from the September 3, 2009, kidnapping of Sergio Saucedo from his home in Horizon City, Texas. The kidnapers took Saucedo to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, where he was murdered and mutilated in retaliation for the loss of the marijuana load seized at the Sierra Blanca checkpoint.
“These indictments demonstrate the continuing commitment of federal and local law enforcement officials in working together to combat the drug trafficking cartels. The charges of kidnapping and murder should send the clear message that such violence will not be tolerated in the United States. We will aggressively prosecute all provable acts of violence committed within our jurisdiction, and those engaged in such acts will be severely punished,” stated U.S. Attorney John E. Murphy.
Upon conviction, Vega, Cesar Obregon and Omar Obregon could be sentenced to life in federal prison; if they are convicted of the kidnapping or murder for hire, the law provides that they shall be sentenced to death or life imprisonment. Ashley, Hernandez, Pena and Calleros face between five and 40 years in prison if convicted.
This case was investigated by agents with the Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Border Patrol, and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Department.
The suspects arrested were: Rafael Vega, Cesar Obregon-Reyes, Omar Obregon-Ortiz, age 21; Joey Albert Ashley, of El Paso; Manuel Hernandez, of El Paso; David Vasquez Pena, of El Paso; and, David Octavio Calleros, of El Paso.
One indictment charges Ashley, Hernandez, Pena and Calleros with one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute more than 100 kilograms of marijuana and one count of possession with intent to distribute more than 100 kilograms of marijuana. The charges stem from the Aug. 5, 2009, seizure of 670 pounds of marijuana hidden inside a tractor-trailer rig driven by Ashley and Hernandez. Border Patrol agents made the seizure at the Sierra Blanca checkpoint. It is alleged that Pena and Calleros were responsible for loading the marijuana into the tractor-trailer rig in El Paso.
A separate, but related indictment charges Vega, Obregon-Reyes, and Obregon-Ortiz with kidnapping; conspiracy to kidnap, kill or maim in a foreign country; use of an interstate communication facility in commission of murder for hire; and, interstate and foreign travel in aid of racketeering.
Vega is also charged in this indictment with one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute more than 100 kilograms of marijuana.
These charges stem from the September 3, 2009, kidnapping of Sergio Saucedo from his home in Horizon City, Texas. The kidnapers took Saucedo to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, where he was murdered and mutilated in retaliation for the loss of the marijuana load seized at the Sierra Blanca checkpoint.
“These indictments demonstrate the continuing commitment of federal and local law enforcement officials in working together to combat the drug trafficking cartels. The charges of kidnapping and murder should send the clear message that such violence will not be tolerated in the United States. We will aggressively prosecute all provable acts of violence committed within our jurisdiction, and those engaged in such acts will be severely punished,” stated U.S. Attorney John E. Murphy.
Upon conviction, Vega, Cesar Obregon and Omar Obregon could be sentenced to life in federal prison; if they are convicted of the kidnapping or murder for hire, the law provides that they shall be sentenced to death or life imprisonment. Ashley, Hernandez, Pena and Calleros face between five and 40 years in prison if convicted.
This case was investigated by agents with the Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Border Patrol, and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Department.
Maryland Illegal Alien Gang Leader Convicted of Racketeering Charges Related to Murder; Sentenced to Life in Prison
U.S. District Judge Deborah K. Chasanow today sentenced Roberto Antonio Argueta, aka "Alex Antonio Cruz," aka "Buda," 29, of Hyattsville, Md., to life in prison, plus an additional 35 years, for ordering the murder of Nancy Diaz and the attempted murder of another juvenile girl. A 12-person federal jury voted today to impose a sentence of life in prison without parole on Argueta.
The conviction and sentence were announced by Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Criminal Division; U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein; Special Agent in Charge Theresa R. Stoop of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives - Baltimore Field Division; Chief Roberto L. Hylton of the Prince George’s County Police Department; Special Agent in Charge Richard A. McFeely of the FBI; Special Agent in Charge William Winter of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; Chief J. Thomas Manger of the Montgomery County Police Department; and Chief Darien L. Manley of the Maryland National Capital Park Police.
On March 4, 2010, the jury found Argueta guilty of conspiracy to commit murder in aid of a racketeering enterprise known as MS-13; conspiracy to participate in racketeering; murder in aid of racketeering; murder resulting from the use of a gun in a violent crime; two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon in aid of racketeering; and two counts of using a gun during a violent crime.
According to testimony presented during the eight-week trial, Argueta was a leader of the Langley Park Salvatruchos (LPS) clique of La Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13. The gang is composed primarily of immigrants or descendants of immigrants from El Salvador, with members operating throughout Prince George’s County and Montgomery County, Md., and elsewhere inside and outside of the United States.
Witnesses testified at trial that on Sept. 17, 2004, Argueta and other MS-13 gang members stabbed a rival gang member with broken bottles and knives outside a nightclub in Langley Park, Md. Trial evidence established that in October 2004 Argueta led a gang meeting in Prince George’s County in which he and other gang members discussed plans to kill Nancy Diaz. The jury found, based on the evidence presented at trial and during the penalty phase, that Argueta ordered the murder of Nancy Diaz. On Oct. 25, 2004, two other MS-13 members drove Diaz and another juvenile female to the George Washington Cemetery in Adelphi, Md. According to testimony, another MS-13 member shot and killed Nancy Diaz, and shot the other girl in the face and stabbed her twice in the chest to attempt to make sure she was dead. The victim survived and she later identified her assailants.
Israel Ernesto Palacios, aka "Homie," 32, of Silver Spring, Md., was sentenced on Nov. 10, 2008, to life in prison for his role in the murder and attempted murder. James Guillen, aka "Toro," 23, of Hyattsville, Md., who drove the MS-13 members and victims to the cemetery, pleaded guilty to racketeering conspiracy and was sentenced on Jan. 11, 2008, to 262 months in prison. Jeffrey Villatoro, one of the murderers of Nancy Diaz, was prosecuted in the Circuit Court of Prince George’s County and received a life sentence for his crimes. Another of the murderers, Jesus Canales, pleaded guilty in federal court to racketeering conspiracy, including the murder of Nancy Diaz. A sentencing date for Canales has not yet been set by the court.
To date, 51 MS-13 members have been charged in the District of Maryland with various federal offenses. Twenty-five MS-13 members have been convicted at trial or have pleaded guilty to racketeering charges and 19 have pleaded guilty to other charges, primarily immigration or gun violations. Four of these defendants have been sentenced to life in prison for their crimes. One remaining defendant faces a capital trial scheduled to begin in June 2010.
The case was prosecuted by Deputy Chief James M. Trusty and Trial Attorney Laura J. Gwinn of the Criminal Division’s Gang Unit, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert K. Hur of the District of Maryland.
The case was investigated by members of the Regional Anti-Gang Enforcement (RAGE) Task Force. The Prince George’s County State’s Attorney Office and the Montgomery County State’s Attorney Office also provided assistance in the case.
The conviction and sentence were announced by Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Criminal Division; U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein; Special Agent in Charge Theresa R. Stoop of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives - Baltimore Field Division; Chief Roberto L. Hylton of the Prince George’s County Police Department; Special Agent in Charge Richard A. McFeely of the FBI; Special Agent in Charge William Winter of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; Chief J. Thomas Manger of the Montgomery County Police Department; and Chief Darien L. Manley of the Maryland National Capital Park Police.
On March 4, 2010, the jury found Argueta guilty of conspiracy to commit murder in aid of a racketeering enterprise known as MS-13; conspiracy to participate in racketeering; murder in aid of racketeering; murder resulting from the use of a gun in a violent crime; two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon in aid of racketeering; and two counts of using a gun during a violent crime.
According to testimony presented during the eight-week trial, Argueta was a leader of the Langley Park Salvatruchos (LPS) clique of La Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13. The gang is composed primarily of immigrants or descendants of immigrants from El Salvador, with members operating throughout Prince George’s County and Montgomery County, Md., and elsewhere inside and outside of the United States.
Witnesses testified at trial that on Sept. 17, 2004, Argueta and other MS-13 gang members stabbed a rival gang member with broken bottles and knives outside a nightclub in Langley Park, Md. Trial evidence established that in October 2004 Argueta led a gang meeting in Prince George’s County in which he and other gang members discussed plans to kill Nancy Diaz. The jury found, based on the evidence presented at trial and during the penalty phase, that Argueta ordered the murder of Nancy Diaz. On Oct. 25, 2004, two other MS-13 members drove Diaz and another juvenile female to the George Washington Cemetery in Adelphi, Md. According to testimony, another MS-13 member shot and killed Nancy Diaz, and shot the other girl in the face and stabbed her twice in the chest to attempt to make sure she was dead. The victim survived and she later identified her assailants.
Israel Ernesto Palacios, aka "Homie," 32, of Silver Spring, Md., was sentenced on Nov. 10, 2008, to life in prison for his role in the murder and attempted murder. James Guillen, aka "Toro," 23, of Hyattsville, Md., who drove the MS-13 members and victims to the cemetery, pleaded guilty to racketeering conspiracy and was sentenced on Jan. 11, 2008, to 262 months in prison. Jeffrey Villatoro, one of the murderers of Nancy Diaz, was prosecuted in the Circuit Court of Prince George’s County and received a life sentence for his crimes. Another of the murderers, Jesus Canales, pleaded guilty in federal court to racketeering conspiracy, including the murder of Nancy Diaz. A sentencing date for Canales has not yet been set by the court.
To date, 51 MS-13 members have been charged in the District of Maryland with various federal offenses. Twenty-five MS-13 members have been convicted at trial or have pleaded guilty to racketeering charges and 19 have pleaded guilty to other charges, primarily immigration or gun violations. Four of these defendants have been sentenced to life in prison for their crimes. One remaining defendant faces a capital trial scheduled to begin in June 2010.
The case was prosecuted by Deputy Chief James M. Trusty and Trial Attorney Laura J. Gwinn of the Criminal Division’s Gang Unit, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert K. Hur of the District of Maryland.
The case was investigated by members of the Regional Anti-Gang Enforcement (RAGE) Task Force. The Prince George’s County State’s Attorney Office and the Montgomery County State’s Attorney Office also provided assistance in the case.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Illegal alien charged with arson
An illegal immigrant with detainers from both Montgomery County Adult Probation and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, was in court March 10 facing charges of felony arson and reckless endangerment after allegedly setting fire to his Royersford residence while an 8-year-old child was inside it, according to officials.
Parag D. Patel, 24, a resident of the 800 block of Walnut Street, Royersford, and a citizen of India, was charged with first-, second- and third-degree arson, dangerous burning, risking a catastrophe and recklessly endangering another person Feb. 24. Police allege Patel intentionally set the fire while a child was in the residence.
According to court papers, Royersford Officer Thomas Godin was on duty around 5:30 p.m. Feb. 24 parked in the 700 block of Main Street when he was approached by Patel. Godin said he knew Patel from prior contacts he had with him. Patel told Godin his gas can was on fire at his residence, and Godin immediately responded to Patel’s residence.
“... Upon my arrival to the front of the building (which is Patel’s residence) I could see black smoke billowing from the rear of the property,” Godin wrote in the affidavit of probable cause.
Godin indicated in the affidavit that he asked Patel whether anyone was in the residence, and Patel indicated an 8-year-old child was inside.
Court papers indicate Godin was able to enter the residence and get the child out before fire officials arrived at the scene. Patel allegedly told police he was filling a snowblower on the property and the fire started as a result of his filling up the snowblower with fuel. However, Godin noted in the affidavit that Patel could not produce a snowblower at the scene and officers were unable to locate one.
Patel, according to court papers, allegedly told another officer he had lied about filling the snowblower because he was “playing with fire” and was afraid to tell the police the truth.
During Patel’s preliminary arraignment before District Judge Walter F. Gadzicki Wednesday, the charge of first-degree arson was dropped, however, Patel was arraigned on the remaining charges.
Patel was taken to Montgomery County Correctional Facility and is awaiting a formal arraignment scheduled for April 28.
Court records show Patel, a former manager of the Country Farms convenience store in the 700 block of Main Street, Royersford, was arrested in May 2009 after he admitted to selling marijuana pipes out of the store to an undercover detective.
Patel was sentenced in Montgomery County Court two years of probation after he pleaded guilty to a charge of possession with intent to deliver drug paraphernalia in connection with the May 2009 incident.
At the time of his sentencing, Patel’s attorney, Brendan M. Campbell said Patel regretted “ever selling the paraphernalia and he understands the seriousness of his actions and accepts complete responsibility,” and noted “I’m confident he [Patel] will complete his probationary period without incident.”
Authorities alleged Patel had bongs, bowls, pipes and other items commonly used by drug users for sale at the store, which was located near schools in the Spring-Ford Area School District.
Additionally, an immigration detainer against Patel from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security indicates Patel was notified March 3 of this year that an “investigation has been initiated to determine whether this person [Patel] is subject to removal from the United States.”
Other details with regard to the detainer from Homeland Security were unavailable.
Officer Godin said police are still investigating Patel’s intent in allegedly setting fire to his own residence, which was for sale at the time he set the fire.
Parag D. Patel, 24, a resident of the 800 block of Walnut Street, Royersford, and a citizen of India, was charged with first-, second- and third-degree arson, dangerous burning, risking a catastrophe and recklessly endangering another person Feb. 24. Police allege Patel intentionally set the fire while a child was in the residence.
According to court papers, Royersford Officer Thomas Godin was on duty around 5:30 p.m. Feb. 24 parked in the 700 block of Main Street when he was approached by Patel. Godin said he knew Patel from prior contacts he had with him. Patel told Godin his gas can was on fire at his residence, and Godin immediately responded to Patel’s residence.
“... Upon my arrival to the front of the building (which is Patel’s residence) I could see black smoke billowing from the rear of the property,” Godin wrote in the affidavit of probable cause.
Godin indicated in the affidavit that he asked Patel whether anyone was in the residence, and Patel indicated an 8-year-old child was inside.
Court papers indicate Godin was able to enter the residence and get the child out before fire officials arrived at the scene. Patel allegedly told police he was filling a snowblower on the property and the fire started as a result of his filling up the snowblower with fuel. However, Godin noted in the affidavit that Patel could not produce a snowblower at the scene and officers were unable to locate one.
Patel, according to court papers, allegedly told another officer he had lied about filling the snowblower because he was “playing with fire” and was afraid to tell the police the truth.
During Patel’s preliminary arraignment before District Judge Walter F. Gadzicki Wednesday, the charge of first-degree arson was dropped, however, Patel was arraigned on the remaining charges.
Patel was taken to Montgomery County Correctional Facility and is awaiting a formal arraignment scheduled for April 28.
Court records show Patel, a former manager of the Country Farms convenience store in the 700 block of Main Street, Royersford, was arrested in May 2009 after he admitted to selling marijuana pipes out of the store to an undercover detective.
Patel was sentenced in Montgomery County Court two years of probation after he pleaded guilty to a charge of possession with intent to deliver drug paraphernalia in connection with the May 2009 incident.
At the time of his sentencing, Patel’s attorney, Brendan M. Campbell said Patel regretted “ever selling the paraphernalia and he understands the seriousness of his actions and accepts complete responsibility,” and noted “I’m confident he [Patel] will complete his probationary period without incident.”
Authorities alleged Patel had bongs, bowls, pipes and other items commonly used by drug users for sale at the store, which was located near schools in the Spring-Ford Area School District.
Additionally, an immigration detainer against Patel from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security indicates Patel was notified March 3 of this year that an “investigation has been initiated to determine whether this person [Patel] is subject to removal from the United States.”
Other details with regard to the detainer from Homeland Security were unavailable.
Officer Godin said police are still investigating Patel’s intent in allegedly setting fire to his own residence, which was for sale at the time he set the fire.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Illegal Alien gang members charged in Atlanta
Federal prosecutors yesterday charged 26 members of the violent street gang called Mara Salvatrucha (“MS-13”) with federal racketeering and related crimes in metropolitan Atlanta.
The 29-count indictment alleges that the defendants conspired to participate in the affairs of MS-13, an international violent criminal organization with approximately 10,000 members in various nations in North America, through a pattern of racketeering activity, which included multiple crimes of murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, and robbery in metropolitan Atlanta.
Federal prosecutors also allege that the suspects conspired to preserve and enhance the power and reputation of the organization through acts of violence, to keep victims and community members in fear of the organization through acts and threats of violence, and to obstruct and prevent law enforcement officials from identifying, apprehending, and successfully prosecuting members of the gang for their violent criminal conduct.
“MS-13 is a ruthless street gang that has used violence to spread fear throughout our community,” said Sally Quillian Yates, Acting United States Attorney.
“These gang members seized every chance they had to kill, shoot and rob. They were not only devoted to wiping out rival gangs, but they showed no hesitation in robbing and shooting innocent victims. Now these gang members have to answer for their criminal behavior. Today’s indictment is the product of tremendous cooperation between federal agents and local law enforcement officers. Because of our intensive collaboration to bring these violent gang members to justice, residents in Gwinnett and DeKalb Counties are safer,” she said during a press conference.
“Gang members here in Georgia have become a growing problem which law enforcement has been tackling for the past several years and today’s indictments represent a victory for the law enforcement community which has been working relentlessly to pursue them and ensure that they feel the full weight of the law,” said Kenneth Smith, Special Agent in Charge of the ICE Office of Investigations in Atlanta.
“The case shows the value of collaborative efforts of state and federal agencies to bring to justice a dangerous street gang through our combined efforts,” said Danny Porter, Gwinnett County District Attorney.
“The Gwinnett County Police Department working with [federal agents] were able to bring charges which led to statements which are integral to the pending federal case. My office moved the cases forward while protecting the integrity of the federal investigation. This type of coordination is becoming more necessary as we face these sophisticated criminal organizations,” he said.
Four defendants made their initial appearance in court on Tuesday and were arraigned on the charges before United States Magistrate Judge Gerrilyn Brill. Nine more defendants are scheduled to make their initial appearance in court and be arraigned on the charges later today. The remaining defendants will make their initial appearance and be arraigned over the next few weeks.
According to Acting United States Attorney Yates, the charges and other information presented in court: MS-13 is an international criminal gang that has been present in the Atlanta area since at least 2005.
At that time, MS-13 staked out Gwinnett and DeKalb Counties as its territory. MS-13 gang members held meetings where they discussed attacking and killing rival gang members, collected money, shared firearms, and disciplined members who broke gang rules. Sixteen of the indicted defendants are charged for their alleged roles in committing seven murders, including four killings of suspected rival gang members, two murders of robbery victims, and one killing of a fellow gang member. These 16 defendants and others are also charged with shooting nine suspected rival gang members as well as three persons who were not gang members.
Seven other members of MS-13 have also been charged in separate federal indictments on October 27, 2009, for committing five armed robberies of convenience stores in Gwinnett County in March 2009. On February 24, 2010, the grand jury indicted Jerson Gomez, a/k/a “Salvatrucha,” and Elmer Rodriequez, a/k/a “Chifo,” for committing an armed robbery of a taxicab driver on March 1, 2009.
In addition, through the course of the anti-gang investigation, two other MS-13 members were charged with and sentenced for illegally reentering the United States without authorization. One other MS-13 member was charged with and sentenced for being an alien not lawfully admitted to this country who was in possession of a firearm.
The 29-count indictment alleges that the defendants conspired to participate in the affairs of MS-13, an international violent criminal organization with approximately 10,000 members in various nations in North America, through a pattern of racketeering activity, which included multiple crimes of murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, and robbery in metropolitan Atlanta.
Federal prosecutors also allege that the suspects conspired to preserve and enhance the power and reputation of the organization through acts of violence, to keep victims and community members in fear of the organization through acts and threats of violence, and to obstruct and prevent law enforcement officials from identifying, apprehending, and successfully prosecuting members of the gang for their violent criminal conduct.
“MS-13 is a ruthless street gang that has used violence to spread fear throughout our community,” said Sally Quillian Yates, Acting United States Attorney.
“These gang members seized every chance they had to kill, shoot and rob. They were not only devoted to wiping out rival gangs, but they showed no hesitation in robbing and shooting innocent victims. Now these gang members have to answer for their criminal behavior. Today’s indictment is the product of tremendous cooperation between federal agents and local law enforcement officers. Because of our intensive collaboration to bring these violent gang members to justice, residents in Gwinnett and DeKalb Counties are safer,” she said during a press conference.
“Gang members here in Georgia have become a growing problem which law enforcement has been tackling for the past several years and today’s indictments represent a victory for the law enforcement community which has been working relentlessly to pursue them and ensure that they feel the full weight of the law,” said Kenneth Smith, Special Agent in Charge of the ICE Office of Investigations in Atlanta.
“The case shows the value of collaborative efforts of state and federal agencies to bring to justice a dangerous street gang through our combined efforts,” said Danny Porter, Gwinnett County District Attorney.
“The Gwinnett County Police Department working with [federal agents] were able to bring charges which led to statements which are integral to the pending federal case. My office moved the cases forward while protecting the integrity of the federal investigation. This type of coordination is becoming more necessary as we face these sophisticated criminal organizations,” he said.
Four defendants made their initial appearance in court on Tuesday and were arraigned on the charges before United States Magistrate Judge Gerrilyn Brill. Nine more defendants are scheduled to make their initial appearance in court and be arraigned on the charges later today. The remaining defendants will make their initial appearance and be arraigned over the next few weeks.
According to Acting United States Attorney Yates, the charges and other information presented in court: MS-13 is an international criminal gang that has been present in the Atlanta area since at least 2005.
At that time, MS-13 staked out Gwinnett and DeKalb Counties as its territory. MS-13 gang members held meetings where they discussed attacking and killing rival gang members, collected money, shared firearms, and disciplined members who broke gang rules. Sixteen of the indicted defendants are charged for their alleged roles in committing seven murders, including four killings of suspected rival gang members, two murders of robbery victims, and one killing of a fellow gang member. These 16 defendants and others are also charged with shooting nine suspected rival gang members as well as three persons who were not gang members.
Seven other members of MS-13 have also been charged in separate federal indictments on October 27, 2009, for committing five armed robberies of convenience stores in Gwinnett County in March 2009. On February 24, 2010, the grand jury indicted Jerson Gomez, a/k/a “Salvatrucha,” and Elmer Rodriequez, a/k/a “Chifo,” for committing an armed robbery of a taxicab driver on March 1, 2009.
In addition, through the course of the anti-gang investigation, two other MS-13 members were charged with and sentenced for illegally reentering the United States without authorization. One other MS-13 member was charged with and sentenced for being an alien not lawfully admitted to this country who was in possession of a firearm.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Illegal alien wanted on sexual molestation charge arrested near Calexico
An illegal immigrant charged with sexually molesting a child in the Bay Area was arrested near Calexico after trying to sneak back in the United States from Mexico, authorities said Tuesday.
The man was arrested Sunday nine miles west of Calexico with four other immigrants who had entered the U.S. illegally, the Department of Homeland Security said. His name and age were not released.
A records check by federal officers showed that the man was wanted on an outstanding warrant in Marin County on a charge of a lewd and lascivious act with a child under 14, the department said.
The man was being held by the Imperial County Sheriff's Department pending extradition to Marin County, according to the department. The four others were processed and returned to Mexico.
Source -
The man was arrested Sunday nine miles west of Calexico with four other immigrants who had entered the U.S. illegally, the Department of Homeland Security said. His name and age were not released.
A records check by federal officers showed that the man was wanted on an outstanding warrant in Marin County on a charge of a lewd and lascivious act with a child under 14, the department said.
The man was being held by the Imperial County Sheriff's Department pending extradition to Marin County, according to the department. The four others were processed and returned to Mexico.
Source -
homeland security,
marin county,
sex crime,
sex offender
Monday, March 8, 2010
Nearly 300 illegal aliens arrested in San Diego, Calexico
Nearly 300 illegal immigrants, some with criminal records, were arrested during the weekend attempting to enter the United States from Mexico in the San Diego and Imperial Valley areas, authorities said Monday.
At border checkpoints including San Ysidro and Calexico, 294 immigrants were found hidden in vehicles, or were using fraudulent entry documents or documents legally issued to someone else, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said. Among those arrested were 16 fugitives wanted on charges of battery, burglary, assault and probation violation.
A Guatemalan national showed border agents a U.S. birth certificate and federal Bureau of Prisons release authorization form with his photo. But suspicious officers at the San Ysidro crossing questioned the man and determined that the documents belonged to another person, the Homeland Security Department said.
The man was arrested and transported to the Metropolitan Detention Center in downtown Los Angeles to await arraignment for allegedly making a false claim to U.S. citizenship, the department said.
At border checkpoints including San Ysidro and Calexico, 294 immigrants were found hidden in vehicles, or were using fraudulent entry documents or documents legally issued to someone else, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said. Among those arrested were 16 fugitives wanted on charges of battery, burglary, assault and probation violation.
A Guatemalan national showed border agents a U.S. birth certificate and federal Bureau of Prisons release authorization form with his photo. But suspicious officers at the San Ysidro crossing questioned the man and determined that the documents belonged to another person, the Homeland Security Department said.
The man was arrested and transported to the Metropolitan Detention Center in downtown Los Angeles to await arraignment for allegedly making a false claim to U.S. citizenship, the department said.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Illegal Aliens Arrested for Stealing Railroad Spikes
HENDERSON COUNTY, N.C. -- Sheriff’s deputies caught and arrested two men yesterday, February 28th, for stealing railroad spikes from railroad tracks belonging to the Norfolk Southern Railroad.
Sheriff Davis praised the work of the two deputies who apprehended the suspects while investigating suspicious activities on the tracks near West Blue Ridge Road in the Flatrock area of Henderson County. During the course of their investigation, Sgt Coggins and Deputy Corn found the suspects in possession of over 500 spikes that had been taken from a stretch of active rail road track.
According to Sheriff Davis, “This act of theft could have easily had catastrophic consequences had a train derailed in this area. A spillage of chemicals or other hazardous materials as a result of a derailment certainly puts our citizens at risk, as well as the emergency services personnel that would be required in such an incident. Of course rail transport is a safe and effective method of transporting these products as long as the rails aren’t tampered with. This was an incredibly selfish act on the part of these two individuals.”
The men, both of whom appear to be illegal aliens, gave no address of residence. They are 37 year old Cruz Mario Carnacion, and 35 year old Jose Luis Trejo-Yanez. Both were charged with Felony Conspiracy to Damage Railroad Property, Willful Injury to Railroad Property, and Trespassing on Railroad Property. They were each placed under a $25,000 dollar bond and ordered held on ICE detainers pending deportation proceedings.
The Henderson County Sheriff’s Office and the Norfolk Southern Police are continuing to investigate the matter.
Sheriff Davis praised the work of the two deputies who apprehended the suspects while investigating suspicious activities on the tracks near West Blue Ridge Road in the Flatrock area of Henderson County. During the course of their investigation, Sgt Coggins and Deputy Corn found the suspects in possession of over 500 spikes that had been taken from a stretch of active rail road track.
According to Sheriff Davis, “This act of theft could have easily had catastrophic consequences had a train derailed in this area. A spillage of chemicals or other hazardous materials as a result of a derailment certainly puts our citizens at risk, as well as the emergency services personnel that would be required in such an incident. Of course rail transport is a safe and effective method of transporting these products as long as the rails aren’t tampered with. This was an incredibly selfish act on the part of these two individuals.”
The men, both of whom appear to be illegal aliens, gave no address of residence. They are 37 year old Cruz Mario Carnacion, and 35 year old Jose Luis Trejo-Yanez. Both were charged with Felony Conspiracy to Damage Railroad Property, Willful Injury to Railroad Property, and Trespassing on Railroad Property. They were each placed under a $25,000 dollar bond and ordered held on ICE detainers pending deportation proceedings.
The Henderson County Sheriff’s Office and the Norfolk Southern Police are continuing to investigate the matter.
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