20+ million ILLEGAL aliens are in the United States of America.
Right now in the United States of America, ILLEGAL aliens have more rights than you do!
"There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." --Theodore Roosevelt
"This nation is in danger of becoming a Third World nightmare with all the corruption, disease, illiteracy, violence and balkanization known all over the world. We need a 10-year moratorium on all immigration to catch our collective breath and we need deportation of over 10 million illegal aliens in a slow and orderly fashion." --Ed Garrison
“The 1987 amnesty was a failure; rather than reducing illegal immigration, it led to an increase,” FAIR stated. “Any new amnesty measure will further weaken respect for our immigration laws. Therefore, all amnesty measures must be defeated.” --Frosty Wooldridge

President barry shits on the United States.
This is a picture of YOUR American president, (president barry soetoro, a.k.a barack obama) refusing to acknowledge the National Anthem of the United States of America. This picture clearly shows barry with his hands crossed across his vaginal area when the United States Anthem was playing.
barry has NO RESPECT for you, me, or America! Not only did he disrespect America, he just shit on the graves of every American Soldier that has died for this country.
6/15/2010 - PRESIDENT BARRY CAN'T EVEN KEEP A U.S. PARK OPEN!!! He gave the park to mexico & the illegal alien mexican drug cartel!!!
7/6/2010 - American President barry soetoro sues AMERICA!!!
9/11/2010 - YOUR president just gave mexico $1 billion dollars for deepwater oil drilling despite his own moratorium on U.S. deepwater drilling!? More proof that barry hates America!
1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. A violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. 3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust. 2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

Pslam 109:8
May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
Click here to see 100+ videos just like this.
What's in their backpacks? Are any of them sick with a contagious disease?
United States Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part VIII, §1325 - "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who: 1) Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or 2) Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or 3) Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact; has committed a federal crime.
Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.
Illegal Alien
1. a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization. 2. a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, esp. a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.

Click here to see the list.

Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Illegal alien busted for third time
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - A Dominican national has been sentenced to two years in federal prison for entering the country illegally for a third time.
Jose Mercedes-Leon was twice deported after being convicted on felony drug charges, but re-entered the country illegally both times.
He was sentenced Thursday in federal court in Providence, and will face a deportion hearing after finishing his prison term.
The 30-year-old man was most recently arrested in Woonsocket in December 2008 on a felony assault charge.
Jose Mercedes-Leon was twice deported after being convicted on felony drug charges, but re-entered the country illegally both times.
He was sentenced Thursday in federal court in Providence, and will face a deportion hearing after finishing his prison term.
The 30-year-old man was most recently arrested in Woonsocket in December 2008 on a felony assault charge.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Simple Truth About Illegal Aliens In The US
First, notice I titled this piece using the phrase “Illegal Aliens”. Not “Illegal Immigrants”. These people are not immigrants, they are simply people who have decided to enter the US illegally. There are hundreds of thousands of people who apply legally to enter this country. A process that is not easy and makes the applicant jump through many hurdles. Be that as it may, our legal immigration process is no more difficult than most other countries.
So why do these illegal aliens think they have every right to break our immigration laws? Why should they jump in line ahead of the hundreds of thousands of others who applied legally? Just because they’re here? Just because they pick our vegetables? I think not. I would gladly pay more for vegetables if it meant not employing illegal aliens.
Frankly, I say, gather all the illegal aliens up, put them on boats, trains, busses and planes and send them back to their own country. Show the world that no one will make a mockery of our immigration laws. During WWII we rounded up our own citizens of Japanese and German descent and sent them to concentration camps. If we can do that with legal citizens of America, we can certainly do it with illegal aliens.
So there! I’ve said what everybody else is thinking but afraid to say. You see, I am not politically correct and never plan to be.
So why do these illegal aliens think they have every right to break our immigration laws? Why should they jump in line ahead of the hundreds of thousands of others who applied legally? Just because they’re here? Just because they pick our vegetables? I think not. I would gladly pay more for vegetables if it meant not employing illegal aliens.
Frankly, I say, gather all the illegal aliens up, put them on boats, trains, busses and planes and send them back to their own country. Show the world that no one will make a mockery of our immigration laws. During WWII we rounded up our own citizens of Japanese and German descent and sent them to concentration camps. If we can do that with legal citizens of America, we can certainly do it with illegal aliens.
So there! I’ve said what everybody else is thinking but afraid to say. You see, I am not politically correct and never plan to be.
68% Want Border Fence
Support for the building of a fence along the Mexican border has reached a new high, and voters are more confident than ever that illegal immigration can be stopped.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 68% of U.S. voters now believe the United States should continue to build a fence on the Mexican border. That’s up nine points from March when the Obama administration halted funding for the fence and the highest level of support ever.
Just 21% oppose the continued building of the border fence.
Support for the fence is strong across all demographic groups. But while 76% of Mainstream voters think the United States should continue to build the fence, 67% of the Political Class are opposed to it.
Forty-seven percent (47%) of all voters believe it is possible to end illegal immigration. That’s up slightly from April of last year.
Now only 36% do not think it is possible for the United States to prevent illegal immigrants from getting into the country. That’s down sixteen points since October 2008.
(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.
The survey of 1,000 Likely U.S. Voters was conducted on July 24-25, 2010 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.
Illegal immigration, always a concern to many voters, has taken on increased visibility due to the controversy over Arizona’s new immigration law. The state law went into effect today, but a federal judge has put several of its more controversial provisions on hold until a Justice Department legal challenge of the law is resolved.
Fifty-six percent (56%) of voters nationwide oppose the Justice Department’s decision to challenge the Arizona law, and 61% favor passage of a law like Arizona’s in their own state.
Fifty-four percent (54%) say the Justice Department instead should take legal action against cities that provide sanctuary for illegal immigrants. Even more think the federal government should cut off funds to these “sanctuary cities.”
Most voters ages 40 and older say it is possible for the United States to end illegal immigration. Republicans by better than two-to-one are more confident than Democrats that it’s possible. Voters not affiliated with either party are more closely divided on the question.
Most members of the Political Class, however, say it can’t be done. Fifty-six percent (56%) of Mainstream voters say it is possible to stop illegal immigration, but 58% of the Political Class disagree.
Sixty-eight percent (68%) of voters say the Political Class doesn’t care what most Americans think anyway.
The number of voters who view the issue of immigration as Very Important has jumped 16 points from last month to its highest level ever, although it still ranks fifth on a list of 10 issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports.
In December 2008, just after President-elect Obama put Janet Napolitano, an opponent of the border fence, in charge of immigration activities, 74% of voters said the federal government was not doing enough to stop illegal immigration.
Sixty-four percent (64%) of voters believe the federal government by failing to enforce immigration law is more to blame for the current controversy over Arizona’s new statute than state officials are for passing it.
In fact, by a two-to-one margin, voters believe the policies of the federal government encourage people to enter the United States illegally.
Voters also have said consistently for years that when it comes to immigration reform, gaining control of the border is more important than legalizing the status of undocumented workers already living in the United States.
Still, 58% favor a welcoming immigration policy that excludes only national security threats, criminals and those who come here to live off the U.S. welfare system.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 68% of U.S. voters now believe the United States should continue to build a fence on the Mexican border. That’s up nine points from March when the Obama administration halted funding for the fence and the highest level of support ever.
Just 21% oppose the continued building of the border fence.
Support for the fence is strong across all demographic groups. But while 76% of Mainstream voters think the United States should continue to build the fence, 67% of the Political Class are opposed to it.
Forty-seven percent (47%) of all voters believe it is possible to end illegal immigration. That’s up slightly from April of last year.
Now only 36% do not think it is possible for the United States to prevent illegal immigrants from getting into the country. That’s down sixteen points since October 2008.
(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.
The survey of 1,000 Likely U.S. Voters was conducted on July 24-25, 2010 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.
Illegal immigration, always a concern to many voters, has taken on increased visibility due to the controversy over Arizona’s new immigration law. The state law went into effect today, but a federal judge has put several of its more controversial provisions on hold until a Justice Department legal challenge of the law is resolved.
Fifty-six percent (56%) of voters nationwide oppose the Justice Department’s decision to challenge the Arizona law, and 61% favor passage of a law like Arizona’s in their own state.
Fifty-four percent (54%) say the Justice Department instead should take legal action against cities that provide sanctuary for illegal immigrants. Even more think the federal government should cut off funds to these “sanctuary cities.”
Most voters ages 40 and older say it is possible for the United States to end illegal immigration. Republicans by better than two-to-one are more confident than Democrats that it’s possible. Voters not affiliated with either party are more closely divided on the question.
Most members of the Political Class, however, say it can’t be done. Fifty-six percent (56%) of Mainstream voters say it is possible to stop illegal immigration, but 58% of the Political Class disagree.
Sixty-eight percent (68%) of voters say the Political Class doesn’t care what most Americans think anyway.
The number of voters who view the issue of immigration as Very Important has jumped 16 points from last month to its highest level ever, although it still ranks fifth on a list of 10 issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports.
In December 2008, just after President-elect Obama put Janet Napolitano, an opponent of the border fence, in charge of immigration activities, 74% of voters said the federal government was not doing enough to stop illegal immigration.
Sixty-four percent (64%) of voters believe the federal government by failing to enforce immigration law is more to blame for the current controversy over Arizona’s new statute than state officials are for passing it.
In fact, by a two-to-one margin, voters believe the policies of the federal government encourage people to enter the United States illegally.
Voters also have said consistently for years that when it comes to immigration reform, gaining control of the border is more important than legalizing the status of undocumented workers already living in the United States.
Still, 58% favor a welcoming immigration policy that excludes only national security threats, criminals and those who come here to live off the U.S. welfare system.
Democrats Push for Tougher Border Security
Despite Republican accusations that Obama does not want to secure the border, stronger enforcement isn’t off the table for Democrats. Yesterday’s ruling blocking key provisions of Arizona’s immigration law may have bolstered Republican’s claims, but last night, the House offered a strong counterargument — it passed an enforcement-heavy bill that would provide $701 million toward hiring new Border Patrol agents, expanding enforcement programs and supporting local law enforcement.
The Atlantic’s Nicole Allan reports on how this might complicate Republican strategy:
One tack for Republicans may be to claim that the bill does not do enough, proving that Democrats are not serious about immigration. Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the conservative-leaning Center for Immigration Studies, provided a preview of this approach.
“In general, it’s not enough money for border security, and it could be allocated differently to get more bang for the buck,” she said.
People want more border security, and some argue the White House should use give in, if only to improve the odds for other popular reform measures. (There is also widespread support for legalizing immigrants already in the country.) The Washington Post’s Edward Schumacher-Matos made a case for why Obama should accept Sen. John McCain’s 10-point border security plan:
Rightly or wrongly, the public’s patience with illegal immigration has run out. Barack Obama, like George W. Bush before him, has had no choice politically or legally but to enforce the law. The ballooning enforcement budget — about 10 times larger than in 1993 — is diminishing the flow of new immigrants.
But it is also forcing Obama to do what he and the other presidents have tried to avoid: deport those unauthorized people — many with families — who are honest and hardworking and integral to the U.S. economy. This year alone, the Obama administration is on track to deport about 400,000 illegal immigrants — only a small percentage of them real criminals — out of an estimated population of less than 11 million.
It’s unclear whether Republicans will make good on their promises to be more supportive of immigration reform if border security is improved, but with immigration reform at a standstill some people seem to think it’s worth a try.
The Atlantic’s Nicole Allan reports on how this might complicate Republican strategy:
One tack for Republicans may be to claim that the bill does not do enough, proving that Democrats are not serious about immigration. Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the conservative-leaning Center for Immigration Studies, provided a preview of this approach.
“In general, it’s not enough money for border security, and it could be allocated differently to get more bang for the buck,” she said.
People want more border security, and some argue the White House should use give in, if only to improve the odds for other popular reform measures. (There is also widespread support for legalizing immigrants already in the country.) The Washington Post’s Edward Schumacher-Matos made a case for why Obama should accept Sen. John McCain’s 10-point border security plan:
Rightly or wrongly, the public’s patience with illegal immigration has run out. Barack Obama, like George W. Bush before him, has had no choice politically or legally but to enforce the law. The ballooning enforcement budget — about 10 times larger than in 1993 — is diminishing the flow of new immigrants.
But it is also forcing Obama to do what he and the other presidents have tried to avoid: deport those unauthorized people — many with families — who are honest and hardworking and integral to the U.S. economy. This year alone, the Obama administration is on track to deport about 400,000 illegal immigrants — only a small percentage of them real criminals — out of an estimated population of less than 11 million.
It’s unclear whether Republicans will make good on their promises to be more supportive of immigration reform if border security is improved, but with immigration reform at a standstill some people seem to think it’s worth a try.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Use of Means-Tested Programs - Illegal Aliens
mexican Use of Means-Tested Programs Remains High Even After Welfare Reform. Figure 12 reports use of means-tested programs for households headed by natives, all immigrants, and mexican immigrants. Despite welfare reform and a strong economy in the latter half of the 1990s, the figure shows that immigrants in general and mexican households in particular use every major means-tested program at higher rates than natives. While use of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) by mexican households is only slightly higher than that of natives, their use of TANF/general assistance, food stamps, Medicaid, and the subsidized school lunch program is dramatically higher than households headed by natives. All of these programs are very large in size. In 1999, more than $300 billion was spent on the means-tested programs listed in Figure 12. Even the school lunch program, the smallest of the programs listed in the figure, costs more than $5 billion annually.
Illegal aliens arrested in Amherst
AMHERST — Four men who admitted to being illegal immigrants when police stopped the car they were riding in were turned over to U.S. Border Patrol agents Friday evening.
A car containing the four Hispanic men, whose ages ranged from 22 to 36, was pulled over on Cooper Foster Park Road about 8:20 p.m. when police noticed the vehicle had a cracked windshield.
When police asked the driver for his license, the man produced a Mexican driver’s license. After that, the men admitted they were in the United States illegally, reports said.
The four were detained by police until U.S. Border Patrol agents from Sandusky took them into custody, according to Amherst police Lt. Joseph Kucirek.
The driver, Jose Carmen Ibarra-Vega was charged with an unsafe vehicle.
Kucirek said law enforcement agencies are seeing more instances of illegals being detained in this area.
“We’re not seeing a lot of it yet, but it is becoming more regular. This is getting to be a desirable area — the northern part of Ohio,” Kucirek said.
Kucirek was unsure if and when the men would face deportation hearings.
Calls to U.S. Border Patrol public affairs officials in the agency’s regional offices in Detroit were not returned Monday.
A car containing the four Hispanic men, whose ages ranged from 22 to 36, was pulled over on Cooper Foster Park Road about 8:20 p.m. when police noticed the vehicle had a cracked windshield.
When police asked the driver for his license, the man produced a Mexican driver’s license. After that, the men admitted they were in the United States illegally, reports said.
The four were detained by police until U.S. Border Patrol agents from Sandusky took them into custody, according to Amherst police Lt. Joseph Kucirek.
The driver, Jose Carmen Ibarra-Vega was charged with an unsafe vehicle.
Kucirek said law enforcement agencies are seeing more instances of illegals being detained in this area.
“We’re not seeing a lot of it yet, but it is becoming more regular. This is getting to be a desirable area — the northern part of Ohio,” Kucirek said.
Kucirek was unsure if and when the men would face deportation hearings.
Calls to U.S. Border Patrol public affairs officials in the agency’s regional offices in Detroit were not returned Monday.
Grassley fears secret plan for ‘defacto amnesty’
U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, believes the Obama administration could be planning to grant “large-scale, de facto amnesty” to millions of undocumented immigrants, and in a letter to the Department of Homeland Security, calls such efforts an attempt to “bypass Congress and the legislative process.”
Last month, Grassley and a group of seven other GOP Senators wrote a letter to President Barack Obama alleging his administration plans to, “unilaterally extend either deferred action or parole to millions of illegal aliens in the United States.” Deferred action and parole give immigrants the ability to seek a work permit and temporary legal status.
“We would appreciate receiving a commitment that the administration has no plans to use either authority to change the current position of a large group of illegal aliens already in the United States, and ask that you respond to us about this matter as soon as possible,” Grassley’s letter said.
The Department of Homeland Security quickly denied any such plans exist. Mary Giovagnoli, director of the Immigration Policy Center, called Grassley’s allegations, “political hype and hypocrisy,” saying no evidence exists that any sort of blanket amnesty plan was ever the works.
Monday, Grassley followed up with a new letter, this time to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, demanding the agency turn over information showing how it has been using its authority.
“News articles report that your department has denied the charge, stating that grants of parole or deferred removal are based on the merits of individual cases,” the latest letter says. “While we have not personally been assured that plans have not been drawn up, we are interested in data that will guarantee the American people that the administration is not using these discretionary actions in cases that are not urgent or based on humanitarian reasons.”
Giovagnoli said the Republican Senators are helping “perpetuate an urban legend of massive proportions,” calling the idea that the president could use some sort of backdoor method to legalize millions of undocumented immigrants, “extremely far fetched.”
“The resources and tools needed to make something like this happen just aren’t there, especially because any kind of mass program like the one envisioned in this letter would essentially require a registration and reviewing process to determine who was actually qualified to remain,” Giovagnoli said in a piece last month for AlterNet.org. “Absent legislative action, the financial resources needed to carry out something of this scope would be difficult to procure.”
Last month, Grassley and a group of seven other GOP Senators wrote a letter to President Barack Obama alleging his administration plans to, “unilaterally extend either deferred action or parole to millions of illegal aliens in the United States.” Deferred action and parole give immigrants the ability to seek a work permit and temporary legal status.
“We would appreciate receiving a commitment that the administration has no plans to use either authority to change the current position of a large group of illegal aliens already in the United States, and ask that you respond to us about this matter as soon as possible,” Grassley’s letter said.
The Department of Homeland Security quickly denied any such plans exist. Mary Giovagnoli, director of the Immigration Policy Center, called Grassley’s allegations, “political hype and hypocrisy,” saying no evidence exists that any sort of blanket amnesty plan was ever the works.
Monday, Grassley followed up with a new letter, this time to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, demanding the agency turn over information showing how it has been using its authority.
“News articles report that your department has denied the charge, stating that grants of parole or deferred removal are based on the merits of individual cases,” the latest letter says. “While we have not personally been assured that plans have not been drawn up, we are interested in data that will guarantee the American people that the administration is not using these discretionary actions in cases that are not urgent or based on humanitarian reasons.”
Giovagnoli said the Republican Senators are helping “perpetuate an urban legend of massive proportions,” calling the idea that the president could use some sort of backdoor method to legalize millions of undocumented immigrants, “extremely far fetched.”
“The resources and tools needed to make something like this happen just aren’t there, especially because any kind of mass program like the one envisioned in this letter would essentially require a registration and reviewing process to determine who was actually qualified to remain,” Giovagnoli said in a piece last month for AlterNet.org. “Absent legislative action, the financial resources needed to carry out something of this scope would be difficult to procure.”
Monday, July 26, 2010
No Amnesty for Illegal Aliens, Ever
America should not grant amnesty to illegal aliens at any time because amnesty is merely the third leg of an incremental socialist plan to undermine and disrupt the economy.
Here are the rational reasons that we should not grant amnesty:
Illegal immigration into the United States no longer is a flow of people trying to find work. It has become a flood that America no longer can handle. It has become increasingly violent and dangerous. And Obama is opening up the borders.
Illegal immigration is no longer just a matter of people, drugs and criminals coming over the border from Mexico. Illegal immigration today encompasses millions of people who are flying in on temporary visas from all over the world and who simply are never going to go back home but are going to melt into the landscape. This includes many Islamic terrorists who are planning to attack us from within.
Illegals today are being cultivated by Democrat policies that are giving hundreds of billions of dollars in free medical care, education, housing subsidies, food stamps and the like to the illegals who already are here, no matter where they came from, whether on foot from Mexico or on a flight from Uganda, whether they are hard-working or lazy. And if these people become citizens, they will become eligible for even more handouts that we cannot afford. Our nation is broke.
So we have all these people coming from all over the world whom the Democrats now want to give amnesty to and then sign them up as citizens and Democrat voters.
Currently there are billions of people worldwide who would like to come to America. And we conservatives have wanted for decades to seal our borders and then expand legal immigration so that we can keep track of the people coming in, particularly to attract more skilled and educated people. Liberals, however, want to keep legal immigration numbers low in order to keep skilled and educated people out, but to let millions of illegal immigrants flow over the border so as to ‘dumb down’ the nation with hordes of unskilled, uneducated people.
It is to create chaos and increase pressure on our economy, to sap its energy and create a socialist state through pure economic dependency. This is how Democrats rule. Just look at the economic statistics in many of the cities that Democrats control. They are abysmal.
Then come the calls for amnesty because, after all, the poor people “are already here” and can’t be expected to go home or to continue to “live in the shadows”.
Why not? Most came here to work, many have made money for themselves, have sent billions out of the country to their home nations, and also are accessing our social services at the same time. So they are doing pretty well even if they do “live in the shadows”. And increasingly Democrat policies like ’sanctuary cities’ are protecting them.
The big question is, however: Why do we need so many illegals in the first place? Do they come here to do “the jobs that Americans won’t do”?
Not really. They are doing jobs that the Democrats have trained many poor Americans, particularly blacks and other groups like notoriously dependent Puerto Ricans in Massachusetts, to refuse to do. So millions of poor Americans stand on the street corner all day and collect welfare while we admit millions of illegals to do certain jobs. Then the media endlessly bemoan the high unemployment rate in black America.
And this whole situation being engineered intentionally by the Democrats.
Why have so many poor Americans become so pathologically slothful?
Because they are programmed by the Democrats to be as lazy as possible, to refuse to work, and to collect as much government welfare as possible while millions of illegals come into the country to do “the jobs that Americans won’t do”.
So now we are paying twice, first in exorbitant handouts to “poor people” in America who refuse to work, then in more and more money for poor illegals to access our schools, hospitals, food stamps etc.
Thus the three-legged stool of socialism works like this: A) Poor Americans are told by the Democrats not to work and to be lazy. B) Millions of illegals come in to do the jobs that poor Americans won’t do, accessing our hospitals, social service programs, schools and the like. C) Democrats now want the illegals to have amnesty and citizenship in order to increase Democrat voter rolls.
This all has happened incrementally so that nobody puts the whole picture together. And it was working pretty well until the economy collapsed. Now all the handouts are being exposed.
We should say a collective “no” to amnesty and citizenship. This problem was created by the Democrats in the first place with their welfare state spending and their agenda of sloth and dependency. Now let them figure it out.
In addition, a crucial fact is being ignored: Children born here to illegal alien parents naturally become American citizens. So why don’t we just say that that is enough reward, that their children are allowed to become citizens. After all, we are very easy on illegal immigrants. So let their children have their citizenship but not the illegal parents.
And here is another fact: The more illegals that become citizens, the more they are going to empower the Democrat party. And we know that Democrat policies kill wealth and jobs. So the more power the Democrats get, the poorer America is going to become. And this is bad not only for Americans, but for immigrants too.
Here are the rational reasons that we should not grant amnesty:
Illegal immigration into the United States no longer is a flow of people trying to find work. It has become a flood that America no longer can handle. It has become increasingly violent and dangerous. And Obama is opening up the borders.
Illegal immigration is no longer just a matter of people, drugs and criminals coming over the border from Mexico. Illegal immigration today encompasses millions of people who are flying in on temporary visas from all over the world and who simply are never going to go back home but are going to melt into the landscape. This includes many Islamic terrorists who are planning to attack us from within.
Illegals today are being cultivated by Democrat policies that are giving hundreds of billions of dollars in free medical care, education, housing subsidies, food stamps and the like to the illegals who already are here, no matter where they came from, whether on foot from Mexico or on a flight from Uganda, whether they are hard-working or lazy. And if these people become citizens, they will become eligible for even more handouts that we cannot afford. Our nation is broke.
So we have all these people coming from all over the world whom the Democrats now want to give amnesty to and then sign them up as citizens and Democrat voters.
Currently there are billions of people worldwide who would like to come to America. And we conservatives have wanted for decades to seal our borders and then expand legal immigration so that we can keep track of the people coming in, particularly to attract more skilled and educated people. Liberals, however, want to keep legal immigration numbers low in order to keep skilled and educated people out, but to let millions of illegal immigrants flow over the border so as to ‘dumb down’ the nation with hordes of unskilled, uneducated people.
It is to create chaos and increase pressure on our economy, to sap its energy and create a socialist state through pure economic dependency. This is how Democrats rule. Just look at the economic statistics in many of the cities that Democrats control. They are abysmal.
Then come the calls for amnesty because, after all, the poor people “are already here” and can’t be expected to go home or to continue to “live in the shadows”.
Why not? Most came here to work, many have made money for themselves, have sent billions out of the country to their home nations, and also are accessing our social services at the same time. So they are doing pretty well even if they do “live in the shadows”. And increasingly Democrat policies like ’sanctuary cities’ are protecting them.
The big question is, however: Why do we need so many illegals in the first place? Do they come here to do “the jobs that Americans won’t do”?
Not really. They are doing jobs that the Democrats have trained many poor Americans, particularly blacks and other groups like notoriously dependent Puerto Ricans in Massachusetts, to refuse to do. So millions of poor Americans stand on the street corner all day and collect welfare while we admit millions of illegals to do certain jobs. Then the media endlessly bemoan the high unemployment rate in black America.
And this whole situation being engineered intentionally by the Democrats.
Why have so many poor Americans become so pathologically slothful?
Because they are programmed by the Democrats to be as lazy as possible, to refuse to work, and to collect as much government welfare as possible while millions of illegals come into the country to do “the jobs that Americans won’t do”.
So now we are paying twice, first in exorbitant handouts to “poor people” in America who refuse to work, then in more and more money for poor illegals to access our schools, hospitals, food stamps etc.
Thus the three-legged stool of socialism works like this: A) Poor Americans are told by the Democrats not to work and to be lazy. B) Millions of illegals come in to do the jobs that poor Americans won’t do, accessing our hospitals, social service programs, schools and the like. C) Democrats now want the illegals to have amnesty and citizenship in order to increase Democrat voter rolls.
This all has happened incrementally so that nobody puts the whole picture together. And it was working pretty well until the economy collapsed. Now all the handouts are being exposed.
We should say a collective “no” to amnesty and citizenship. This problem was created by the Democrats in the first place with their welfare state spending and their agenda of sloth and dependency. Now let them figure it out.
In addition, a crucial fact is being ignored: Children born here to illegal alien parents naturally become American citizens. So why don’t we just say that that is enough reward, that their children are allowed to become citizens. After all, we are very easy on illegal immigrants. So let their children have their citizenship but not the illegal parents.
And here is another fact: The more illegals that become citizens, the more they are going to empower the Democrat party. And we know that Democrat policies kill wealth and jobs. So the more power the Democrats get, the poorer America is going to become. And this is bad not only for Americans, but for immigrants too.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Illegal Alien Sentenced in Extortion, Theft Case
BEND, Ore. -- A man charged with trying to extort Mexican nationals and steal green cards has been sentenced to five years in prison, although he still denies the allegations that led to his arrest earlier this year.
Antonio Sanchez Gonzalez, 33, appeared with an interpreter in a Bend courtroom for Friday’s sentencing.
Prosecutors said he and his brother asked a third party to write letters to three families, saying if they didn’t pay $30,000, their relatives in Mexico would be killed.
They also wanted to steal green cards, authorities said, and sell them to illegal immigrants for thousands of dollars apiece.
Back in February, when Sanchez Gonzalez was arrested, Deschutes County sheriff’s Lt. Erik Utter told NewsChannel 21 what had taken place.
“They had identified a number of targets by name, and had identified where they lived, and had put together a plan which had included the utilization of a firearm to commit the crime,” he said.
The third party told police about the plot, however, and nothing actually was carried out.
Sanchez Gonzalez, an illegal immigrant himself, entered conditional guilty pleas in the case two months ago -- an “Alford plea” that does not admit guilt, only that the evidence likely would lead to a jury’s conviction.
But Friday morning, he told Circuit Judge Michael Adler he’s innocent, but pleaded guilty to avoid more severe penalties under federal law.
He was sentenced on three counts of first-degree conspiracy to commit robbery and one count of attempted theft by extortion. Fourteen other charges, including multiple counts of attempted robbery, conspiracy and solicitation, were dismissed as part of the plea agreement.
Antonio Sanchez Gonzalez, 33, appeared with an interpreter in a Bend courtroom for Friday’s sentencing.
Prosecutors said he and his brother asked a third party to write letters to three families, saying if they didn’t pay $30,000, their relatives in Mexico would be killed.
They also wanted to steal green cards, authorities said, and sell them to illegal immigrants for thousands of dollars apiece.
Back in February, when Sanchez Gonzalez was arrested, Deschutes County sheriff’s Lt. Erik Utter told NewsChannel 21 what had taken place.
“They had identified a number of targets by name, and had identified where they lived, and had put together a plan which had included the utilization of a firearm to commit the crime,” he said.
The third party told police about the plot, however, and nothing actually was carried out.
Sanchez Gonzalez, an illegal immigrant himself, entered conditional guilty pleas in the case two months ago -- an “Alford plea” that does not admit guilt, only that the evidence likely would lead to a jury’s conviction.
But Friday morning, he told Circuit Judge Michael Adler he’s innocent, but pleaded guilty to avoid more severe penalties under federal law.
He was sentenced on three counts of first-degree conspiracy to commit robbery and one count of attempted theft by extortion. Fourteen other charges, including multiple counts of attempted robbery, conspiracy and solicitation, were dismissed as part of the plea agreement.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Illegal Alien Drug Cartel Invades Texas
The United States is under attack by narco terrorists invading from the failed state of Mexico and Obama and the federal government are doing nothing about it.
Los Zetas crossed the border near Laredo, Texas, and reportedly seized two ranches in the area indicated by the orange square above.
In June, the Mexican drug mafia forced the closure of the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona. Authorities in Arizona admit that criminals now control a drug and human smuggling corridor that stretches from the border into metro Phoenix. Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu explained in June that the Mexican Mafia controls three counties in his state.
Now drug smugglers are repeating the pattern in Texas.
On Saturday, the Cypress Times, an online newspaper in Cypress, Texas, reported that the murderous Los Zetas has crossed into the United States and taken over at least two ranches in the Laredo, Texas area. The owners of the farms have evacuated and were not harmed.
“I can personally vouch that this info came in late last night from a reliable police source inside the Laredo PD,” Jeff Schwilk, founder of the San Diego Minutemen, told the online newspaper. “There is currently a standoff between the unknown size Zeta forces and U.S. Border Patrol and local law enforcement on two ranches on our side of the Rio Grande.”
Kimberly Dvorak, writing for the Albuquerque Examiner, reports that two sources inside the Laredo Police Department have confirmed the incident. “We consider this an act of war,” said one police officer on the ground near the scene. There is a news blackout of this incident at this time and the sources inside Laredo PD spoke on the condition of anonymity, writes Dvorak.
The DBKP blog contacted the the Laredo Police Department on Saturday. “We have been advised to say nothing. The Webb County Sheriff is taking the lead on this and they’re advising that they can’t confirm anything either,” a spokesperson told the blog.
On March 30, 2008, the Dallas Morning News reported Mexican drug cartels operated military-style training camps in at least six such locations in northern Tamaulipas and Nuevo León states, some within a few miles of the Texas border, according to U.S. and Mexican authorities and the printed testimony of five protected witnesses who were trained in the camps.
“Traffickers go to great lengths to prepare themselves for battle,” a senior U.S. anti-narcotics official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the newspaper. “Part of that preparation is live firing ranges and combat training courses…. And that’s not something that we have seen before.” In the state of Tamaulipas, Los Zetas train with other mercenaries, including the Kaibiles from Guatemala, the officials said.
The Justice Department warned local police in Arizona and California about Los Zetas violence along the border. “The violence will spill over the Mexican border into the United States and law enforcement agencies in Texas, Arizona and Southern California can expect to encounter Los Zetas in the coming months,” warned an intelligence bulletin issued by the feds. The Justice Department and Homeland Security consider the Mexican drug cartels as the greatest organized crime threat to the United States.
Los Zetas was founded by an elite force of assassins from Mexican Army deserters and is now integrated by corrupt ex-federal, state, and local police officers. Los Zetas was first hired as a private mercenary army for Mexico’s Gulf Cartel, but since February of this year have gone independent and are now enemies of its former partner.
In the first eleven months of 2008, Los Zetas killers were directly responsible for the deaths of 5,300 people, including soldiers, their own operatives, civilians, journalists, and rival drug traffickers.
In 2006, Mexican president Felipe Calderon supposedly declared war on the drug cartels. Since Calderon’s declaration, more than 25,000 people have been killed in Mexico due to drug violence. In June of this year alone hundreds of people in Mexico died from drug-related violence.
Last week CBS News said Mexico’s drug Mafia had adopted “al-Qaeda tactics” after a car bomb exploded across the border from El Paso, Texas, in Ciudad Juárez, killing two federal officers and a musician and injuring 11 people, including several bystanders. In late June, the El Paso City Hall was struck by gunfire from a deadly narco terrorist attack across the border in Juárez.
In May, Obama announced that 1,200 troops would be sent to the border to crack down on smuggling and drug cartel violence. Critics have called it political posturing in the run-up to November congressional elections and a response to Arizona’s recently passed immigration law.
Republicans in Texas consider the deployment of 250 troops in their state an insult. “The National Guard troops are not an adequate or long-term solution — they’re only a Band-Aid,” a spokeswoman for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill White told the Star-Telegram. “Maybe Texas should sue the federal government for not doing its job,” added U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville.
Senator Kyl of Arizona said in June that Obama is refusing to secure the border until Congress passes so-called immigration reform. “The problem is, he said, if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform,” Kyl said at a town hall organized by a local Arizona Tea Party.
In June, the banksters admitted they fund the Mexican drug Mafia. Wachovia and Bank of America have moved money for Mexican drug smugglers.
“The admission came in an agreement that Charlotte, North Carolina-based Wachovia struck with federal prosecutors in March, and it sheds light on the largely undocumented role of U.S. banks in contributing to the violent drug trade that has convulsed Mexico for the past four years,” Bloomberg reported. “Wachovia’s blatant disregard for our banking laws gave international cocaine cartels a virtual carte blanche to finance their operations,” Jeffrey Sloman, the federal prosecutor who handled the case, told Bloomberg.
Bankster participation has also financed the Mexican Mafia’s expansion into Texas and Arizona.
The Justice Department warned local police in Arizona and California about Los Zetas violence along the border. “The violence will spill over the Mexican border into the United States and law enforcement agencies in Texas, Arizona and Southern California can expect to encounter Los Zetas in the coming months,” warned an intelligence bulletin issued by the feds. The Justice Department and Homeland Security consider the Mexican drug cartels as the greatest organized crime threat to the United States.
Los Zetas was founded by an elite force of assassins from Mexican Army deserters and is now integrated by corrupt ex-federal, state, and local police officers. Los Zetas was first hired as a private mercenary army for Mexico’s Gulf Cartel, but since February of this year have gone independent and are now enemies of its former partner.
In the first eleven months of 2008, Los Zetas killers were directly responsible for the deaths of 5,300 people, including soldiers, their own operatives, civilians, journalists, and rival drug traffickers.
In 2006, Mexican president Felipe Calderon supposedly declared war on the drug cartels. Since Calderon’s declaration, more than 25,000 people have been killed in Mexico due to drug violence. In June of this year alone hundreds of people in Mexico died from drug-related violence.
Last week CBS News said Mexico’s drug Mafia had adopted “al-Qaeda tactics” after a car bomb exploded across the border from El Paso, Texas, in Ciudad Juárez, killing two federal officers and a musician and injuring 11 people, including several bystanders. In late June, the El Paso City Hall was struck by gunfire from a deadly narco terrorist attack across the border in Juárez.
In May, Obama announced that 1,200 troops would be sent to the border to crack down on smuggling and drug cartel violence. Critics have called it political posturing in the run-up to November congressional elections and a response to Arizona’s recently passed immigration law.
Republicans in Texas consider the deployment of 250 troops in their state an insult. “The National Guard troops are not an adequate or long-term solution — they’re only a Band-Aid,” a spokeswoman for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill White told the Star-Telegram. “Maybe Texas should sue the federal government for not doing its job,” added U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville.
Senator Kyl of Arizona said in June that Obama is refusing to secure the border until Congress passes so-called immigration reform. “The problem is, he said, if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform,” Kyl said at a town hall organized by a local Arizona Tea Party.
In June, the banksters admitted they fund the Mexican drug Mafia. Wachovia and Bank of America have moved money for Mexican drug smugglers.
“The admission came in an agreement that Charlotte, North Carolina-based Wachovia struck with federal prosecutors in March, and it sheds light on the largely undocumented role of U.S. banks in contributing to the violent drug trade that has convulsed Mexico for the past four years,” Bloomberg reported. “Wachovia’s blatant disregard for our banking laws gave international cocaine cartels a virtual carte blanche to finance their operations,” Jeffrey Sloman, the federal prosecutor who handled the case, told Bloomberg.
Bankster participation has also financed the Mexican Mafia’s expansion into Texas and Arizona.
Why The Los Zetas Ranch Story Matters – Confirmation And Why A Media Blackout?
By Digger / July 24, 2010 06:02 PM
I am receiving many messages of concern that they don’t believe that the story of the Los Zetas seizing multiple ranches in Laredo, Texas is true. They keep questioning the confirmation. They question why there are no visuals or pictures. “Where is the video!” they scream. So I will address those issues in this post.
First, let me clarify that I was also skeptical of the story when I initially heard word. It is certainly not because there haven’t been armed intrusions into the United States before from Mexico. There have been a ton in the last decade, but there have not been any where they would hold onto a position. They usually leave after a standoff or upon discovery.
The situation has become different in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico over the last few days. There have been gun-battles through the streets and fragmentation grenades used as the government of Mexico tries to run the Los Zetas out of their stronghold there. People died and were wounded. The city was on lockdown and the US government issued warnings to US citizens in the area to remain indoors. With our lack of border security and porous borders, it is not beneath my intellect to believe that the Los Zetas could be forced into a retreat into US territory and attempt to seize a hideout.
Not only that, but “first contact” with me of the initial story was from none other than Jeff Schwilk, founder of the San Diego Minutemen, who had a confirmed source in the area of Laredo. With this in mind I decided to go with the story, but to remain cautious. I clearly stated on the story that it was not 100% confirmed. It remained that way all night.
I put out my feelers throughout the night to try and collect information and other credible sources to confirm the occupation of ranches in Laredo. I did not receive actual confirmation until this morning when I got word that Kimberly Dvorak of the Examiner had made multiple confirmations within the Laredo Police Department. Up until this point the story had not spread wide. There was no reason for the Laredo Police Department to crack down hard and keep things truly blacked out as there was no heavy interest from media.
However, upon that second confirmation and her running her story “Los Zetas drug cartel seizes 2 U.S. ranches in Texas” the story to me at that point was 100% confirmed. I changed my story to reflect that and released it to the world – spreading it wide. It has since gone viral.
(Since then I have learned Kim has no less than three sources inside law enforcement. Kim was also involved in the Acorn investigation with Breitbart, so she’s no whipper snapper.)
Since that time many journalists have tried to get information from law enforcement in the area. With the flood of calls to the Laredo Police Department, others are now starting to receive dodgy kind of answers to their questions. This leads me to believe that there may indeed by a bona-fide news blackout as they try to resolve the situation.
We do have people looking into it and digging further; other things behind the scenes are going on for additional confirmation other than the current sources.
The question remains, what is a news blackout and why would it occur?
A news blackout is basically an order from the top down to disavow any knowledge of a situation or story. Deflect, disavow and deny. There are many reasons for this. They range from the legitimate tactical reasoning to the downright nefarious “cover up” reasoning.
Tactical reasoning is an easy one. It is so they can perform their duties with minimal intrusion. That one is very simple to understand.
Let us analyze the nefarious reasons though just for the heck of it shall we?
1. This would make the Obama Administration look horrible. Their lack of security along the border is well known. A breech of national security this large would create a firestorm of anger at the administration. Their aims to pass an amnesty for illegal aliens would be shot to pieces and all of their arguments against building true security in the form of a fence would go down with it. This would have ramifications in the upcoming November elections for congress.
2. There is currently a gubernatorial race going on in Texas. The current sitting governor, Rick Perry, is looked at as being weak on immigration. He stood up for in-state tuition for illegal aliens and has done little to crack down – or push for a crackdown – on illegal immigration in his state. This would destroy his “tough guy” and “tough on crime image”.
3. Local congressional races in Texas. As everyone knows all of the members of The House are up for election. Some of those are open borders supporters. This breach of security would show that their continued fight against closing down the border in any way is flawed logic (as if it took this story to actually show that – the same story could happen again tomorrow).
4. Local sheriffs and elected officials could be made to look bad. There could have been mistakes made during operations that they don’t want revealed. Or they could have not been properly prepared for them and this intrusion showed their incompetence.
5. Businesses. It’s no secret that some agriculture and other businesses use low-skilled illegal alien labor to operate. They do this to avoid taxes so that they can make a hefty profit and avoid all of the hassles of insurance and the like. Strong business interests and wealthy individuals with influence could bring their power to bear down and cover things up to keep their cheap labor flowing.
6. General corruption. Some people in our government are beholden to or on the take from the cartels, Los Zetas or the Mexican government itself. After all, we seem to hear stories daily of someone or another being busted for being on the take. Imagine how many actually are on the take and just haven’t been discovered.
Those are most of the nefarious reasons that I can think off of the top of my head as to why it would be covered up or blacked out.
I don’t truly believe any of them.
Let me make that entirely clear.
I don’t truly believe any of them.
I believe there is a blackout because local law enforcement and the Border Patrol are waiting for backup and authorization from the Federal Government to make any moves. Something like this does have cross border and international impacts. Things like that generally are handled by the federal government, as that is the primary reason we have a federal government in the first place.
The situation is relatively young and if they have the Los Zetas contained in one spot, there really is no reason to go all cowboy and charge into an unknown situation.
This sums up the current state of the situation and the path of how the story broke. I have no other knowledge at this time that is not contained here. We will find out soon the extent of this situation as it develops further. As I stated in the article – and it still remains – we don’t know if it’s only several members or a squad.
The story is still developing and I’ll report more as I find out.
BREAKING: Multiple Ranches In Laredo, TX Taken Over By Los Zetas [Update 3]
By Digger / July 24, 2010 04:11 AM
The bloodbath continues along our southern border and now word is coming in that Los Zetas, the highly trained killers formerly with the Gulf Cartel, have crossed into the United States and taken over at least two ranches in the Laredo, Texas area. I am receiving word that the owners of the ranches have evacuated without being harmed. The source is law enforcement in the area.
(Update 2 story is now 100% confirmed by second source within the Laredo Police Department)
Founder of the San Diego Minutemen Jeff Schwilk tipped me off to this story and passes along the following information on the location. The ranches are said to be “near Mines Rd. and Minerales Annex Rd about 10 miles NW of I-35″.
Update 1 (Statement from Mr. Schwilk)
I can personally vouch that this info came in late last night from a reliable police source inside the Laredo PD. There is currently a standoff between the unknown size Zeta forces and U.S. Border Patrol and local law enforcement on two ranches on our side of the Rio Grande. The source tells us he considers this an “act of war” and that the military is needed on the border now!
Kimberly Dvorak at the Examiner has also confirmed the story
(Update 3: For those doubting the confirmation, I stand firmly behind Kimberly, but I have put together more on the confirmation and why this story truly matters at: “Why The Los Zetas Ranch Story Matters – Confirmation And Why A Media Blackout?”. There are three confirmed sources within law enforcement.)
Whether it is lone members or squads is not certain.
Anonymous sources in law enforcement in the Laredo area tonight have passed on word that US law enforcement agencies are in the area and are weighing their options regarding the ranches. The media has been silent on this incident and some law enforcement in the area say that they are furious that the media is not reporting the whole story of the continued violence along the border. Their frustrations are understandable because keeping the truth suppressed continues to hamper law enforcement from receiving the true support they need along the border.
The ranch assaults come on the heels of attacks in Nuevo Laredo that shut the city down as a gun-battle raged in the streets. Los Zetas blocked off intersections with vehicles and used fragmentation grenades to attack Mexican law enforcement. In the end 12 were killed and 21 injured in the assaults. Citizens in the area were told to stay in their homes and bullets whizzed all around.
Cypress Times
The U.S. Consulate in Nuevo Laredo had posted warnings on its website hours before the gunfire was reported by Texas citizens, “We have received credible reports of widespread violence occurring now between narcotics-trafficking organizations and the Mexican army in Nuevo Laredo.”
The U.S. Consulate went on to say, “The consulate confirmed that fragmentation grenades were used in the attacks and that suspected drug-gang members had blocked several roads, adding that it advised ‘all U.S. citizens in Nuevo Laredo to remain indoors until the security situation improves.’”
US Citizens in Laredo called 911 after hearing gunfire and explosions just across the border. Laredo police spokesman Joe Baeza deflected the concerns of citizens with what I see as utter contempt. He said there was no spillover violence onto the US side and “We were getting reports from people who live on the river’s edge that they could hear gunfire and explosions from the Mexico side,” Baeza said, “We didn’t have any incidents on the American side. It’s hard for people to understand who don’t live here … They’re not Vikings, they’re not going to invade us, it doesn’t work that way.”
This was said just a day before the reported breaking news on the ranches being taken above.
Violence has been on the rise along the border. In April 2010 a Border Patrol agent in Laredo shot and killed an lllegal alien drug smuggler near the Rio Grande
Los Zetas
The Los Zetas are highly trained killers initially trained by United States Special Operations forces to combat the drug cartels within Mexico. As the drug war heated up the Zetas saw more money in working for the cartels and joined up with the Gulf Cartel.
In March, 2010 there was a fracture between the Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel when a Zetas leader was said to have been assassinated by the Gulf Cartel. They demanded that the killer be turned over to them. When the Gulf Cartel refused the Zetas captured 16 Gulf Cartel members.
Since March Los Zetas abandoned their stronghold in Reynosa and moved to Nuevo Laredo, just across from the border with Laredo, Texas. There are estimated to be over 1,000 Zeta members there.
Comment: I’ll make this as simple and short as possible. This crisis has very little to do with drug cartel activity. All of a sudden this year the drug cartels are moving into the United States taking over ranches? So, does anyone remember the David Koresh, Davidian Compound massacre? Janet Reno come to mind? We had a situation that involved no violations of gun possession that was proven. You did have a group of people that was forming their own community and just like Randy Weaver they were targeted to prevent any more such groups forming in preparation of the coming World Order, forming the North American Union and to make it easy the government couldn’t efford to allow any more self contained communities to be established.
Drug Cartels are controlled by CIA, no question about that and have been since the Vietnam War. They are the ficitious Alternate enemies to set up to establish justification for legislation that will be used not on the drug cartels but the legislation will be used for citizens later when martial law is declared. We can send 7,000 Marines to Costa Rica yet allow Mexican Drug cartels to enter the US without any enforcement action. Folks, they are preparing the way for the 350,000 Mexican militia to enter the USA via the underground tunnels in much the same way the under water tunnels between Russia to Alaska and Cuba to Florida for the Russians to enter when the invasion starts. The Russians in Alaska then will be taking cargo/commercial aircraft to land troops in Montana, Denver, and Wyoming areas.
Los Zetas crossed the border near Laredo, Texas, and reportedly seized two ranches in the area indicated by the orange square above.
In June, the Mexican drug mafia forced the closure of the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona. Authorities in Arizona admit that criminals now control a drug and human smuggling corridor that stretches from the border into metro Phoenix. Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu explained in June that the Mexican Mafia controls three counties in his state.
Now drug smugglers are repeating the pattern in Texas.
On Saturday, the Cypress Times, an online newspaper in Cypress, Texas, reported that the murderous Los Zetas has crossed into the United States and taken over at least two ranches in the Laredo, Texas area. The owners of the farms have evacuated and were not harmed.
“I can personally vouch that this info came in late last night from a reliable police source inside the Laredo PD,” Jeff Schwilk, founder of the San Diego Minutemen, told the online newspaper. “There is currently a standoff between the unknown size Zeta forces and U.S. Border Patrol and local law enforcement on two ranches on our side of the Rio Grande.”
Kimberly Dvorak, writing for the Albuquerque Examiner, reports that two sources inside the Laredo Police Department have confirmed the incident. “We consider this an act of war,” said one police officer on the ground near the scene. There is a news blackout of this incident at this time and the sources inside Laredo PD spoke on the condition of anonymity, writes Dvorak.
The DBKP blog contacted the the Laredo Police Department on Saturday. “We have been advised to say nothing. The Webb County Sheriff is taking the lead on this and they’re advising that they can’t confirm anything either,” a spokesperson told the blog.
On March 30, 2008, the Dallas Morning News reported Mexican drug cartels operated military-style training camps in at least six such locations in northern Tamaulipas and Nuevo León states, some within a few miles of the Texas border, according to U.S. and Mexican authorities and the printed testimony of five protected witnesses who were trained in the camps.
“Traffickers go to great lengths to prepare themselves for battle,” a senior U.S. anti-narcotics official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the newspaper. “Part of that preparation is live firing ranges and combat training courses…. And that’s not something that we have seen before.” In the state of Tamaulipas, Los Zetas train with other mercenaries, including the Kaibiles from Guatemala, the officials said.
The Justice Department warned local police in Arizona and California about Los Zetas violence along the border. “The violence will spill over the Mexican border into the United States and law enforcement agencies in Texas, Arizona and Southern California can expect to encounter Los Zetas in the coming months,” warned an intelligence bulletin issued by the feds. The Justice Department and Homeland Security consider the Mexican drug cartels as the greatest organized crime threat to the United States.
Los Zetas was founded by an elite force of assassins from Mexican Army deserters and is now integrated by corrupt ex-federal, state, and local police officers. Los Zetas was first hired as a private mercenary army for Mexico’s Gulf Cartel, but since February of this year have gone independent and are now enemies of its former partner.
In the first eleven months of 2008, Los Zetas killers were directly responsible for the deaths of 5,300 people, including soldiers, their own operatives, civilians, journalists, and rival drug traffickers.
In 2006, Mexican president Felipe Calderon supposedly declared war on the drug cartels. Since Calderon’s declaration, more than 25,000 people have been killed in Mexico due to drug violence. In June of this year alone hundreds of people in Mexico died from drug-related violence.
Last week CBS News said Mexico’s drug Mafia had adopted “al-Qaeda tactics” after a car bomb exploded across the border from El Paso, Texas, in Ciudad Juárez, killing two federal officers and a musician and injuring 11 people, including several bystanders. In late June, the El Paso City Hall was struck by gunfire from a deadly narco terrorist attack across the border in Juárez.
In May, Obama announced that 1,200 troops would be sent to the border to crack down on smuggling and drug cartel violence. Critics have called it political posturing in the run-up to November congressional elections and a response to Arizona’s recently passed immigration law.
Republicans in Texas consider the deployment of 250 troops in their state an insult. “The National Guard troops are not an adequate or long-term solution — they’re only a Band-Aid,” a spokeswoman for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill White told the Star-Telegram. “Maybe Texas should sue the federal government for not doing its job,” added U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville.
Senator Kyl of Arizona said in June that Obama is refusing to secure the border until Congress passes so-called immigration reform. “The problem is, he said, if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform,” Kyl said at a town hall organized by a local Arizona Tea Party.
In June, the banksters admitted they fund the Mexican drug Mafia. Wachovia and Bank of America have moved money for Mexican drug smugglers.
“The admission came in an agreement that Charlotte, North Carolina-based Wachovia struck with federal prosecutors in March, and it sheds light on the largely undocumented role of U.S. banks in contributing to the violent drug trade that has convulsed Mexico for the past four years,” Bloomberg reported. “Wachovia’s blatant disregard for our banking laws gave international cocaine cartels a virtual carte blanche to finance their operations,” Jeffrey Sloman, the federal prosecutor who handled the case, told Bloomberg.
Bankster participation has also financed the Mexican Mafia’s expansion into Texas and Arizona.
The Justice Department warned local police in Arizona and California about Los Zetas violence along the border. “The violence will spill over the Mexican border into the United States and law enforcement agencies in Texas, Arizona and Southern California can expect to encounter Los Zetas in the coming months,” warned an intelligence bulletin issued by the feds. The Justice Department and Homeland Security consider the Mexican drug cartels as the greatest organized crime threat to the United States.
Los Zetas was founded by an elite force of assassins from Mexican Army deserters and is now integrated by corrupt ex-federal, state, and local police officers. Los Zetas was first hired as a private mercenary army for Mexico’s Gulf Cartel, but since February of this year have gone independent and are now enemies of its former partner.
In the first eleven months of 2008, Los Zetas killers were directly responsible for the deaths of 5,300 people, including soldiers, their own operatives, civilians, journalists, and rival drug traffickers.
In 2006, Mexican president Felipe Calderon supposedly declared war on the drug cartels. Since Calderon’s declaration, more than 25,000 people have been killed in Mexico due to drug violence. In June of this year alone hundreds of people in Mexico died from drug-related violence.
Last week CBS News said Mexico’s drug Mafia had adopted “al-Qaeda tactics” after a car bomb exploded across the border from El Paso, Texas, in Ciudad Juárez, killing two federal officers and a musician and injuring 11 people, including several bystanders. In late June, the El Paso City Hall was struck by gunfire from a deadly narco terrorist attack across the border in Juárez.
In May, Obama announced that 1,200 troops would be sent to the border to crack down on smuggling and drug cartel violence. Critics have called it political posturing in the run-up to November congressional elections and a response to Arizona’s recently passed immigration law.
Republicans in Texas consider the deployment of 250 troops in their state an insult. “The National Guard troops are not an adequate or long-term solution — they’re only a Band-Aid,” a spokeswoman for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill White told the Star-Telegram. “Maybe Texas should sue the federal government for not doing its job,” added U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville.
Senator Kyl of Arizona said in June that Obama is refusing to secure the border until Congress passes so-called immigration reform. “The problem is, he said, if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform,” Kyl said at a town hall organized by a local Arizona Tea Party.
In June, the banksters admitted they fund the Mexican drug Mafia. Wachovia and Bank of America have moved money for Mexican drug smugglers.
“The admission came in an agreement that Charlotte, North Carolina-based Wachovia struck with federal prosecutors in March, and it sheds light on the largely undocumented role of U.S. banks in contributing to the violent drug trade that has convulsed Mexico for the past four years,” Bloomberg reported. “Wachovia’s blatant disregard for our banking laws gave international cocaine cartels a virtual carte blanche to finance their operations,” Jeffrey Sloman, the federal prosecutor who handled the case, told Bloomberg.
Bankster participation has also financed the Mexican Mafia’s expansion into Texas and Arizona.
Why The Los Zetas Ranch Story Matters – Confirmation And Why A Media Blackout?
By Digger / July 24, 2010 06:02 PM
I am receiving many messages of concern that they don’t believe that the story of the Los Zetas seizing multiple ranches in Laredo, Texas is true. They keep questioning the confirmation. They question why there are no visuals or pictures. “Where is the video!” they scream. So I will address those issues in this post.
First, let me clarify that I was also skeptical of the story when I initially heard word. It is certainly not because there haven’t been armed intrusions into the United States before from Mexico. There have been a ton in the last decade, but there have not been any where they would hold onto a position. They usually leave after a standoff or upon discovery.
The situation has become different in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico over the last few days. There have been gun-battles through the streets and fragmentation grenades used as the government of Mexico tries to run the Los Zetas out of their stronghold there. People died and were wounded. The city was on lockdown and the US government issued warnings to US citizens in the area to remain indoors. With our lack of border security and porous borders, it is not beneath my intellect to believe that the Los Zetas could be forced into a retreat into US territory and attempt to seize a hideout.
Not only that, but “first contact” with me of the initial story was from none other than Jeff Schwilk, founder of the San Diego Minutemen, who had a confirmed source in the area of Laredo. With this in mind I decided to go with the story, but to remain cautious. I clearly stated on the story that it was not 100% confirmed. It remained that way all night.
I put out my feelers throughout the night to try and collect information and other credible sources to confirm the occupation of ranches in Laredo. I did not receive actual confirmation until this morning when I got word that Kimberly Dvorak of the Examiner had made multiple confirmations within the Laredo Police Department. Up until this point the story had not spread wide. There was no reason for the Laredo Police Department to crack down hard and keep things truly blacked out as there was no heavy interest from media.
However, upon that second confirmation and her running her story “Los Zetas drug cartel seizes 2 U.S. ranches in Texas” the story to me at that point was 100% confirmed. I changed my story to reflect that and released it to the world – spreading it wide. It has since gone viral.
(Since then I have learned Kim has no less than three sources inside law enforcement. Kim was also involved in the Acorn investigation with Breitbart, so she’s no whipper snapper.)
Since that time many journalists have tried to get information from law enforcement in the area. With the flood of calls to the Laredo Police Department, others are now starting to receive dodgy kind of answers to their questions. This leads me to believe that there may indeed by a bona-fide news blackout as they try to resolve the situation.
We do have people looking into it and digging further; other things behind the scenes are going on for additional confirmation other than the current sources.
The question remains, what is a news blackout and why would it occur?
A news blackout is basically an order from the top down to disavow any knowledge of a situation or story. Deflect, disavow and deny. There are many reasons for this. They range from the legitimate tactical reasoning to the downright nefarious “cover up” reasoning.
Tactical reasoning is an easy one. It is so they can perform their duties with minimal intrusion. That one is very simple to understand.
Let us analyze the nefarious reasons though just for the heck of it shall we?
1. This would make the Obama Administration look horrible. Their lack of security along the border is well known. A breech of national security this large would create a firestorm of anger at the administration. Their aims to pass an amnesty for illegal aliens would be shot to pieces and all of their arguments against building true security in the form of a fence would go down with it. This would have ramifications in the upcoming November elections for congress.
2. There is currently a gubernatorial race going on in Texas. The current sitting governor, Rick Perry, is looked at as being weak on immigration. He stood up for in-state tuition for illegal aliens and has done little to crack down – or push for a crackdown – on illegal immigration in his state. This would destroy his “tough guy” and “tough on crime image”.
3. Local congressional races in Texas. As everyone knows all of the members of The House are up for election. Some of those are open borders supporters. This breach of security would show that their continued fight against closing down the border in any way is flawed logic (as if it took this story to actually show that – the same story could happen again tomorrow).
4. Local sheriffs and elected officials could be made to look bad. There could have been mistakes made during operations that they don’t want revealed. Or they could have not been properly prepared for them and this intrusion showed their incompetence.
5. Businesses. It’s no secret that some agriculture and other businesses use low-skilled illegal alien labor to operate. They do this to avoid taxes so that they can make a hefty profit and avoid all of the hassles of insurance and the like. Strong business interests and wealthy individuals with influence could bring their power to bear down and cover things up to keep their cheap labor flowing.
6. General corruption. Some people in our government are beholden to or on the take from the cartels, Los Zetas or the Mexican government itself. After all, we seem to hear stories daily of someone or another being busted for being on the take. Imagine how many actually are on the take and just haven’t been discovered.
Those are most of the nefarious reasons that I can think off of the top of my head as to why it would be covered up or blacked out.
I don’t truly believe any of them.
Let me make that entirely clear.
I don’t truly believe any of them.
I believe there is a blackout because local law enforcement and the Border Patrol are waiting for backup and authorization from the Federal Government to make any moves. Something like this does have cross border and international impacts. Things like that generally are handled by the federal government, as that is the primary reason we have a federal government in the first place.
The situation is relatively young and if they have the Los Zetas contained in one spot, there really is no reason to go all cowboy and charge into an unknown situation.
This sums up the current state of the situation and the path of how the story broke. I have no other knowledge at this time that is not contained here. We will find out soon the extent of this situation as it develops further. As I stated in the article – and it still remains – we don’t know if it’s only several members or a squad.
The story is still developing and I’ll report more as I find out.
BREAKING: Multiple Ranches In Laredo, TX Taken Over By Los Zetas [Update 3]
By Digger / July 24, 2010 04:11 AM
The bloodbath continues along our southern border and now word is coming in that Los Zetas, the highly trained killers formerly with the Gulf Cartel, have crossed into the United States and taken over at least two ranches in the Laredo, Texas area. I am receiving word that the owners of the ranches have evacuated without being harmed. The source is law enforcement in the area.
(Update 2 story is now 100% confirmed by second source within the Laredo Police Department)
Founder of the San Diego Minutemen Jeff Schwilk tipped me off to this story and passes along the following information on the location. The ranches are said to be “near Mines Rd. and Minerales Annex Rd about 10 miles NW of I-35″.
Update 1 (Statement from Mr. Schwilk)
I can personally vouch that this info came in late last night from a reliable police source inside the Laredo PD. There is currently a standoff between the unknown size Zeta forces and U.S. Border Patrol and local law enforcement on two ranches on our side of the Rio Grande. The source tells us he considers this an “act of war” and that the military is needed on the border now!
Kimberly Dvorak at the Examiner has also confirmed the story
(Update 3: For those doubting the confirmation, I stand firmly behind Kimberly, but I have put together more on the confirmation and why this story truly matters at: “Why The Los Zetas Ranch Story Matters – Confirmation And Why A Media Blackout?”. There are three confirmed sources within law enforcement.)
Whether it is lone members or squads is not certain.
Anonymous sources in law enforcement in the Laredo area tonight have passed on word that US law enforcement agencies are in the area and are weighing their options regarding the ranches. The media has been silent on this incident and some law enforcement in the area say that they are furious that the media is not reporting the whole story of the continued violence along the border. Their frustrations are understandable because keeping the truth suppressed continues to hamper law enforcement from receiving the true support they need along the border.
The ranch assaults come on the heels of attacks in Nuevo Laredo that shut the city down as a gun-battle raged in the streets. Los Zetas blocked off intersections with vehicles and used fragmentation grenades to attack Mexican law enforcement. In the end 12 were killed and 21 injured in the assaults. Citizens in the area were told to stay in their homes and bullets whizzed all around.
Cypress Times
The U.S. Consulate in Nuevo Laredo had posted warnings on its website hours before the gunfire was reported by Texas citizens, “We have received credible reports of widespread violence occurring now between narcotics-trafficking organizations and the Mexican army in Nuevo Laredo.”
The U.S. Consulate went on to say, “The consulate confirmed that fragmentation grenades were used in the attacks and that suspected drug-gang members had blocked several roads, adding that it advised ‘all U.S. citizens in Nuevo Laredo to remain indoors until the security situation improves.’”
US Citizens in Laredo called 911 after hearing gunfire and explosions just across the border. Laredo police spokesman Joe Baeza deflected the concerns of citizens with what I see as utter contempt. He said there was no spillover violence onto the US side and “We were getting reports from people who live on the river’s edge that they could hear gunfire and explosions from the Mexico side,” Baeza said, “We didn’t have any incidents on the American side. It’s hard for people to understand who don’t live here … They’re not Vikings, they’re not going to invade us, it doesn’t work that way.”
This was said just a day before the reported breaking news on the ranches being taken above.
Violence has been on the rise along the border. In April 2010 a Border Patrol agent in Laredo shot and killed an lllegal alien drug smuggler near the Rio Grande
Los Zetas
The Los Zetas are highly trained killers initially trained by United States Special Operations forces to combat the drug cartels within Mexico. As the drug war heated up the Zetas saw more money in working for the cartels and joined up with the Gulf Cartel.
In March, 2010 there was a fracture between the Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel when a Zetas leader was said to have been assassinated by the Gulf Cartel. They demanded that the killer be turned over to them. When the Gulf Cartel refused the Zetas captured 16 Gulf Cartel members.
Since March Los Zetas abandoned their stronghold in Reynosa and moved to Nuevo Laredo, just across from the border with Laredo, Texas. There are estimated to be over 1,000 Zeta members there.
Comment: I’ll make this as simple and short as possible. This crisis has very little to do with drug cartel activity. All of a sudden this year the drug cartels are moving into the United States taking over ranches? So, does anyone remember the David Koresh, Davidian Compound massacre? Janet Reno come to mind? We had a situation that involved no violations of gun possession that was proven. You did have a group of people that was forming their own community and just like Randy Weaver they were targeted to prevent any more such groups forming in preparation of the coming World Order, forming the North American Union and to make it easy the government couldn’t efford to allow any more self contained communities to be established.
Drug Cartels are controlled by CIA, no question about that and have been since the Vietnam War. They are the ficitious Alternate enemies to set up to establish justification for legislation that will be used not on the drug cartels but the legislation will be used for citizens later when martial law is declared. We can send 7,000 Marines to Costa Rica yet allow Mexican Drug cartels to enter the US without any enforcement action. Folks, they are preparing the way for the 350,000 Mexican militia to enter the USA via the underground tunnels in much the same way the under water tunnels between Russia to Alaska and Cuba to Florida for the Russians to enter when the invasion starts. The Russians in Alaska then will be taking cargo/commercial aircraft to land troops in Montana, Denver, and Wyoming areas.
illegal alien drug cartel gang los zetas seize 2 ranches in Texas
In what could be deemed an act of war against the sovereign borders of the United States, Mexican drug cartels have seized control of at least two American ranches inside the U.S. territory near Laredo, Texas.
Two sources inside the Laredo Police Department confirmed the incident is unfolding and they would continue to coordinate with U.S. Border Patrol today. “We consider this an act of war,” said one police officer on the ground near the scene. There is a news blackout of this incident at this time and the sources inside Laredo PD spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Word broke late last night that Laredo police have requested help from the federal government regarding the incursion by the Los Zetas. It appears that the ranch owners have escaped without incident but their ranches remain in the hands of the blood thirsty cartels.
Laredo Border Patrol is conducting aerial surveillance over the ranches to determine the best way to regain control of the U.S. ranches, according to the Laredo Police department.
The approximate location of the U.S. ranches are10 miles northwest of I-35 off Mines Road and Minerales Annex Road. Just off 1472 (Mines road) near Santa Isabel Creek north of the city of Laredo, Texas.
The Los Zetas drug cartel is an offshoot of the elite Mexican military trained in special ops. The mercenary organization is said to include members of corrupt Mexican Federales, politicians as well as drug traffickers. The group was once part of the Gulf cartel, but has since splintered and now directly competes with the Gulf cartel for premium drug smuggling routes in the Texas region.
The new leader of Los Zetas is Heriberto “El Lazca” Lazcano and is considered the most violent paramilitary group in Mexico by the DEA.
Recently the drug organization has kidnapped tourists, infiltrated local municipalities and continues to smuggle narcotics into a very hungry U.S. market.
The violence south of the border continues to spin out of control and has left Nuevo Laredo, Mexico on virtual lockdown with businesses refusing to open the doors. Last week a particularly violent attack by the Los Zetas included the use of grenades and resulted in a dozen deaths and 21 injuries.
The hostile takeover of the ranches has met with silence with local and national media; however sources say they could be waiting to report the stories once the ranches are back in U.S. control. This journalist questions if this was a Middle Eastern terrorist attack if the media would sit on their hands.
Source - http://www.examiner.com/county-political-buzz-in-san-diego/los-zetas-drug-cartel-seizes-2-u-s-ranches-texas
Two sources inside the Laredo Police Department confirmed the incident is unfolding and they would continue to coordinate with U.S. Border Patrol today. “We consider this an act of war,” said one police officer on the ground near the scene. There is a news blackout of this incident at this time and the sources inside Laredo PD spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Word broke late last night that Laredo police have requested help from the federal government regarding the incursion by the Los Zetas. It appears that the ranch owners have escaped without incident but their ranches remain in the hands of the blood thirsty cartels.
Laredo Border Patrol is conducting aerial surveillance over the ranches to determine the best way to regain control of the U.S. ranches, according to the Laredo Police department.
The approximate location of the U.S. ranches are10 miles northwest of I-35 off Mines Road and Minerales Annex Road. Just off 1472 (Mines road) near Santa Isabel Creek north of the city of Laredo, Texas.
The Los Zetas drug cartel is an offshoot of the elite Mexican military trained in special ops. The mercenary organization is said to include members of corrupt Mexican Federales, politicians as well as drug traffickers. The group was once part of the Gulf cartel, but has since splintered and now directly competes with the Gulf cartel for premium drug smuggling routes in the Texas region.
The new leader of Los Zetas is Heriberto “El Lazca” Lazcano and is considered the most violent paramilitary group in Mexico by the DEA.
Recently the drug organization has kidnapped tourists, infiltrated local municipalities and continues to smuggle narcotics into a very hungry U.S. market.
The violence south of the border continues to spin out of control and has left Nuevo Laredo, Mexico on virtual lockdown with businesses refusing to open the doors. Last week a particularly violent attack by the Los Zetas included the use of grenades and resulted in a dozen deaths and 21 injuries.
The hostile takeover of the ranches has met with silence with local and national media; however sources say they could be waiting to report the stories once the ranches are back in U.S. control. This journalist questions if this was a Middle Eastern terrorist attack if the media would sit on their hands.
Source - http://www.examiner.com/county-political-buzz-in-san-diego/los-zetas-drug-cartel-seizes-2-u-s-ranches-texas
border patrol,
illegal aliens,
illegal immigrants,
los zetas,
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Illegal Alien Antonia Rivera Released After Arrested At US Capitol - ICE Says Only Wants Criminals
So this illegal alien "activist", Antonia Rivera, flies to Washington DC, goes to the Capitol Building, sits in the atrium with others who are demanding the DREAM Act, is arrested by the police and ICE doesn't take her into custody and deport her. That is the story in a nutshell.
Rivera is a member of declared illegal aliens demanding the free ride of the DREAM Act. They call themselves the Orange County Dream Team. I find it disgusting that we allow illegal aliens to organize within the borders of the United States and nothing is being done about it. Antonia even has a Facebook page and twitter account where she happily posts that the cops are there to arrest them and links to all the stories published about their arrests. There are other "out" illegal aliens who routinely post to her Facebook thanking her for being a martyr for their demands. On top of all of this, there was a website setup at thedreamiscoming.com where they are announcing their illegal intentions ahead of time for all to see. It was also promoted and streamed over the internet so illegal aliens and their supporters could watch back home. Antonia even posted to her Facebook that she and three others needed a place to stay in Washington DC so they could pull this stunt.
"is there anyone in DC that can house three people here for the DREAM Graduation tomorrow? We need housing tonight til Wednesday night," she posted. Apparently someone aided and abetted her illegal stay in our country as her little show was pulled off. And the government let her walk...
A little other thing of note on her Facebook page. Her favorite movie is Machetero. Looking into it you find it is about a violent revolutionary fighting for the independence of Puerto Rico from United States colonial rule.
Rivera is a member of declared illegal aliens demanding the free ride of the DREAM Act. They call themselves the Orange County Dream Team. I find it disgusting that we allow illegal aliens to organize within the borders of the United States and nothing is being done about it. Antonia even has a Facebook page and twitter account where she happily posts that the cops are there to arrest them and links to all the stories published about their arrests. There are other "out" illegal aliens who routinely post to her Facebook thanking her for being a martyr for their demands. On top of all of this, there was a website setup at thedreamiscoming.com where they are announcing their illegal intentions ahead of time for all to see. It was also promoted and streamed over the internet so illegal aliens and their supporters could watch back home. Antonia even posted to her Facebook that she and three others needed a place to stay in Washington DC so they could pull this stunt.
"is there anyone in DC that can house three people here for the DREAM Graduation tomorrow? We need housing tonight til Wednesday night," she posted. Apparently someone aided and abetted her illegal stay in our country as her little show was pulled off. And the government let her walk...
A little other thing of note on her Facebook page. Her favorite movie is Machetero. Looking into it you find it is about a violent revolutionary fighting for the independence of Puerto Rico from United States colonial rule.
Ted Nugent: Dear mexico ...
American dream is attainable for those who share our values
Bienvenido. Welcome. As the November elections draw nearer, political campaigns most assuredly will heat up and become more tense and filled with rancor. As with any election, you have to dig for the truth.
Immigration is one of the key issues at the forefront of the campaigns. Just as it has done to the law passed in Arizona, the Democratic machine will work overtime once again to demonize conservatives and the Republican Party as jingoists, racists, anti-civil-rights, anti-immigration, anti-minority and even anti-Mexican. I know, as I previously have been the target of its vicious personal lying attacks and smear campaigns straight out of the playbook of Richard Andrew Cloward, Frances Fox Piven and Saul Alinsky. Soulless.
Such attacks, of course, could not be further from the truth, but telling the truth has never been a plank in the political platform of the Democratic Party. If Democrats ever told Americans the truth about what they truly believe, the Democratic Party would cease to exist by tomorrow.
Rest assured, just as the Democrats lie to Americans, they also will lie to you. They will claim on one hand that they are your liberators. They will say anything, make any promise to get your support. Yet on the other hand, what they won't tell you is that once they have garnered your support, they ultimately will work to enslave you and ruin your families with Fedzilla programs and dollars that will destroy you and your families, much like the corrupt, abusive Mexican government you risked your lives to escape.
If you doubt this, look at what the Democrats have done to black America over the past 50 years. What once was a proud, strong people now lies in ruin because of Fedzilla programs designed specifically to enslave and destroy instead of liberate and build. Amazingly, black Americans still overwhelming vote for Democrats. Be wise and learn from their mistakes.
Conservatives greatly respect the work ethic, family values, diversity and independent spirit of the Mexican people. We harbor no ill will toward anyone because of race, creed, color, sex or ethnicity. We value hard work and judge people on their character.
Conservatives want to see people of Mexican descent reach their full potential in America. We are not satisfied with seeing anyone remain on the bottom rung of the ladder of success. We believe that through hard work, sacrifice and commitment, the American dream remains vibrant and within the grasp of anyone willing to work hard and reach for it. We also believe in less government, lower taxes and more freedom. As President Reagan once said, government isn't the solution, it's the problem.
We believe in immigration reform, although we do not believe in granting amnesty to those who have violated our immigration laws to get to America. We understand why people want to come to America but do not believe granting amnesty is a smart move.
Conservatives believe there should be an easier and simpler process for Mexicans to work in America legally and be part of the American experience. We do not believe anyone should have to live in the shadows.
Just as in Mexico, American conservatives believe one of government's most important roles is securing our nation. We must know who is coming into America and believe all individuals desiring to enter America should be subject, at a minimum, to a health and criminal background check.
American conservatives believe in protecting our borders and legal immigration. Mexico has immigration laws and rightfully protects its southern border with Guatemala, and America also has a right and responsibility to protect its borders.
A common language is vital to achieving the American dream, and thus conservatives believe learning the English language is a core component of achieving the American dream. Failing to learn the English language inhibits your ability to climb the ladder of success.
Though we believe you should be proud of your heritage, conservatives also believe if you want to immigrate to America, you should embrace our values, traditions and history just as our great-grandparents did when they arrived at Ellis Island 100 or more years ago. We believe everyone who wants to harvest all the bounties of America should also be willing to fully embrace American heritage and customs and assimilate into America.
Because of the Obama administration's continued endorsement of wrongheaded economic policies, America is going through tough economic times. Unemployment is high, economic growth is stagnant, at best, and government spending and debt are out of control. These are not favorable economic conditions for Americans or anyone else wanting to work in America.
You have a choice. Embrace the political party that believes in enslavement or embrace the political party with policies that promote greater individual liberty and freedom. That's not just your choice, but the choice of Americans.
Bienvenido. Welcome. As the November elections draw nearer, political campaigns most assuredly will heat up and become more tense and filled with rancor. As with any election, you have to dig for the truth.
Immigration is one of the key issues at the forefront of the campaigns. Just as it has done to the law passed in Arizona, the Democratic machine will work overtime once again to demonize conservatives and the Republican Party as jingoists, racists, anti-civil-rights, anti-immigration, anti-minority and even anti-Mexican. I know, as I previously have been the target of its vicious personal lying attacks and smear campaigns straight out of the playbook of Richard Andrew Cloward, Frances Fox Piven and Saul Alinsky. Soulless.
Such attacks, of course, could not be further from the truth, but telling the truth has never been a plank in the political platform of the Democratic Party. If Democrats ever told Americans the truth about what they truly believe, the Democratic Party would cease to exist by tomorrow.
Rest assured, just as the Democrats lie to Americans, they also will lie to you. They will claim on one hand that they are your liberators. They will say anything, make any promise to get your support. Yet on the other hand, what they won't tell you is that once they have garnered your support, they ultimately will work to enslave you and ruin your families with Fedzilla programs and dollars that will destroy you and your families, much like the corrupt, abusive Mexican government you risked your lives to escape.
If you doubt this, look at what the Democrats have done to black America over the past 50 years. What once was a proud, strong people now lies in ruin because of Fedzilla programs designed specifically to enslave and destroy instead of liberate and build. Amazingly, black Americans still overwhelming vote for Democrats. Be wise and learn from their mistakes.
Conservatives greatly respect the work ethic, family values, diversity and independent spirit of the Mexican people. We harbor no ill will toward anyone because of race, creed, color, sex or ethnicity. We value hard work and judge people on their character.
Conservatives want to see people of Mexican descent reach their full potential in America. We are not satisfied with seeing anyone remain on the bottom rung of the ladder of success. We believe that through hard work, sacrifice and commitment, the American dream remains vibrant and within the grasp of anyone willing to work hard and reach for it. We also believe in less government, lower taxes and more freedom. As President Reagan once said, government isn't the solution, it's the problem.
We believe in immigration reform, although we do not believe in granting amnesty to those who have violated our immigration laws to get to America. We understand why people want to come to America but do not believe granting amnesty is a smart move.
Conservatives believe there should be an easier and simpler process for Mexicans to work in America legally and be part of the American experience. We do not believe anyone should have to live in the shadows.
Just as in Mexico, American conservatives believe one of government's most important roles is securing our nation. We must know who is coming into America and believe all individuals desiring to enter America should be subject, at a minimum, to a health and criminal background check.
American conservatives believe in protecting our borders and legal immigration. Mexico has immigration laws and rightfully protects its southern border with Guatemala, and America also has a right and responsibility to protect its borders.
A common language is vital to achieving the American dream, and thus conservatives believe learning the English language is a core component of achieving the American dream. Failing to learn the English language inhibits your ability to climb the ladder of success.
Though we believe you should be proud of your heritage, conservatives also believe if you want to immigrate to America, you should embrace our values, traditions and history just as our great-grandparents did when they arrived at Ellis Island 100 or more years ago. We believe everyone who wants to harvest all the bounties of America should also be willing to fully embrace American heritage and customs and assimilate into America.
Because of the Obama administration's continued endorsement of wrongheaded economic policies, America is going through tough economic times. Unemployment is high, economic growth is stagnant, at best, and government spending and debt are out of control. These are not favorable economic conditions for Americans or anyone else wanting to work in America.
You have a choice. Embrace the political party that believes in enslavement or embrace the political party with policies that promote greater individual liberty and freedom. That's not just your choice, but the choice of Americans.
Illegal Alien Shoplifters Getting Off Scott Free
On Tuesday afternoon, Tomas, the Walgreens Drug Stores security had just cornered a Latino male by the exit doors of the store. As I entered the store with my friend Jay, I saw the scared look of the Hispanic male saying, “no police please.”
He repeated with his “No police please.” As I came in I stood my guard, to see if this Hispanic was about to make a run for it, he was staring at the doors. Tomas had items in his left hand and what now looks like; it was an attempted shop-lifting of Walgreens by this person, who got caught.
Then Tomas says, “No police if you cooperate, you must come to the back office with me.” He agrees to go, and that was it for about twenty minutes, then Walgreen’s security guard Tomas, re-appears with the shop-lifter and lets him walk out the front doors Scott-free.
On my way out my buddy Jay goes to me, “hey, if that was us caught shop-lifting in Walgreens, we’d be in the back seat of a squad car by now!” I said yeah, I see that.
It was obvious that this Hispanic male was an undocumented alien, and with sanctuary cities like San Francisco and now a sanctuary Walgreens, how can this be? I'll get into the bottom of it.
I called the Excelsior Walgreens Store and was able to get assistant manager Juliet on the phone. I explained what happened and concerns as to why police were not called for an obvious shop-lifting case.
She told me that Walgreens Corp’s policy is to get the suspects to cooperate and then go to the back of the store to get their pictures taken and warned and police will not be called. I doubted what she was telling me, so I visited the store in person to ask these questions again.
This time assistant manager Deniro Munoz told me, they had a loss prevention meeting and second-chance policies came up on shoplifters. In addition to, offenders are ID checked and asked never to come back.
I asked Deniro Munoz if the San Francisco city sanctuary policies had anything to do with the Walgreens decision, he said it was. I was surprised to his quick reply, but I wondered if he understood my question. I again repeated the question, if San Francisco sanctuary policies drove Walgreens to apply such lax policies on shoplifters and then I said to him, that I assumed that he possibly did not understand my line of questionings, for giving me such an easy answer.
Then I further searched the Net for “arrested for shoplifting at Walgreens” and then came up with these stories. On July 9th, Beverly man arrested for shoplifting Burlington County Times WESTAMPTON — A Beverly man was charged with shoplifting after he took merchandise from the Walgreens pharmacy on Woodlane Road on Tuesday, police said.
According to police, William Battle, 49, was taken into custody after he was suspected of shoplifting at 6:49 p.m. by a store manager. Battle pulled merchandise out of his pockets, placed it on the counter and fled from the store, police said.
Police officers located Battle hiding behind a dumpster in the rear of the Wawa store on Woodlane Road, police said. He was charged with shoplifting and released on a summons.
And more came up;
Woman arrested on shoplifting complaint » Merrimack Valley ...Jun 20, 2010 ... LAWRENCE — A woman arrested for shoplifting later admitted to police ...Police arrived at Walgreens, 135 Broadway, at 7:05 p.m. to find the ...www.eagletribune.com/.../Woman-arrested-on-shoplifting-complaint - Cached
Man suspected of stealing cosmetics from Walgreens stores arrested ...Jun 30, 2010 ... Chandler police say they have arrested a man suspected of stealing cosmetics from Walgreens stores across the Valley. ...www.azfamily.com/.../Man-suspected-of-stealing-cosmetics-from-Walgreens-stores-arrested-in-Phoenix-97499154.html - CachedCambridge Police: Arrests (Feb.1-7) - Cambridge, Massachusetts ...Feb 11, 2010 ... 4 p.m., Anthony Clark, 64, of 5 Warner St, Dorchester, arrested and charged with shoplifting at Walgreens, 625 Mass. ...www.wickedlocal.com/.../archive/.../Cambridge-Police-Arrests-Feb-1-7 - CachedTwo Women arrested at Walgreens | tried, women, store - Local News ...Two people accused of shoplifting a Walgreens tried to fight their way out ... the two women were not cooperating with officers since they were arrested. ...www.oaoa.com/news/tried-23623-women-store.html - CachedI was caught shoplifting in a walgreens yesterday, just for random ...May 6, 2010 ... I was caught shoplifting in a walgreens yesterday, .... Also, if you do getarrested and was jailed for it, I believe it would show up in ...answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid... - CachedNorthJersey.com: Police Blotter Clifton Journal April 16, 2010 Apr 16, 2010... were arrested and charged with shoplifting from Walgreens on Van ...Rodriguez was arrested and transported to police headquarters where ...www.northjersey.com/.../91008019_Police_Blotter_Clifton_Journal_April_16__2010.html -
Obviously this did not jive with what San Francisco Walgreens personnel were telling me. Walgreens Corp. seem to have two sets of shoplifting policies, one for sanctuary cities, where undocumented shoplifters get off the hook, while the other one for the mainland, where none sanctuary cities exists and where shoplifters do get arrested.
I contacted Walgreens Corporation to clarify on this issue. I relayed my concerns to Glenda of corporate, who was very helpful in compiling my information, to send to their Media PR person, Tiffany Washington, but so far there have been no comments from her or Walgreens.
I can understand Walgreen's situation to some extent, for the LOVE of MONEY, they’ve got five stores along the three to four miles stretch of the Mission Street corridors in San Francisco, where they get 65% or more business from Hispanics and Latinos. They FEAR adverse publicity and especially one, where illegal immigrant gets caught, arrested and deported because of their calling the police.
But then again, I can see it as very unfair to other areas around the country, where people are being arrested daily, just because they are not Latinos and the lack of uniformity in implementing shoplifting rules equally among everyone disturbs me.
It’s these kinds of ETHNIC pandering that Americans are getting fed up with. By allowing illegal immigrants who steal things and then get off free, it’s very bad for our communities.
Were allowing criminal illegal aliens to hang around, when they should be deported. Walgreens is seen as becoming part of the problem in illegal immigrant’s crimes just as sanctuary cities, rather than becoming the solutions in stopping them from committing more crimes.
He repeated with his “No police please.” As I came in I stood my guard, to see if this Hispanic was about to make a run for it, he was staring at the doors. Tomas had items in his left hand and what now looks like; it was an attempted shop-lifting of Walgreens by this person, who got caught.
Then Tomas says, “No police if you cooperate, you must come to the back office with me.” He agrees to go, and that was it for about twenty minutes, then Walgreen’s security guard Tomas, re-appears with the shop-lifter and lets him walk out the front doors Scott-free.
On my way out my buddy Jay goes to me, “hey, if that was us caught shop-lifting in Walgreens, we’d be in the back seat of a squad car by now!” I said yeah, I see that.
It was obvious that this Hispanic male was an undocumented alien, and with sanctuary cities like San Francisco and now a sanctuary Walgreens, how can this be? I'll get into the bottom of it.
I called the Excelsior Walgreens Store and was able to get assistant manager Juliet on the phone. I explained what happened and concerns as to why police were not called for an obvious shop-lifting case.
She told me that Walgreens Corp’s policy is to get the suspects to cooperate and then go to the back of the store to get their pictures taken and warned and police will not be called. I doubted what she was telling me, so I visited the store in person to ask these questions again.
This time assistant manager Deniro Munoz told me, they had a loss prevention meeting and second-chance policies came up on shoplifters. In addition to, offenders are ID checked and asked never to come back.
I asked Deniro Munoz if the San Francisco city sanctuary policies had anything to do with the Walgreens decision, he said it was. I was surprised to his quick reply, but I wondered if he understood my question. I again repeated the question, if San Francisco sanctuary policies drove Walgreens to apply such lax policies on shoplifters and then I said to him, that I assumed that he possibly did not understand my line of questionings, for giving me such an easy answer.
Then I further searched the Net for “arrested for shoplifting at Walgreens” and then came up with these stories. On July 9th, Beverly man arrested for shoplifting Burlington County Times WESTAMPTON — A Beverly man was charged with shoplifting after he took merchandise from the Walgreens pharmacy on Woodlane Road on Tuesday, police said.
According to police, William Battle, 49, was taken into custody after he was suspected of shoplifting at 6:49 p.m. by a store manager. Battle pulled merchandise out of his pockets, placed it on the counter and fled from the store, police said.
Police officers located Battle hiding behind a dumpster in the rear of the Wawa store on Woodlane Road, police said. He was charged with shoplifting and released on a summons.
And more came up;
Woman arrested on shoplifting complaint » Merrimack Valley ...Jun 20, 2010 ... LAWRENCE — A woman arrested for shoplifting later admitted to police ...Police arrived at Walgreens, 135 Broadway, at 7:05 p.m. to find the ...www.eagletribune.com/.../Woman-arrested-on-shoplifting-complaint - Cached
Man suspected of stealing cosmetics from Walgreens stores arrested ...Jun 30, 2010 ... Chandler police say they have arrested a man suspected of stealing cosmetics from Walgreens stores across the Valley. ...www.azfamily.com/.../Man-suspected-of-stealing-cosmetics-from-Walgreens-stores-arrested-in-Phoenix-97499154.html - CachedCambridge Police: Arrests (Feb.1-7) - Cambridge, Massachusetts ...Feb 11, 2010 ... 4 p.m., Anthony Clark, 64, of 5 Warner St, Dorchester, arrested and charged with shoplifting at Walgreens, 625 Mass. ...www.wickedlocal.com/.../archive/.../Cambridge-Police-Arrests-Feb-1-7 - CachedTwo Women arrested at Walgreens | tried, women, store - Local News ...Two people accused of shoplifting a Walgreens tried to fight their way out ... the two women were not cooperating with officers since they were arrested. ...www.oaoa.com/news/tried-23623-women-store.html - CachedI was caught shoplifting in a walgreens yesterday, just for random ...May 6, 2010 ... I was caught shoplifting in a walgreens yesterday, .... Also, if you do getarrested and was jailed for it, I believe it would show up in ...answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid... - CachedNorthJersey.com: Police Blotter Clifton Journal April 16, 2010 Apr 16, 2010... were arrested and charged with shoplifting from Walgreens on Van ...Rodriguez was arrested and transported to police headquarters where ...www.northjersey.com/.../91008019_Police_Blotter_Clifton_Journal_April_16__2010.html -
Obviously this did not jive with what San Francisco Walgreens personnel were telling me. Walgreens Corp. seem to have two sets of shoplifting policies, one for sanctuary cities, where undocumented shoplifters get off the hook, while the other one for the mainland, where none sanctuary cities exists and where shoplifters do get arrested.
I contacted Walgreens Corporation to clarify on this issue. I relayed my concerns to Glenda of corporate, who was very helpful in compiling my information, to send to their Media PR person, Tiffany Washington, but so far there have been no comments from her or Walgreens.
I can understand Walgreen's situation to some extent, for the LOVE of MONEY, they’ve got five stores along the three to four miles stretch of the Mission Street corridors in San Francisco, where they get 65% or more business from Hispanics and Latinos. They FEAR adverse publicity and especially one, where illegal immigrant gets caught, arrested and deported because of their calling the police.
But then again, I can see it as very unfair to other areas around the country, where people are being arrested daily, just because they are not Latinos and the lack of uniformity in implementing shoplifting rules equally among everyone disturbs me.
It’s these kinds of ETHNIC pandering that Americans are getting fed up with. By allowing illegal immigrants who steal things and then get off free, it’s very bad for our communities.
Were allowing criminal illegal aliens to hang around, when they should be deported. Walgreens is seen as becoming part of the problem in illegal immigrant’s crimes just as sanctuary cities, rather than becoming the solutions in stopping them from committing more crimes.
Illegal alien arrested charged with raping 15-year-old girl
Region 8 minor says she was raped while babysitting
JONESBORO, AR (KAIT) – Police say a Mexican immigrant is accused of raping a 15-year-old minor while she was babysitting two infants on Saturday night.
Fernando Huerara-Ortega, 33, of Jonesboro was charged with rape after the 15-year-old informed police of the incident which occurred in an apartment complex near the corner of Rains and Oak Street.
The girl informed officers that she was babysitting two infants while their mother was at work when the incident occurred.
Huerara-Ortega’s bond is set at $100,000.
According to the detective, the high bond is due to Ortega having no relatives in the U.S. and no information on file in the National Crime Information Center data base. He is considered a high flight risk.
JONESBORO, AR (KAIT) – Police say a Mexican immigrant is accused of raping a 15-year-old minor while she was babysitting two infants on Saturday night.
Fernando Huerara-Ortega, 33, of Jonesboro was charged with rape after the 15-year-old informed police of the incident which occurred in an apartment complex near the corner of Rains and Oak Street.
The girl informed officers that she was babysitting two infants while their mother was at work when the incident occurred.
Huerara-Ortega’s bond is set at $100,000.
According to the detective, the high bond is due to Ortega having no relatives in the U.S. and no information on file in the National Crime Information Center data base. He is considered a high flight risk.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Police log: Illegal aliens charged in sex case
TELFORD - Three illegal immigrants allegedly furnished three juvenile females from the Perkasie area with alcohol, had sex with them and took photos of one of the girls while she was partially naked and unconscious.
According to Telford Police, the incident happened last August.
Irving Miuricio Cruz, 19, of Market Street, Hatfield, was arrested July 17 after he was stopped by a Hilltown officer for a vehicle law violation, then turned over to the Telford department for a warrant, police said.
Cruz was charged with criminal conspiracy, statutory sexual assault, corruption of minors, sexual abuse of children and furnishing alcohol to minors, police said.
He was arraigned July 18 before District Judge Thomas Palladino, Pottstown, and taken to Montgomery County Correctional Facility with bail set at $50,000 cash, police said.
Cruz will be turned over to federal immigration authorities, police said.
Another 19-year-old in the case was recently captured by federal border officials after he fled the U.S to his native Honduras, then tried to return to the United States, police said.
He is awaiting extradition to Montgomery County, police said.
The third person accused in the incident is a juvenile and will be petitioned to Montgomery County Juvenile Court, police said.
TELFORD: ‘Sexting’ case leads to charges
An 18-year-old former Norristown man is accused of sending a series of text messages to a 10-year-old Telford girl encouraging her to sneak out of her home at night and meet him at a nearby park for a sexual act, according to Telford Police.
Leroi Winfield Rivera, no fixed address, was arrested July 15 while walking on the railroad tracks near the Telford/Souderton border, police said.
After the girl’s mother learned about the messages, Rivera offered to pay her in exchange for not reporting the incident, police said.
Rivera is charged with criminal solicitation, unlawful contact with a minor, corruption of minors and tampering with evidence, police said.
He was arraigned before District Judge Esther Casillo, Norristown, and taken to Montgomery County Correctional Facility with bail set at $25,000, police said.
Telford Police are continuing investigation of reports that Rivera may have approached or had sexual contact with other young females.
FRANCONIA : Couple nabbed for theft
The Franconia Township Police Department has charged two people in connection with a burglary and theft of property from a township home.
Police responded to a home in the 100 block of Souder Road at 5:40 p.m. on July 11, and found a man and woman in the unoccupied house.
Both had loaded boxes of metal household and kitchen items into their car which was parked nearby, police said.
After officers determined that neither subject had permission to be on the property, they were taken into custody.
Frank Andrew, 40, of Milford Square, and Jane Luck, 36, from Pipersville, were charged with burglary, theft and receiving stolen property.
Andrew was remanded to the Montgomery County Correctional Facility after failing to post bail in the amount of $20,000. Luck was released on condition of unsecured bail, also in the amount of $20,000.
A preliminary hearing is scheduled at district court in Souderton on Aug. 3. Officers from Lower Salford assisted the Franconia officers at the residence.
SALFORD - Forgery alleged
State police are investigating an incident involving theft, forgery and identity theft which occurred on the 300 block of Clump Road between June 28 and July 7.
Police said five checks were written out to various people using a checkbook stolen from a 46-year-old resident.
The victim's signature was forged on the checks that were subsequently cashed at area banks, police said. The total loss is estimated at $5,600.50.
SKIPPACK - One charged in crash
Linda Jungers, 53, of Harleysville, was charged in district court for her involvement in a two-vehicle crash June 27 at 9:52 p.m. on the 4000 block of Skippack Pike, police said.
Police said Jungers, driving a 2002 Toyota Highlander, was leaving a parking lot as Stephen Bogdan, 51, of Cheltenham, driving a 1998 Buick LeSabre, was traveling east on Skippack Pike.
Jungers pulled out too far and struck Bogdan's passenger side, police said.
The Toyota sustained front end damage and was towed from the scene, and the Buick sustained damage to the passenger side, police said.
A passenger in the Buick, Florence Bogdan, 84, was evaluated on scene by EMS, police said.
Assault arrest
Monique Y. Denard, 27, of Philadelphia, was charged July 2 with aggravated assault, aggravated harassment and related charges, after spitting on and kicking state troopers who arrested her for outstanding warrants, police said.
Denard was arraigned before District Judge Walter Gadzicki and committed to Montgomery County Prison in lieu of $5,000 cash bail.
On July 1 at 9 p.m., Denard was arrested for outstanding warrants and was awaiting transfer at police barracks in Skippack.
While at the barracks, she became unruly and combative. During attempts to restrain her, she spat upon two troopers and kicked one, police said.
According to Telford Police, the incident happened last August.
Irving Miuricio Cruz, 19, of Market Street, Hatfield, was arrested July 17 after he was stopped by a Hilltown officer for a vehicle law violation, then turned over to the Telford department for a warrant, police said.
Cruz was charged with criminal conspiracy, statutory sexual assault, corruption of minors, sexual abuse of children and furnishing alcohol to minors, police said.
He was arraigned July 18 before District Judge Thomas Palladino, Pottstown, and taken to Montgomery County Correctional Facility with bail set at $50,000 cash, police said.
Cruz will be turned over to federal immigration authorities, police said.
Another 19-year-old in the case was recently captured by federal border officials after he fled the U.S to his native Honduras, then tried to return to the United States, police said.
He is awaiting extradition to Montgomery County, police said.
The third person accused in the incident is a juvenile and will be petitioned to Montgomery County Juvenile Court, police said.
TELFORD: ‘Sexting’ case leads to charges
An 18-year-old former Norristown man is accused of sending a series of text messages to a 10-year-old Telford girl encouraging her to sneak out of her home at night and meet him at a nearby park for a sexual act, according to Telford Police.
Leroi Winfield Rivera, no fixed address, was arrested July 15 while walking on the railroad tracks near the Telford/Souderton border, police said.
After the girl’s mother learned about the messages, Rivera offered to pay her in exchange for not reporting the incident, police said.
Rivera is charged with criminal solicitation, unlawful contact with a minor, corruption of minors and tampering with evidence, police said.
He was arraigned before District Judge Esther Casillo, Norristown, and taken to Montgomery County Correctional Facility with bail set at $25,000, police said.
Telford Police are continuing investigation of reports that Rivera may have approached or had sexual contact with other young females.
FRANCONIA : Couple nabbed for theft
The Franconia Township Police Department has charged two people in connection with a burglary and theft of property from a township home.
Police responded to a home in the 100 block of Souder Road at 5:40 p.m. on July 11, and found a man and woman in the unoccupied house.
Both had loaded boxes of metal household and kitchen items into their car which was parked nearby, police said.
After officers determined that neither subject had permission to be on the property, they were taken into custody.
Frank Andrew, 40, of Milford Square, and Jane Luck, 36, from Pipersville, were charged with burglary, theft and receiving stolen property.
Andrew was remanded to the Montgomery County Correctional Facility after failing to post bail in the amount of $20,000. Luck was released on condition of unsecured bail, also in the amount of $20,000.
A preliminary hearing is scheduled at district court in Souderton on Aug. 3. Officers from Lower Salford assisted the Franconia officers at the residence.
SALFORD - Forgery alleged
State police are investigating an incident involving theft, forgery and identity theft which occurred on the 300 block of Clump Road between June 28 and July 7.
Police said five checks were written out to various people using a checkbook stolen from a 46-year-old resident.
The victim's signature was forged on the checks that were subsequently cashed at area banks, police said. The total loss is estimated at $5,600.50.
SKIPPACK - One charged in crash
Linda Jungers, 53, of Harleysville, was charged in district court for her involvement in a two-vehicle crash June 27 at 9:52 p.m. on the 4000 block of Skippack Pike, police said.
Police said Jungers, driving a 2002 Toyota Highlander, was leaving a parking lot as Stephen Bogdan, 51, of Cheltenham, driving a 1998 Buick LeSabre, was traveling east on Skippack Pike.
Jungers pulled out too far and struck Bogdan's passenger side, police said.
The Toyota sustained front end damage and was towed from the scene, and the Buick sustained damage to the passenger side, police said.
A passenger in the Buick, Florence Bogdan, 84, was evaluated on scene by EMS, police said.
Assault arrest
Monique Y. Denard, 27, of Philadelphia, was charged July 2 with aggravated assault, aggravated harassment and related charges, after spitting on and kicking state troopers who arrested her for outstanding warrants, police said.
Denard was arraigned before District Judge Walter Gadzicki and committed to Montgomery County Prison in lieu of $5,000 cash bail.
On July 1 at 9 p.m., Denard was arrested for outstanding warrants and was awaiting transfer at police barracks in Skippack.
While at the barracks, she became unruly and combative. During attempts to restrain her, she spat upon two troopers and kicked one, police said.
What part of illegal ... ?
For those who are exercised for "illegal immigration," this passion and conviction are not principle — not even a good imitation of principle. The principles here are "illegal" and "the rule of law."
Webster defines "illegal" as prohibited by law, against the law, unlawful, not authorized or sanctioned — and the rule of law is the Constitution.
To codify and quantify these principles, I refer you to Federal Law Section 8 USC 1324 etc. And it states: "A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a 'federal felony' she/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or encourages that illegal alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions."
To make these principles even more abundantly clear, I cite the Congressional Record, House Pages 4257-4259. It reads: "The point here is that children of illegal aliens are not born 'under our Constitution and laws.' " By what twisted, fevered, unrestrained predilections can it be supposed that the children of illegal aliens can suddenly come "under our Constitution and laws"? Since when can one illegal action make a second illegal action lawful?
And so it begs the question: What part of "illegal" don't you understand?
Webster defines "illegal" as prohibited by law, against the law, unlawful, not authorized or sanctioned — and the rule of law is the Constitution.
To codify and quantify these principles, I refer you to Federal Law Section 8 USC 1324 etc. And it states: "A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a 'federal felony' she/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or encourages that illegal alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions."
To make these principles even more abundantly clear, I cite the Congressional Record, House Pages 4257-4259. It reads: "The point here is that children of illegal aliens are not born 'under our Constitution and laws.' " By what twisted, fevered, unrestrained predilections can it be supposed that the children of illegal aliens can suddenly come "under our Constitution and laws"? Since when can one illegal action make a second illegal action lawful?
And so it begs the question: What part of "illegal" don't you understand?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
12 illegal aliens were arrested demanding amnesty
WASHINGTON – A UC Irvine graduate who is living in the United States illegally was arrested on Capitol Hill Tuesday with a group of young people protesting the lack of a bill that would grant them legal status.
Antonia Rivera was one of 12 people – six men and six women – who were arrested after they sat in a circle in the atrium of the Hart Senate Office Building. They were charged with disorderly conduct and were being processed by Capitol Police Tuesday afternoon.
The 12 are part of hundreds of students who came to Washington this week to try and convince lawmakers to pass the DREAM Act, a bill that would allow young people who were brought here illegally by their parents a chance to gain legal status. Opponents, however, say passing such a bill would reward illegal behavior and that people who came here illegally or overstayed their visas shouldn't be allowed to remain.
Rivera is one of those people who would benefit from the DREAM Act.
The 28-year-old, who was brought here by her parents from Mexico when she was six years-old, graduated UC Irvine in 2006 with a degree in literary journalism. Since then she has been unable to work, she said, because she has no documents.
Moments before she was arrested Rivera said in an interview that she was confident that the DREAM Act would pass this year. She said if the bill passed it would mean her freedom so she wouldn't have to continue to live an underground life.
The 12 protesters were wearing graduation caps and gowns. Earlier in the day several hundred activists staged a mock graduation ceremony at a nearby church to demonstrate the fact that despite having finished college they could not work in their chosen fields of study.
On the floor in the middle of the circle in the Hart Building were banners that read "DREAM Act now" and "Undocumented and Unafraid."
"There is no demonstrating in a Capitol building,'' said Capitol Hill Police spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider. She said the charge is a misdemeanor and typically people are released the same day.
Witnesses said police approached the group, told them they had to disperse or they would be arrested. They continued to sit. A few minutes later police arrested them.
Schneider said she couldn't say whether Rivera and the other protesters – all of whom witnesses said were undocumented – would be turned over to federal immigration officials.
"Everyone will be run through the system,'' including federal data bases, Schneider said.
Before they went to the middle of the Hart building, the protesters made the rounds of Senate offices, visiting three Democratic senators all of whom support the DREAM Act. These included California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, who chairs the immigration subcommittee, and Sen. Bob Menendez, the only Hispanic senator.
"They came and sat in the reception area and talked to a member of our staff about the DREAM Act,'' said Feinstein's communications director Gil Duran. "They were there for about 30 minutes and then they left.''
The DREAM Act activists have staged similar protesters at Feinstein's offices in the state despite her support for the Act. She has co-sponsored the bill ever since Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., introduced it.
"They have the view that more should be done,'' Duran said. "It's unfortunate that they would resort to getting themselves arrested as political statement instead of working to build the bipartisan support the bill would need.''
Antonia Rivera was one of 12 people – six men and six women – who were arrested after they sat in a circle in the atrium of the Hart Senate Office Building. They were charged with disorderly conduct and were being processed by Capitol Police Tuesday afternoon.
The 12 are part of hundreds of students who came to Washington this week to try and convince lawmakers to pass the DREAM Act, a bill that would allow young people who were brought here illegally by their parents a chance to gain legal status. Opponents, however, say passing such a bill would reward illegal behavior and that people who came here illegally or overstayed their visas shouldn't be allowed to remain.
Rivera is one of those people who would benefit from the DREAM Act.
The 28-year-old, who was brought here by her parents from Mexico when she was six years-old, graduated UC Irvine in 2006 with a degree in literary journalism. Since then she has been unable to work, she said, because she has no documents.
Moments before she was arrested Rivera said in an interview that she was confident that the DREAM Act would pass this year. She said if the bill passed it would mean her freedom so she wouldn't have to continue to live an underground life.
The 12 protesters were wearing graduation caps and gowns. Earlier in the day several hundred activists staged a mock graduation ceremony at a nearby church to demonstrate the fact that despite having finished college they could not work in their chosen fields of study.
On the floor in the middle of the circle in the Hart Building were banners that read "DREAM Act now" and "Undocumented and Unafraid."
"There is no demonstrating in a Capitol building,'' said Capitol Hill Police spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider. She said the charge is a misdemeanor and typically people are released the same day.
Witnesses said police approached the group, told them they had to disperse or they would be arrested. They continued to sit. A few minutes later police arrested them.
Schneider said she couldn't say whether Rivera and the other protesters – all of whom witnesses said were undocumented – would be turned over to federal immigration officials.
"Everyone will be run through the system,'' including federal data bases, Schneider said.
Before they went to the middle of the Hart building, the protesters made the rounds of Senate offices, visiting three Democratic senators all of whom support the DREAM Act. These included California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, who chairs the immigration subcommittee, and Sen. Bob Menendez, the only Hispanic senator.
"They came and sat in the reception area and talked to a member of our staff about the DREAM Act,'' said Feinstein's communications director Gil Duran. "They were there for about 30 minutes and then they left.''
The DREAM Act activists have staged similar protesters at Feinstein's offices in the state despite her support for the Act. She has co-sponsored the bill ever since Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., introduced it.
"They have the view that more should be done,'' Duran said. "It's unfortunate that they would resort to getting themselves arrested as political statement instead of working to build the bipartisan support the bill would need.''
Bicycling llegal alien caught smuggling drugs twice in five days
On Sunday, U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested an illegal alien carrying a large amount of drugs near the Colorado River, in Yuma County, Arizona. The juvenile smuggler had 30 pounds of marijuana strapped to his back with an estimated street value of $24,000.
When the agents ran a record check on the juvenile smuggler, they discovered that he had been arrested for the same offense, only four days earlier. That time, he was caught with 27 pounds of marijuana.
Both times, he brought the drugs across the border on his bicycle. Border Patrols agents turned the juvenile over to the Yuma County Narcotics Task Force. No explanation was given as to why the smuggler was released after last week’s arrest. Is there a 'catch and release' policy for drug smugglers now as well?
When the agents ran a record check on the juvenile smuggler, they discovered that he had been arrested for the same offense, only four days earlier. That time, he was caught with 27 pounds of marijuana.
Both times, he brought the drugs across the border on his bicycle. Border Patrols agents turned the juvenile over to the Yuma County Narcotics Task Force. No explanation was given as to why the smuggler was released after last week’s arrest. Is there a 'catch and release' policy for drug smugglers now as well?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Taxpayer-Funded Penis Pump For Jailed Illegal Alien
Proving that the illegal immigration crisis is not limited to border states, an undocumented alien in a Midwest prison for a felony conviction fleeced U.S. taxpayers for tens of thousands of dollars worth of medical care, including surgery for an inflatable penis pump.
The unbelievable story was recently made public by officials in a tiny Minnesota town—Shakopee—that has been enormously impacted by illegal immigrants. In the last few years, the cost of incarcerating illegal aliens has grown nearly tenfold in the small county (Scott) that encompasses the town of about 25,000 residents.
Last year alone Scott County, with a population of about 114,000, spent $307,000 to jail illegal aliens and nearly $1 million in the last four years combined. The figure doesn’t even include medical coverage, education or welfare for illegal aliens, which local officials say state and federal laws require them to provide.
Incredibly, the mandatory coverage includes penis pumps, which in this particular case, was billed as an “emergency” medical procedure that cost taxpayers $50,000. Jailed for identity theft, the illegal immigrant has also incurred tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills in addition to that emergency penis pump surgery.
After serving 98 days for that felony in the Scott County Jail — at a $12,000 cost to local taxpayers — the man was supposed to be held for deportation. Instead, he was released and assigned a deportation court date even though he has a history of jumping bail. The same illegal immigrant had an arrest warrant for skipping bail involving a separate crime when he got booked in Scott County for identity theft.
The information regarding this and other similar cases came to light because county prosecutors launched a probe of the financial toll created by illegal immigrants after a gang-related stabbing earlier this month. The gang bangers who murdered the Coon Rapids man during a turf fight lived in Shakopee and belonged to the notoriously violent Latin Kings.
This illustrates that rural America has indeed been hit by an illegal immigration crisis once thought to affect only border states. Minnesota officials point out that, although Scott County is thousands of miles from the U.S.-Mexican border, illegal immigrants are devastating their community. That’s why one Scott County lawmaker, Commissioner Barbara Marschall, applauds Arizona officials for saying “we’ve had enough.”
The unbelievable story was recently made public by officials in a tiny Minnesota town—Shakopee—that has been enormously impacted by illegal immigrants. In the last few years, the cost of incarcerating illegal aliens has grown nearly tenfold in the small county (Scott) that encompasses the town of about 25,000 residents.
Last year alone Scott County, with a population of about 114,000, spent $307,000 to jail illegal aliens and nearly $1 million in the last four years combined. The figure doesn’t even include medical coverage, education or welfare for illegal aliens, which local officials say state and federal laws require them to provide.
Incredibly, the mandatory coverage includes penis pumps, which in this particular case, was billed as an “emergency” medical procedure that cost taxpayers $50,000. Jailed for identity theft, the illegal immigrant has also incurred tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills in addition to that emergency penis pump surgery.
After serving 98 days for that felony in the Scott County Jail — at a $12,000 cost to local taxpayers — the man was supposed to be held for deportation. Instead, he was released and assigned a deportation court date even though he has a history of jumping bail. The same illegal immigrant had an arrest warrant for skipping bail involving a separate crime when he got booked in Scott County for identity theft.
The information regarding this and other similar cases came to light because county prosecutors launched a probe of the financial toll created by illegal immigrants after a gang-related stabbing earlier this month. The gang bangers who murdered the Coon Rapids man during a turf fight lived in Shakopee and belonged to the notoriously violent Latin Kings.
This illustrates that rural America has indeed been hit by an illegal immigration crisis once thought to affect only border states. Minnesota officials point out that, although Scott County is thousands of miles from the U.S.-Mexican border, illegal immigrants are devastating their community. That’s why one Scott County lawmaker, Commissioner Barbara Marschall, applauds Arizona officials for saying “we’ve had enough.”
Saturday, July 17, 2010
25 illegal aliens caught at Air Force Base, as they reported for work
On Wednesday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents detained 25 illegal aliens who attempted to enter Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter, SC. All of the were carrying fake identification and worked for a contractor doing work on the base.
According to ICE, two of the illegal aliens were being held in the Charleston County Jail, as they were wanted on other charges. The other 23 were released pending deportation hearings.
The foreign nationals were working for Palacio Drywall of Cornelius. The company is being used as a subcontractor for Caddel Construction Co. of Montgomery, Alabama.
According to ICE, two of the illegal aliens were being held in the Charleston County Jail, as they were wanted on other charges. The other 23 were released pending deportation hearings.
The foreign nationals were working for Palacio Drywall of Cornelius. The company is being used as a subcontractor for Caddel Construction Co. of Montgomery, Alabama.
21 Illegal alien gang members arrested in Sunnyside sweep
SUNNYSIDE - A gang sweep by federal and local law enforcement agencies earlier this week netted 21 gang members arrested for a variety of crimes, including 10 for immigration violations.
Officers with the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, the state Department of Corrections and the Sunnyside Police Department participated in the sweep Tuesday and Wednesday in Sunnyside, Toppenish, Granger and Grandview, said Charlotte Hinderlider, a Sunnyside police spokeswoman.
All the people arrested are known gang members, Hinderlider said. She did not know the details of their cases.
The 10 people detained for immigration violations were male Mexican nationals between the ages of 15 and 40, said ICE spokeswoman Lorie Dankers in Seattle.
All are considered criminal aliens, meaning they are accused of committing some crime while in the country illegally.
One 38-year-old man was arrested in Sunnyside for re-entering the United States after deportation. He has been deported and come back illegally twice, Dankers said. His previous convictions include unlawful possession of a firearm and taking a motor vehicle without permission.
The man's case has been forwarded to the U.S. Attorney's office in Spokane for re-entry after deportation charges, Dankers said.
Federal authorities such as ICE occasionally work with local agencies to round up fugitives with gang connections, Dankers said. A similar sweep in May in the Tri-Cities netted 27 arrests.
Officers with the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, the state Department of Corrections and the Sunnyside Police Department participated in the sweep Tuesday and Wednesday in Sunnyside, Toppenish, Granger and Grandview, said Charlotte Hinderlider, a Sunnyside police spokeswoman.
All the people arrested are known gang members, Hinderlider said. She did not know the details of their cases.
The 10 people detained for immigration violations were male Mexican nationals between the ages of 15 and 40, said ICE spokeswoman Lorie Dankers in Seattle.
All are considered criminal aliens, meaning they are accused of committing some crime while in the country illegally.
One 38-year-old man was arrested in Sunnyside for re-entering the United States after deportation. He has been deported and come back illegally twice, Dankers said. His previous convictions include unlawful possession of a firearm and taking a motor vehicle without permission.
The man's case has been forwarded to the U.S. Attorney's office in Spokane for re-entry after deportation charges, Dankers said.
Federal authorities such as ICE occasionally work with local agencies to round up fugitives with gang connections, Dankers said. A similar sweep in May in the Tri-Cities netted 27 arrests.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Eric Johnson: Prison camps for illegal aliens
Eric Johnson said Friday that he wanted to round up illegal immigrants in Georgia and he was willing to build prison camps to house them for deportation if elected governor
“If we have to set up a Guantanamo Bay of Georgia, I would do it," the Savannah Republican said at a debate among five of the seven Republican candidates for governor being taped at WSB TV.
The debate was hosted by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and PolitiFact Georgia, WSB TV and WSB Radio, and the League of Women Voters. It will air Saturday on WSB TV.
Johnson, a former state senator, far surpassed immigration positions taken by other Republican or Democratic candidates at their respective debates Friday.
At the Democratic debate taped earlier in the day, Roy Barnes, the front-runner among seven Democrats candidates, said he would sign an Arizona-type law to use state officials to crack down on illegal immigrants. But Barnes added that he was reluctant to use state dollars to pay the costs of incarcerating the illegal immigrants.
Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine, the front-runner in the race for the GOP nomination, said he wanted to sue the federal government to recover state money spent on the education, health care and prison costs of illegal immigrants.
“I’m tired of Georgia taxpayers paying for illegal aliens because the federal government has fallen down on the job,” said Oxendine of Gwinnett County. “I want to sue the federal government and get that money back for Georgia taxpayers.”
Ray McBerry of Henry County, who defines himself as a strict constitutionalist, said if he was elected governor he would work with local sheriffs to round up illegal immigrants and, if necessary, bus them to Washington and drop them off by the White House.
Other candidates took a more sober approach. Nathan Deal, a former congressman, said he would sign an Arizona-type law.
One member of the panel of questioners, Jim Galloway, a political columnist for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, pressed Deal on how far he would go to "cleanse" the state of illegal immigrants.
"It is largely a federal issue," said Deal of Hall County. “We can be a responsible partner in that process."
State Sen. Jeff Chapman said he would be careful before committing the state to an expensive roundup of illegal immigrants. He said deporting them would be very costly, but he said passing an Arizona-type law might deter more illegal immigrants from coming to the Peach State. "Doing nothing is not acceptable," the Brunswick Republican said.
He and other candidates proposed cracking down on employers who hire illegal immigrants.
Two Republican candidates didn't show up for the debate. Otis Putnam, a native of Brunswick, and Karen Handel of Alpharetta, who now appears to be in second place behind Oxendine. The candidates attacked Handel for negative campaigning.
Meanwhile, it was clear that the debate was taking place in metro Atlanta, home to about half of the state's GOP voters. Four of the five candidates at the debate said they would support legislation that allowed local governments to approve Sunday alcohol sales, a piece of legislation that rural lawmakers have shot down for years.
Oxendine, Deal, Johnson and McBerry said they would not impose their own strong religious beliefs against Sunday sales of alcohol, saying it was an issue that was best left to locals. Only Chapman disagreed. "I would impose my personal views and veto that piece of legislation,” Chapman said.
The Democratic candidates’ debate will air at 10 a.m. Saturday on WSB TV, and the Republicans’ debate will follow at 11 a.m. John Pruitt of WSB TV was the moderator. In addition to Galloway, questioners were Condace Pressley from News Talk 750 and Lori Geary of WSB TV.
“If we have to set up a Guantanamo Bay of Georgia, I would do it," the Savannah Republican said at a debate among five of the seven Republican candidates for governor being taped at WSB TV.
The debate was hosted by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and PolitiFact Georgia, WSB TV and WSB Radio, and the League of Women Voters. It will air Saturday on WSB TV.
Johnson, a former state senator, far surpassed immigration positions taken by other Republican or Democratic candidates at their respective debates Friday.
At the Democratic debate taped earlier in the day, Roy Barnes, the front-runner among seven Democrats candidates, said he would sign an Arizona-type law to use state officials to crack down on illegal immigrants. But Barnes added that he was reluctant to use state dollars to pay the costs of incarcerating the illegal immigrants.
Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine, the front-runner in the race for the GOP nomination, said he wanted to sue the federal government to recover state money spent on the education, health care and prison costs of illegal immigrants.
“I’m tired of Georgia taxpayers paying for illegal aliens because the federal government has fallen down on the job,” said Oxendine of Gwinnett County. “I want to sue the federal government and get that money back for Georgia taxpayers.”
Ray McBerry of Henry County, who defines himself as a strict constitutionalist, said if he was elected governor he would work with local sheriffs to round up illegal immigrants and, if necessary, bus them to Washington and drop them off by the White House.
Other candidates took a more sober approach. Nathan Deal, a former congressman, said he would sign an Arizona-type law.
One member of the panel of questioners, Jim Galloway, a political columnist for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, pressed Deal on how far he would go to "cleanse" the state of illegal immigrants.
"It is largely a federal issue," said Deal of Hall County. “We can be a responsible partner in that process."
State Sen. Jeff Chapman said he would be careful before committing the state to an expensive roundup of illegal immigrants. He said deporting them would be very costly, but he said passing an Arizona-type law might deter more illegal immigrants from coming to the Peach State. "Doing nothing is not acceptable," the Brunswick Republican said.
He and other candidates proposed cracking down on employers who hire illegal immigrants.
Two Republican candidates didn't show up for the debate. Otis Putnam, a native of Brunswick, and Karen Handel of Alpharetta, who now appears to be in second place behind Oxendine. The candidates attacked Handel for negative campaigning.
Meanwhile, it was clear that the debate was taking place in metro Atlanta, home to about half of the state's GOP voters. Four of the five candidates at the debate said they would support legislation that allowed local governments to approve Sunday alcohol sales, a piece of legislation that rural lawmakers have shot down for years.
Oxendine, Deal, Johnson and McBerry said they would not impose their own strong religious beliefs against Sunday sales of alcohol, saying it was an issue that was best left to locals. Only Chapman disagreed. "I would impose my personal views and veto that piece of legislation,” Chapman said.
The Democratic candidates’ debate will air at 10 a.m. Saturday on WSB TV, and the Republicans’ debate will follow at 11 a.m. John Pruitt of WSB TV was the moderator. In addition to Galloway, questioners were Condace Pressley from News Talk 750 and Lori Geary of WSB TV.
22 illegal aliens in boat detained off SoCal coast
CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. — Border patrol agents have detained 22 immigrants who entered the country illegally on a panga boat off the San Diego County coast.
Agents on patrol near Camp Pendleton spotted the group disembarking at 3:30 a.m. Friday.
Officers with Oceanside Harbor Police intercepted the boat and stopped the smugglers from escaping.
Agents say the immigrants were at sea for a long time and several were suffering from dehydration and severe sun exposure.
The Border Patrol says 20 Mexicans, one Guatemalan and one Colombian were taken to a local station for processing and deportation.
Agents on patrol near Camp Pendleton spotted the group disembarking at 3:30 a.m. Friday.
Officers with Oceanside Harbor Police intercepted the boat and stopped the smugglers from escaping.
Agents say the immigrants were at sea for a long time and several were suffering from dehydration and severe sun exposure.
The Border Patrol says 20 Mexicans, one Guatemalan and one Colombian were taken to a local station for processing and deportation.
obama’s Reasons for Downplaying Tough Illegal Alien Enforcement
The crux of the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Arizona’s immigration law is that state law enforcement shouldn’t do the job of the feds in cracking down on illegal immigration. But some Immigration and Customs Enforcement programs already blur the line between state and local authorities. Over at Salon, Daniel Denvir looks into ICE’s Secure Communities program, which critics say forces local law enforcement to take up immigration enforcement — whether they want to or not.
It’s worth reading the whole piece, but I’ll break down some of the key points. The program implements information sharing between federal and local authorities, asking local police to enter fingerprints of suspects into a program so they can be checked by immigration agents. The information can then be used for deportations — even if the suspects are cleared of the crimes that led to their arrest. ICE plans to implement the program nationwide by 2013, but it’s already in operation in 437 jurisdictions and 24 states. It’s not clear whether cities are able to opt out — Denvir gets conflicting answers — despite complaints from city officials and law enforcement that it could harm their ability to fight other crime.
The problem with the program, according to critics, is that it targets all illegal immigrants equally. The DHS has been touting a new push to prioritize illegal immigrants who are also dangerous criminals and employers who hire undocumented workers. But the Secure Communities program skews that balance: In its first year, more than 88 percent of those deported under the program were arrested for the least serious classes of offenses.
Critics claim that Secure Communities allows deportations to stay in the dark, enabling the Obama administration to stay away from politically damaging stories of families being separated. But there are also political problems with playing down heavy enforcement, as Edward Schumacher-Matos of The Washington Post argued yesterday. Images of enforcement victories may not be palatable for Democratic leadership, but the dearth of them makes people worry the administration doesn’t care about enforcement:
A big part of leadership is showmanship, and President Obama legitimately has something to show. But I have asked administration officials why they don’t and, after much squirming, it comes down to the human face of those who are being punished. Those being jailed and deported are mostly honest, well-meaning people, many of them poor, who sneaked across the border or overstayed their visas because they wanted to work. Some have children, adding to the drama.
Such images don’t sit well with administration officials personally or politically, many of them having previously worked on immigration issues. The images raise the hackles of the religious groups, immigrant activists, and Latino and other ethnic groups that are part of Obama’s base.
And so the administration politically muddles. It somehow hopes to persuade the American public to support a total overhaul of the immigration system by proving that the government can be trusted to enforce the law, but without campaigning on its enforcement effectiveness so as not to offend the president’s base constituencies. It blames Republicans for the failure to pass comprehensive immigration reform. For good measure, it blames Republicans for the plight of the poor immigrants, even though it is Democrats who are carrying out the enforcement.
It’s worth reading the whole piece, but I’ll break down some of the key points. The program implements information sharing between federal and local authorities, asking local police to enter fingerprints of suspects into a program so they can be checked by immigration agents. The information can then be used for deportations — even if the suspects are cleared of the crimes that led to their arrest. ICE plans to implement the program nationwide by 2013, but it’s already in operation in 437 jurisdictions and 24 states. It’s not clear whether cities are able to opt out — Denvir gets conflicting answers — despite complaints from city officials and law enforcement that it could harm their ability to fight other crime.
The problem with the program, according to critics, is that it targets all illegal immigrants equally. The DHS has been touting a new push to prioritize illegal immigrants who are also dangerous criminals and employers who hire undocumented workers. But the Secure Communities program skews that balance: In its first year, more than 88 percent of those deported under the program were arrested for the least serious classes of offenses.
Critics claim that Secure Communities allows deportations to stay in the dark, enabling the Obama administration to stay away from politically damaging stories of families being separated. But there are also political problems with playing down heavy enforcement, as Edward Schumacher-Matos of The Washington Post argued yesterday. Images of enforcement victories may not be palatable for Democratic leadership, but the dearth of them makes people worry the administration doesn’t care about enforcement:
A big part of leadership is showmanship, and President Obama legitimately has something to show. But I have asked administration officials why they don’t and, after much squirming, it comes down to the human face of those who are being punished. Those being jailed and deported are mostly honest, well-meaning people, many of them poor, who sneaked across the border or overstayed their visas because they wanted to work. Some have children, adding to the drama.
Such images don’t sit well with administration officials personally or politically, many of them having previously worked on immigration issues. The images raise the hackles of the religious groups, immigrant activists, and Latino and other ethnic groups that are part of Obama’s base.
And so the administration politically muddles. It somehow hopes to persuade the American public to support a total overhaul of the immigration system by proving that the government can be trusted to enforce the law, but without campaigning on its enforcement effectiveness so as not to offend the president’s base constituencies. It blames Republicans for the failure to pass comprehensive immigration reform. For good measure, it blames Republicans for the plight of the poor immigrants, even though it is Democrats who are carrying out the enforcement.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Living the life of an illegal alien pays
Although I am a legal citizen, may I also falsify Social Security numbers, personal information and claim to not be a legal resident, or isn't my dishonesty alone a crime?
The reason I ask this is that, based upon the current economy, my financial status is quite challenging, with monthly cash-flow deficits and daily penny-pinching activities. Not only have I lost substantial assets, but substantial weight as well, and if I claimed to be an illegal, I would hopefully qualify for both welfare and food stamps.
I hope my dishonesty would work, but being a truly legal citizen, the odds are that I cannot violate any federal law without being fined and/or incarcerated, but since illegals are allowed to violate what is considered a minimal federal law by sneaking across the border, shouldn't I also be allowed to violate a minimal federal law, as long as it is not at gunpoint? I would definitely be better off if I could avoid paying federal income taxes, which would be, indeed, merely a minimal violation, based upon my limited income.
Keeping my hard-earned, life- sustaining money for myself, while pretending to be an illegal, would keep me from having to donate to the truly illegal. If I never, ever, turn in another federal tax return, I should receive amnesty for my violation, since technically both me and my taxes would be undocumented.
The reason I ask this is that, based upon the current economy, my financial status is quite challenging, with monthly cash-flow deficits and daily penny-pinching activities. Not only have I lost substantial assets, but substantial weight as well, and if I claimed to be an illegal, I would hopefully qualify for both welfare and food stamps.
I hope my dishonesty would work, but being a truly legal citizen, the odds are that I cannot violate any federal law without being fined and/or incarcerated, but since illegals are allowed to violate what is considered a minimal federal law by sneaking across the border, shouldn't I also be allowed to violate a minimal federal law, as long as it is not at gunpoint? I would definitely be better off if I could avoid paying federal income taxes, which would be, indeed, merely a minimal violation, based upon my limited income.
Keeping my hard-earned, life- sustaining money for myself, while pretending to be an illegal, would keep me from having to donate to the truly illegal. If I never, ever, turn in another federal tax return, I should receive amnesty for my violation, since technically both me and my taxes would be undocumented.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Police: Illegal Aliens Raped 14-Year-Old Texas Girl at July 4th Party
A pair of illegal immigrants raped a 14-year-old Texas girl at July 4th party in Texas, where the teen was later found sitting naked in a bathtub, police said.
The victim told police that she went to an Independence Day party with her cousin in Horseshoe Bay, Tex., about 40 miles northwest of Austin, where she was left in a room with Anibal Escobar, 19, and Anael Martinez, 22, MyFoxAustin reported.
The two Honduran natives, who told police they are in the U.S. illegally, made advances at the victim and then raped her, she told police. The victim’s cousin discovered her in the bathtub and brought her home.
Escobar and Martinez were arrested early in the morning on July 9 and face felony charges of aggravated sexual assault, MyFoxAustin reported. Local investigators contacted Texas Rangers to assist in their investigation and translate, as none of the witnesses at the party or the suspects spoke English.
Source - http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/07/13/police-illegal-immigrants-rape-year-old-texas-girl-july-th-party/
The victim told police that she went to an Independence Day party with her cousin in Horseshoe Bay, Tex., about 40 miles northwest of Austin, where she was left in a room with Anibal Escobar, 19, and Anael Martinez, 22, MyFoxAustin reported.
The two Honduran natives, who told police they are in the U.S. illegally, made advances at the victim and then raped her, she told police. The victim’s cousin discovered her in the bathtub and brought her home.
Escobar and Martinez were arrested early in the morning on July 9 and face felony charges of aggravated sexual assault, MyFoxAustin reported. Local investigators contacted Texas Rangers to assist in their investigation and translate, as none of the witnesses at the party or the suspects spoke English.
Source - http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/07/13/police-illegal-immigrants-rape-year-old-texas-girl-july-th-party/
anael martinez,
anibal escobar,
illegal aliens,
illegal immigrants,
sex crime,
sex offender,
Monday, July 12, 2010
Illegal alien arrested for alleged Bernardsville home burglary, attack
BERNARDSVILLE — A Bedminster man was arrested today after he broke into the home of an acquaintance in Bernardsville and threatened to kill the woman and her friend, authorities said.
Elvin Hernandez, 31, of Klines Mill Road, was charged with terroristic threats, burglary and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, as well as disorderly persons offenses for assault for the attack that occurred before dawn today, acting Somerset County Prosecutor A. Peter DeMarco Jr. said. Bail was set at $25,000 cash.
The alleged victim, a 25-year-old Old Colony Road resident, called police at 3:39 a.m. and said she and her friend, a 25-year-old Gladstone man, had been attacked by Hernandez. The victims were treated by the Bernardsville First Aid Squad for minor injuries, DeMarco said.
Hernandez confronted the victims inside the house, but the man was able to get Hernandez out the front door, DeMarco said. Moments later, Hernandez forced his way back in by breaking in the back door.
Hernandez took a kitchen knife and forced the woman into the first-floor bathroom, and threatened to kill her and the man. The pair was able to escape and called police from a second-floor bedroom, DeMarco said.
Detectives from Bernardsville, the prosecutor’s Major Crimes Squad and the prosecutor’s Crime Scene Investigation and Forensics Unit responded, along with multiple agencies, including the K-9 units from Readington and the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office.
Shortly after 5 a.m., a Bernards police officer spotted a shirtless Hernandez in Olcott Square on Anderson Hill Road in Bernardsville. Hernandez had cuts on his arm and his jeans were covered in blood, DeMarco said.
Hernandez was treated at Morristown Memorial Hospital and released back into police custody. Detectives notified U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement and an immigration detainer was issued, DeMarco said. There will be an investigation to determine whether Hernandez, a Honduran national, is subject to deportation.
Elvin Hernandez, 31, of Klines Mill Road, was charged with terroristic threats, burglary and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, as well as disorderly persons offenses for assault for the attack that occurred before dawn today, acting Somerset County Prosecutor A. Peter DeMarco Jr. said. Bail was set at $25,000 cash.
The alleged victim, a 25-year-old Old Colony Road resident, called police at 3:39 a.m. and said she and her friend, a 25-year-old Gladstone man, had been attacked by Hernandez. The victims were treated by the Bernardsville First Aid Squad for minor injuries, DeMarco said.
Hernandez confronted the victims inside the house, but the man was able to get Hernandez out the front door, DeMarco said. Moments later, Hernandez forced his way back in by breaking in the back door.
Hernandez took a kitchen knife and forced the woman into the first-floor bathroom, and threatened to kill her and the man. The pair was able to escape and called police from a second-floor bedroom, DeMarco said.
Detectives from Bernardsville, the prosecutor’s Major Crimes Squad and the prosecutor’s Crime Scene Investigation and Forensics Unit responded, along with multiple agencies, including the K-9 units from Readington and the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office.
Shortly after 5 a.m., a Bernards police officer spotted a shirtless Hernandez in Olcott Square on Anderson Hill Road in Bernardsville. Hernandez had cuts on his arm and his jeans were covered in blood, DeMarco said.
Hernandez was treated at Morristown Memorial Hospital and released back into police custody. Detectives notified U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement and an immigration detainer was issued, DeMarco said. There will be an investigation to determine whether Hernandez, a Honduran national, is subject to deportation.
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